Git and Github tutorials

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Previous | Next | Guide to using Git with GEOS-Chem

  1. Introduction to Git
  2. Installing Git
  3. First-time Git setup
  4. Cloning (i.e. downloading for the first time)
  5. Ignoring files
  6. Viewing the revision history
  7. Using Git GUI
  8. Branching
  9. Committing
  10. Tagging
  11. Merging
  12. Receiving updates (aka pulling)
  13. Using patches to share your updates with others
  14. Advanced Git usage
  15. Git and Github tutorials

Tutorials about Git

Here are some useful resources for learning the various Git commands:

For beginners

Git user manual
The official Git user manual
Github Cheat Sheet (PDF)
Brief overview of commonly used Git commands
Visual Git Cheat Sheet
Interactive guide for visual learners
Git tutorial video
Excellent lecture given by Bart Trojanowski for the Ottawa Group of Ruby Enthusiasts. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

For more advanced users

Excellent online book that discusses many of Git's features, and how to use them like a pro.
Descriptive online book that goes into the nitty-gritty of Git usage. A worthwhile read!

Tutorials about Github

Github is a site where you can host multiple Git repositories. It is particularly useful for open-source projects such as GEOS-Chem.

If you are going to be submitting code for inclusion into GEOS-Chem, we recommend that you set up your own Github account. You can then fork the GEOS-Chem repository (i.e. clone it directly to your Github account), modify it, and then create a pull request (i.e. request to merge your code into GEOS-Chem). Please see these resources for more information:

  1. An Intro to Git and Github for beginners (Hubspot)
  2. Github for beginners: Don't get scared, get started! (Lauren Orsini)
  3. Github for beginners: Commit, push and go! (Lauren Orsini)
  4. Creating a pull request (Github)
  5. Fork a repository (Github)
  6. Using the Fork-and-Branch Git Workflow (Scott's Weblog)

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