List of diagnostics archived to bpch format
Most bpch diagnostics have been removed from GEOS-Chem 12.7.0 and later versions.
On this page we list the various diagnostic quantities that you can archive with GEOS-Chem. These diagnostic quantities are archived to "binary punch" (aka bpch) format.
- 1 Overview
- 2 ND01: Rn-Pb-Be sources
- 3 ND02: Rn-Pb-Be decay
- 4 ND03: Mercury emissions and P/L
- 5 ND04: CO2 sources
- 6 ND05: P/L for sulfate aerosols
- 7 ND06: Dust emissions
- 8 ND07: BC and OC sources
- 9 ND08: Sea salt emissions
- 10 ND09: HCN and CH3CN sources and sinks
- 11 ND11: Acetone sources and sinks
- 12 ND12: PBL diagnostics
- 13 ND13: Sulfur emissions
- 14 ND14: Convective mass flux
- 15 ND15: Boundary layer mixing mass flux
- 16 ND16: Precipitation fractions
- 17 ND17: Rainout fraction
- 18 ND18: Washout fraction
- 19 ND19: CH4 loss
- 20 ND20: Save O3 P/L rates
- 21 ND21: Cloud diagnostics
- 22 ND22: Photolysis diagnostics
- 23 ND23: Mean OH
- 24 ND24 - ND26: Mass transport flux
- 25 ND28: Biomass burning emissions
- 26 ND29: CO sources
- 27 ND30: Land map
- 28 ND31: Pressure at model edges
- 29 ND32: NO emissions
- 30 ND34: Biofuel emissions
- 31 ND36: Anthropogenic emissions
- 32 ND37: Fraction of species scavenged in updrafts
- 33 ND38: Loss of species by convection
- 34 ND39: Loss of species by rainout and washout
- 35 ND40: Plane flight diagnostic
- 36 ND41: Afternoon PBL height
- 37 ND42: Aerosol mass and PM2.5 diagnostics
- 38 ND43: Chemical production of OH and HO2
- 39 ND44: Dry deposition diagnostics
- 40 ND45: Species concentrations
- 41 ND46: Biogenic emissions
- 42 ND47: 24h average concentrations
- 43 ND48: Station timeseries
- 44 ND49: Instantaneous timeseries
- 45 ND50: 24h average timeseries
- 46 ND51 and ND51b: Satellite timeseries
- 47 ND52: Gamma HO2
- 48 ND53: POPs diagnostics
- 49 ND54: Time in troposphere
- 50 ND55: Tropopause diagnostics
- 51 ND56: Lightning diagnostics
- 52 ND57: Potential temperature
- 53 ND58: CH4 emissions
- 54 ND59: TOMAS size-resolved aerosol emissions
- 55 ND60
- 56 ND61: TOMAS 3-D rate
- 57 ND62: Instantaneous columns
- 58 ND63: Ship emission diagnostics
- 59 ND64: Radiative flux
- 60 ND65: Chemical production and loss diagnostics
- 61 ND66: GMAO 3-D met fields
- 62 ND67: GMAO 2-D met fields
- 63 ND68: Air mass and related quantities
- 64 ND69: Surface areas
- 65 ND70: Print debug output
- 66 ND71: Hourly maximum mixing ratio
- 67 ND72: RRTMG diagnostics
- 68 ND73: ISORROPIA diagnostics
The tables below list the following parameters for each diagnostic that is archived to bpch format:
NDxx # | The index for each slot of the given "NDxx" bpch diaggnostic. |
Dims | Diagnostics are usually 2-D or 3-D, with I,J,L for longitude, latitude and level indices.
N as a third or fourth dimension refers to the number of species that a diagnostic can carry. |
Description | A short overview of the given diagnostic. |
Units | The physical units of the given diagnostic quantity |
Category | The 8-character name used by GAMAP to reference a particular diagnostic field. Information about how to set the different flags in the input.geos file can be found in the Diagnostic Menu section of our GEOS-Chem Input Files wiki page. |
Simulations | A list of simulations for which this particular diagnostic is valid. |
netCDF equivalent | The name under which the same diagnostic is available as netCDF output (in GEOS-Chem v11-02 and higher). See the List of diagnostics archived to netCDF format wiki page for more information. |
You can specify which diagnostic quantities you want to archive by modifying the various menus of the input.geos file, which is contained in your the GEOS-Chem run directory. The relevant menus of input.geos are:
ND01: Rn-Pb-Be sources
ND01 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L) | 222Rn emissions | kg/s | RN-SRCE | Rn-Pb-Be | EmisRn_Soil | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
2 | (I,J,L) | 210Pb emissions | kg/s | RN-SRCE | Rn-Pb-Be | PbfromRadDecay | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
3 | (I,J,L) | 7Be emissions | kg/s | RN-SRCE | Rn-Pb-Be | EmisBe_Cosmic | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND02: Rn-Pb-Be decay
ND02 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L) | 222Rn loss | kg/s | RN-DECAY | Rn-Pb-Be | RadDecay_Rn | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
2 | (I,J,L) | 210Pb loss | kg/s | RN-DECAY | Rn-Pb-Be | RadDecay_Pb | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
3 | (I,J,L) | 7Be loss | kg/s | RN-DECAY | Rn-Pb-Be | RadDecay_Be7 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND03: Mercury emissions and P/L
NOTE: The slots of the ND03 diagnostic were updated in GEOS-Chem 12.0.0. The bpch diagnostics are slated for removal in a future version of GEOS-Chem.
ND03 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
Hg emission diagnostics (HG-SRCE) | |||||||
1 | (I,J) | Anthropogenic Hg0 emission | kg | HG-SRCE | Hg tagHg |
EmisHg0anthro | |
2 | (I,J) | Total mass of oceanic Hg0 | kg | HG-SRCE | Hg tagHg |
MassHg0inOcean | |
3 | (I,J) | Oceanic emission of Hg0 | kg | HG-SRCE | Hg tagHg |
EmisHg0ocean | |
4 | (I,J) | Land reemission of Hg0 | kg | HG-SRCE | Hg tagHg |
EmisHg0land | |
5 | (I,J) | Land natural emission of Hg0 | kg | HG-SRCE | Hg tagHg |
EmisHg0geogenic | |
6 | (I,J) | Anthropogenic Hg2 emission | kg | HG-SRCE | Hg tagHg |
EmisHg2HgPanthro | |
7 | (I,J) | Total mass of oceanic Hg2 | kg | HG-SRCE | Hg tagHg |
MassHg2inOcean | |
8 | (I,J) | Mass of Hg2 sunk in the ocean | kg | HG-SRCE | Hg tagHg |
FluxHg2toDeepOcean | netCDF units: kg/s |
9 | (I,J) | Anthropogenic HgP emission | kg | HG-SRCE | Hg tagHg |
NOTE: HgP is now emitted into Hg2 | |
10 | (I,J) | Total oceanic mercury | kg | HG-SRCE | Hg tagHg |
MassHgTotalOcean | |
11 | (I,J) | Total mass of oceanic HgP | kg | HG-SRCE | Hg tagHg |
MassHgPinOcean | |
12 | (I,J) | Mass of organic carbon sunk in ocean | kg | HG-SRCE | Hg tagHg |
FluxOCtoDeepOcean | netCDF units: kg/s |
13 | (I,J) | Emissions from biomass burning | kg | HG-SRCE | Hg tagHg |
EmisHg0biomass | |
14 | (I,J) | Emissions from vegetation | kg | HG-SRCE | Hg tagHg |
EmisHg0vegetation | |
15 | (I,J) | Emissions from soils | kg | HG-SRCE | Hg tagHg |
EmisHg0soil | |
16 | (I,J) | Flux-up Hg0 volat from ocean | kg | HG-SRCE | Hg tagHg |
FluxHg0fromOceanToAir | netCDF units: kg/s |
17 | (I,J) | Flux-down Hg0 dry dep to ocean | kg | HG-SRCE | Hg tagHg |
FluxHg0fromAirToOcean | netCDF units: kg/s |
18 | (I,J) | Snow emission of Hg | kg | HG-SRCE | Hg tagHg |
EmisHg0snow | |
19 | (I,J) | Hg2 delivered to ocean from snowmelt | kg | HG-SRCE | Hg tagHg |
EmisHg2snowToOcean | netCDF units: kg/s |
20 | (I,J) | Hg2/HgP deposition to open ocean | kg | HG-SRCE | Hg tagHg |
FluxHg2HgPfromAirToOcean | netCDF units: kg/s |
21 | (I,J) | Hg2/HgP deposition to snow and ice | kg | HG-SRCE | Hg tagHg |
FluxHg2HgPfromAirToSnow | netCDF units: kg/s |
22 | (I,J) | Emission of Hg2 from rivers | kg | HG-SRCE | Hg tagHg |
EmisHg2rivers | |
Production of Hg2 and related quantities (PL-HG2-$) | |||||||
1 | (I,J,L) | Production of Hg2 from Hg0 | kg | PL-HG2-$ | Hg tagHg |
ProdHg2fromHg0 | |
2 | (I,J,L) | Production of Hg2 from rxn w/ OH | kg | PL-HG2-$ | Hg tagHg |
ProdHg2fromOH | |
3 | (I,J,L) | Production of Hg2 from rxn w/ O3 | kg | PL-HG2-$ | Hg tagHg |
ProdHg2fromO3 | |
4 | (I,J,L) | Loss of Hg2 from rxn w/ sea salt | kg | PL-HG2-$ | Hg tagHg |
LossHg2bySeaSalt | |
5 | (I,J,L) | Loss rate of Hg2 from rxn w/ sea salt | [s-1] | PL-HG2-$ | Hg tagHg |
LossRateHg2bySeaSalt | |
6 | (I,J,L) | Production of Hg2 from Br | kg | PL-HG2-$ | Hg tagHg |
ProdHg2fromBr | |
7 | (I,J,L) | Production of Hg2 from BrY | kg | PL-HG2-$ | Hg tagHg |
ProdHg2fromBrY | |
8 | (I,J,L) | Production of Hg2 from ClY | kg | PL-HG2-$ | Hg tagHg |
ProdHg2fromClY | |
9 | (I,J,L) | Br concentration | molec/cm3 | PL-HG2-$ | Hg tagHg |
ConcBr | |
10 | (I,J,L) | BrO concentration | molec/cm3 | PL-HG2-$ | Hg tagHg |
ConcBrO | |
11 | (I,J,L) | Particulate bound mercurfy | pptv | PL-HG2-$ | Hg tagHg |
ParticulateBoundHg | |
12 | (I,J,L) | Reactive gaseous mercury | pptv | PL-HG2-$ | Hg tagHg |
ReactiveGaseousHg | |
13 | (I,J,L) | Polar Br concentration | pptv | PL-HG2-$ | Hg tagHg |
PolarConcBr | |
14 | (I,J,L) | Polar BrO concentration | pptv | PL-HG2-$ | Hg tagHg |
PolarConcBrO | |
15 | (I,J,L) | Polar BrO3 concentration | pptv | PL-HG2-$ | Hg tagHg |
PolarConcBrO3 | |
16 | (I,J,L) | Production of Hg2 from HgBr + Br2 | kg | PL-HG2-$ | Hg tagHg |
ProdHg2fromHgBrPlusBr2 | |
17 | (I,J,L) | Production of Hg2 from HgBr + BrBrO | kg | PL-HG2-$ | Hg tagHg |
ProdHg2fromHgBrPlusBrBrO | |
18 | (I,J,L) | Production of Hg2 from HgBr + BrHO2 | kg | PL-HG2-$ | Hg tagHg |
ProdHg2fromHgBrPlusBrHO2 | |
19 | (I,J,L) | Production of Hg2 from HgBr + BrNO2 | kg | PL-HG2-$ | Hg tagHg |
ProdHg2fromHgBrPlusBrNO2 | |
20 | (I,J,L) | Production of Hg2 from HgBr + BrClO | kg | PL-HG2-$ | Hg tagHg |
ProdHg2fromHgBrPlusBrClO | |
21 | (I,J,L) | Production of Hg2 from HgBr + BrOH | kg | PL-HG2-$ | Hg tagHg |
ProdHg2fromHgBrPlusBrOH |
ND04: CO2 sources
NOTE: In GEOS-Chem 12.1.0 and higher, all of the CO2 diagnostics (with the exception of the CO2 chemical source) will be archived via HEMCO diagnostics.
ND04 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J) | CO2 fossil fuel emiss | [atoms C/cm2/s] | CO2-SRCE | CO2 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
2 | (I,J) | CO2 ocean emissions | [atoms C/cm2/s] | CO2-SRCE | CO2 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
3 | (I,J) | CO2 balanced biosphere | [atoms C/cm2/s] | CO2-SRCE | CO2 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
4 | (I,J) | CO2 biomass burning emiss | [atoms C/cm2/s] | CO2-SRCE | CO2 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
5 | (I,J) | CO2 biofuel emission | [atoms C/cm2/s] | CO2-SRCE | CO2 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
6 | (I,J) | CO2 net terrestrial exchange | [atoms C/cm2/s] | CO2-SRCE | CO2 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
7 | (I,J) | CO2 ship emissions | [atoms C/cm2/s] | CO2-SRCE | CO2 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
8 | (I,J,L) | CO2 aircraft emissions | [atoms C/cm2/s] | CO2-SRCE | CO2 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
9 | (I,J,L) | CO2 chemical source | [atoms C/cm2/s] | CO2-SRCE | CO2 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
10 | (I,J) | CO2 chemical source surface correction | [atoms C/cm2/s] | CO2-SRCE | CO2 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND05: P/L for sulfate aerosols
NOTE: All fullchem refers to all simulations that use a full-chemistry mechanism (i.e. benchmark, complexSOA*, standard, tropchem. aciduptake, marinePOA, RRTMG, TOMAS).
ND05 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L) | P(SO2) from DMS + OH |
[kg S] | PL-SUL=$ | aerosol | ProdSO2fromDMSandOH | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
2 | (I,J,L) | P(SO2) from DMS + NO3 | [kg S] | PL-SUL=$ | aerosol | ProdSO2fromDMSandNO3 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
3 | (I,J,L) | Total P(SO2) from DMS | [kg S] | PL-SUL=$ | aerosol | ProdSO2fromDMS | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
4 | (I,J,L) | P(MSA) from DMS | [kg S] | PL-SUL=$ | aerosol | ProdMSAfromDMS | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
5 | (I,J,L) | P(SO4) from the gas phase | [kg S] | PL-SUL=$ | aerosol | ProdSO4fromGasPhase | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
6 | (I,J,L) | P(SO4) from aqueous oxidation of H2O2 in clouds | [kg S] | PL-SUL=$ | aerosol all fullchem |
ProdSO4fromH2O2inCloud | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
7 | (I,J,L) | P(SO4) from aqueous oxidation of O3 in clouds | [kg S] | PL-SUL=$ | aerosol all fullchem |
ProdSO4fromO3inCloud | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
8 | (I,J,L) | P(SO4) from aqueous oxidation of O2 in clouds (metal catalyzed) | [kg S] | PL-SUL=$ | aerosol all fullchem |
ProdSO4fromO2inCloudMetal | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
9 | (I,J,L) | P(SO4) from O3 on sea salt aerosols | [kg S] | PL-SUL=$ | aerosol all fullchem |
ProdSO4fromO3inSeaSAlt | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
10 | (I,J,L) | L(OH) by DMS | [kg OH] | PL-SUL=$ | aerosol | Removed in 12.0.0 | |
11 | (I,J,L) | L(NO3) by DMS | [kg NO3] | PL-SUL=$ | aerosol | Removed in 12.0.0 | |
12 | (I,J,L) | P(SO4) from oxidation on dust aerosols | [kg S] | PL-SUL=$ | aciduptake | ProdSO4fromOxidationOnDust | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
13 | (I,J,L) | P(NIT) from HNO3 uptake on dust | [kg N] | PL-SUL=$ | aciduptake | ProdNITfromHNO3UptakeOnDust | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
14 | (I,J,L) | P(SO4) from uptake of H2SO4(g) | [kg N] | PL-SUL=$ | aciduptake | ProdSO4fromUptakeOfH2SO4g | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
15 | (I,J,L) | L(HNO3) on sea salt aerosols | [kg N] | PL-SUL=$ | aerosol all fullchem |
LossHNO3onSeaSalt | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
16 | (I,J,L) | P(SO4) from aqueous oxidation with HOBr in clouds | [kg S] | PL-SUL=$ | all fullchem | ProdSO4fromHOBrInCloud | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
17 | (I,J,L) | P(SO4) from by SRO3 | [kg S] | PL-SUL=$ | aerosol all fullchem |
ProdSO4fromSRO3 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
18 | (I,J,L) | P(SO4) from SRHOBr | [kg S] | PL-SUL=$ | all fullchem | ProdSO4fromSRHOBr | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
19 | (I,J,L) | P(SO4) by O3s | [kg S] | PL-SUL=$ | aerosol all fullchem |
ProdSO4fromO3s | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND06: Dust emissions
ND06 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J) | DST1 (Dust aerosol, Reff = 0.7 microns) | [kg] | DUSTSRCE | all simulations | EmisDST1_Natural | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
2 | (I,J) | DST2 (Dust aerosol, Reff = 1.4 microns) | [kg] | DUSTSRCE | all simulations | EmisDST2_Natural | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
3 | (I,J) | DST3 (Dust aerosol, Reff = 2.4 microns) | [kg] | DUSTSRCE | all simulations | EmisDST3_Natural | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
4 | (I,J) | DST4 (Dust aerosol, Reff = 4.5 microns) | [kg] | DUSTSRCE | all simulations | EmisDST4_Natural | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND07: BC and OC sources
NOTE: All fullchem refers to all simulations that use a full-chemistry mechanism (i.e. benchmark, complexSOA*, standard, tropchem. aciduptake, marinePOA, RRTMG, TOMAS).
ND07 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J) | BLACK CARBON from anthro sources | [kg] | BC-ANTH | all fullchem aerosol |
REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
2 | (I,J) | BLACK CARBON from biomass burning | [kg] | BC-BIOB | all fullchem aerosol |
REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
3 | (I,J) | BLACK CARBON from biofuels | [kg] | BC-BIOF | all fullchem aerosol |
REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
4 | (I,J,L) | Hydrophilic BC from Hydrophobic BC | [kg] | PL-BC=$ | all fullchem aerosol |
ProdBCPIfromBCPO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
5 | (I,J) | ORGANIC CARBON from anthro sources | [kg] | OC-ANTH | all fullchem aerosol |
REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
6 | (I,J) | ORGANIC CARBON from biomass burning | [kg] | OC-BIOB | all fullchem aerosol |
REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
7 | (I,J) | ORGANIC CARBON from biofuels | [kg] | OC-BIOF | all fullchem aerosol |
REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
8 | (I,J) | ORGANIC CARBON from biogenic sources | [kg] | OC-BIOG | all fullchem aerosol |
REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
9 | (I,J,L) | Hydrophilic OC from Hydrophobic OC | [kg] | PL-OC=$ | all fullchem aerosol |
ProdOCPIfromOCPO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND07 diagnostic quantities for SOA simulations
NOTE: All complex SOA refers to all simulations that use the Complex SOA option (i.e. benchmark, complexSOA, complexSOA_SVPOA).
ND07 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
10 | (I,J) | ORGANIC CARBON : a-pinene, b-pinene, sabinene, carene source | [kg] | OC-MTPA | all complex SOA | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
11 | (I,J) | ORGANIC CARBON : limonene source | [kg] | OC-LIMO | all complex SOA | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
12 | (I,J) | ORGANIC CARBON : terpinene, terpinolene, myrcene, ocimene, other monoterpenes source | [kg] | OC-MTPO | all fullchem aerosol |
13 | (I,J) | ORGANIC CARBON : sesquiterpene source | [kg] | OC-SESQ | all complex SOA | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
15 | (I,J,L) | SOA produced from monoterpenes + sesquiterpenes | [kg] | PL-OC=$ | all complex SOA | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
16 | (I,J,L) | SOA produced from isoprene | [kg] | PL-OC=$ | all complex SOA | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
17 | (I,J,L) | SOA produced from light aromatics and IVOCs | [kg] | PL-OC=$ | all complex SOA | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
18 | (I,J,L) | SOA produced from primary SVOCs | [kg] | PL-OC=$ | all complex SOA | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
19 | (I,J,L) | SOA produced from POG + OH reaction | [kg] | PL-OC=$ | all complex SOA | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
20 | (I,J,L) | SOAG production from GLYX in aerosol | [kg] | SOAGM=$ | all complex SOA | none | Removed in 12.0.0 |
21 | (I,J,L) | SOAM production from MGLY in aerosol | [kg] | SOAGM=$ | all complex SOA | none | Removed in 12.0.0 |
22 | (I,J,L) | SOAG production from GLYX in cloud | [kg] | SOAGM=$ | all complex SOA | none | Removed in 12.0.0 |
23 | (I,J,L) | SOAM production from MGLY in cloud | [kg] | SOAGM=$ | all complex SOA | none | Removed in 12.0.0 |
ND08: Sea salt emissions
ND08 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J) | Accumulation mode seasalt | [kg] | SALTSRCE | all simulations | EmisSALA_Natural | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
2 | (I,J) | Coarse mode seasalt | [kg] | SALTSRCE | all simulations | EmisSALC_Natural | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND09: HCN and CH3CN sources and sinks
NOTE: The HCN/CH3CN simulation has been removed from GEOS-Chem, thus rendering this diagnostic obsolete. A new HCN/CH3CN simulation may be added to GEOS-Chem sometime in the future.
ND11: Acetone sources and sinks
NOTE: All fullchem refers to all simulations that use a full-chemistry mechanism (i.e. benchmark, complexSOA*, standard, tropchem. aciduptake, marinePOA, RRTMG, TOMAS).
ND11 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J) | Acetone source from MONOTERPENES | [at C/cm2/s] | ACETSRCE | all fullchem | EmisACET_Monoterp | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
2 | (I,J) | Acetone source from METHYL BUTENOL | [at C/cm2/s] | ACETSRCE | all fullchem | EmisACET_MethylBut | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
3 | (I,J) | Acetone source from DIRECT BIOGENIC EMISSION | [at C/cm2/s] | ACETSRCE | all fullchem | EmisACET_Biogenic | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
4 | (I,J) | Acetone source from OCEANS | [at C/cm2/s] | ACETSRCE | all fullchem | EmisACET_Ocean | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
5 | (I,J) | Acetone sink from OCEANS | [at C/cm2/s] | ACETSRCE | all fullchem | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND12: PBL diagnostics
ND13: Sulfur emissions
NOTE: All fullchem refers to all simulations that use a full-chemistry mechanism (i.e. benchmark, complexSOA*, standard, tropchem. aciduptake, marinePOA, RRTMG, TOMAS).
ND13 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J) | Biogenic DMS | [kg S] | DMS-BIOG | all fullchem aerosol |
EmisDMS_Ocean | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
2 | (I,J,L) | Aircraft SO2 (1 <= L <= ND13) | [kg S] | SO2-AC-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
3 | (I,J,L) | Anthropognic SO2 (1 <= L <= 2 ) | [kg S] | SO2-AN-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
4 | (I,J) | Biomass SO2 | [kg S] | SO2-BIOB | all fullchem aerosol |
REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
5 | (I,J) | Biofuel SO2 | [kg S] | SO2-BIOF | all fullchem aerosol |
REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
6 | (I,J,L) | Non-eruptive volcano SO2 (1 <= L <= ND13) | [kg S] | SO2-NV-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
7 | (I,J,L) | Eruptive volcano SO2 (1 <= L <= ND13) | [kg S] | SO2-EV-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
8 | (I,J) | Ship SO2 | [kg S] | SO2-SHIP | all fullchem aerosol |
REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
9 | (I,J,L) | Anthropogenic SO4 (1 <= L <= 2 ) | [kg S] | SO4-AN-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
10 | (I,J) | Biofuel SO4 | [kg S] | SO4-BIOF | all fullchem aerosol |
REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
11 | (I,J) | Natural NH3 | [kg S] | NH3-NATU | all fullchem aerosol |
REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
12 | (I,J) | Anthropogenic NH3 | [kg] | NH3-AN-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
13 | (I,J) | Biomass NH3 | [kg] | NH3-BIOB | all fullchem aerosol |
REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
14 | (I,J) | Biofuel NH3 | [kg] | NH3-BIOF | all fullchem aerosol |
REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND14: Convective mass flux
ND14 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L,N) | Mass change due to cloud convection | [kg/s] | CV-FLX-$ | all simulations | CloudConvFlux_?ADV? | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND15: Boundary layer mixing mass flux
ND15 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L,N) | Mass change due to boundary-layer mixing | [kg/s] | TURBMC-$ | all simulations | None yet | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND16: Precipitation fractions
ND16 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L) | Fraction of grid box having rainout + washout (large-scale precip) | [unitless] | WD-FRC-$ | all simulations | None yet | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
2 | (I,J,L) | Fraction of grid box having rainout + washout (convectvive precip) | [unitless] | WD-FRC-$ | all simulations | None yet | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND17: Rainout fraction
ND17 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L,N) | Fraction of soluble tracer lost to rainout (large-scale precip) | [unitless] | WD-LSR-$ | all simulations | None yet | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
2 | (I,J,L,N) | Fraction of soluble tracer lost to rainout (convective precip) | [unitless] | WD-CVR-$ | all simulations | None yet | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND18: Washout fraction
ND18 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L,N) | Fraction of soluble tracer lost to washout (large-scale precip) | [unitless] | WD-LSW-$ | all simulations | None yet | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
2 | (I,J,L,N) | Fraction of soluble tracer lost to washout (convective precip) | [unitless] | WD-CVW-$ | all simulations | None yet | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND19: CH4 loss
NOTE: This diagnostic only applies to the CH4 specialty simulation. The bpch diagnostic output is slated to be removed in a future version of GEOS-Chem.
ND19 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L) | CH4 removal by OH in troposphere | kg | CH4-LOSS | CH4 | LossCH4byOHinTrop | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
2 | (I,J,L) | CH4 removal in stratosphere | kg | CH4-LOSS | CH4 | LossCH4inStrat | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
3 | (I,J,L) | CH4 removal by Cl in troposphere | kg | CH4-LOSS | CH4 | LossCH4byClinTrop | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND20: Save O3 P/L rates
NOTE: All fullchem refers to all simulations that use a full-chemistry mechanism (i.e. benchmark, complexSOA*, standard, tropchem. aciduptake, marinePOA, RRTMG, TOMAS).
ND20 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L) | O3 production rates | [kg/m3/s] | PORL-L=$ | all fullchem | Prod_O3 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
2 | (I,J,L) | O3 loss rates | [1/m3/s] | PORL-L=$ | all fullchem | Loss_O3 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND21: Cloud diagnostics
NOTE: Some of the netcdf diagnostic names include an asterisk. Also asterisked diagnostics contain WL1, WL2, or WL3 which are replaced with the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd AOD wavelengths respectively in the input.geos Radiation menu at run-time.
NOTE: All fullchem refers to all simulations that use a full-chemistry mechanism (i.e. benchmark, complexSOA*, standard, tropchem. aciduptake, marinePOA, RRTMG, TOMAS).
NOTE: UCX fullchem refers to all full-chemistry simulations that use UCX (i.e. benchmark, standard, aciduptake, marinePOA).
ND21 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L) | OPTD: Cloud optical depth | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
Met_OptD | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
2 | (I,J,L) | CLDTOT: 3-D total cloud fraction (GEOS-4) | unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
Met_CldF | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
4 | (I,J,L) | OPD: Mineral dust optical depth for 1st wavelength specified in Radiation Menu | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODDust | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
5 | (I,J,L) | SD: Mineral dust surface area | [cm2/cm3] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AerSurfAreaDust | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
6 | (I,J,L) | OPSO4: Sulfate optical depth for 1st wavelength specified in Radiation Menu | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODHygWL1nm_SO4* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
7 | (I,J,L) | HGSO4: Hygroscopic growth of SO4 | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AerHygroscopicGrowth_SO4 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
8 | (I,J,L) | SSO4: Sulfate surface area | [cm2/cm3] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AerSurfArea_SO4 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
9 | (I,J,L) | OPBC: Black carbon optical depth for 1st wavelength specified in Radiation Menu | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODHygWL1nm_BCPI* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
10 | (I,J,L) | HGBC: Hygroscopic growth of BC | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AerHygroscopicGrowth_BCPI | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
11 | (I,J,L) | SBC: Black carbon surface area | [cm2/cm3] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AerSurfArea_BCPI | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
12 | (I,J,L) | OPOC: Organic carbon optical depth for 1st wavelength specified in Radiation Menu | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODHygWL1nm_OCPI* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
13 | (I,J,L) | HGOC: Hygroscopic growth of OC | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AerHygroscopicGrowth_OCPI | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
14 | (I,J,L) | SOC: Organic carbon surface area | [cm2/cm3] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AerSurfArea_OCPI | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
15 | (I,J,L) | OPSSa: Sea salt (accumulation mode) optical depth for 1st wavelength specified in Radiation Menu | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODHygWL1nm_SALA* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
16 | (I,J,L) | HGSSa: Hygroscopic growth of SSa | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AerHygroscopicGrowth_SALA | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
17 | (I,J,L) | SSSa: Sea salt (accumulation mode) surface area | [cm2/cm3] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AerSurfArea_SALA | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
18 | (I,J,L) | OPSSc: Sea salt (coarse mode) optical depth for 1st wavelength specified in Radiation Menu | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODHygWL1nm_SALC* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
19 | (I,J,L) | HGSSc: Hygroscopic growth of SSc | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AerHygroscopicGrowth_SALC | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
20 | (I,J,L) | SSSc: Sea salt (coarse mode) surface area | [cm2/cm3] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AerSurfArea_SALC | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
21 | (I,J,L) | OPD1: Dust bin 1 AOD for 1st wavelength specified in Radiation Menu | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODDustWL1nm_bin1* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
22 | (I,J,L) | OPD2: Dust bin 2 AOD for 1st wavelength specified in Radiation Menu | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODDustWL1nm_bin2* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
23 | (I,J,L) | OPD3: Dust bin 3 AOD for 1st wavelength specified in Radiation Menu | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODDustWL1nm_bin3* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
24 | (I,J,L) | OPD4: Dust bin 4 AOD for 1st wavelength specified in Radiation Menu | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODDustWL1nm_bin4* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
25 | (I,J,L) | OPD5: Dust bin 5 AOD for 1st wavelength specified in Radiation Menu | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODDustWL1nm_bin5* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
26 | (I,J,L) | OPD6: Dust bin 6 AOD for 1st wavelength specified in Radiation Menu | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODDustWL1nm_bin6* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
27 | (I,J,L) | OPD7: Dust bin 7 AOD for 1st wavelength specified in Radiation Menu | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODDustWL1nm_bin7* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
28 | (I,J,L) | OPSO4: Sulfate optical depth for 2nd wavelength specified in Radiation Menu (optional) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODHygWL2nm_SO4* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
29 | (I,J,L) | OPBC: Black carbon optical depth for 2nd wavelength specified in Radiation Menu (optional) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODHygWL2nm_BCPI* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
30 | (I,J,L) | OPOC: Organic carbon optical depth for 2nd wavelength specified in Radiation Menu (optional) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODHygWL2nm_OCPI* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
31 | (I,J,L) | OPSSa: Accum. sea salt optical depth for 2nd wavelength specified in Radiation Menu (optional) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODHygWL2nm_SALA* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
32 | (I,J,L) | OPSSc: Coarse sea salt optical depth for 2nd wavelength specified in Radiation Menu (optional) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODHygWL2nm_SALC* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
33 | (I,J,L) | OPD1:Dust bin 1 AOD for 2nd wavelength specified in Radiation Menu (optional) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODDustWL2nm_bin1* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
34 | (I,J,L) | OPD2: Dust bin 2 AOD for 2nd wavelength specified in Radiation Menu (optional) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODDustWL2nm_bin2* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
35 | (I,J,L) | OPD3: Dust bin 3 AOD for 2nd wavelength specified in Radiation Menu (optional) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODDustWL2nm_bin3* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
36 | (I,J,L) | OPD4: Dust bin 4 AOD for 2nd wavelength specified in Radiation Menu (optional) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODDustWL2nm_bin4* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
37 | (I,J,L) | OPD5: Dust bin 5 AOD for 2nd wavelength specified in Radiation Menu (optional) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODDustWL2nm_bin5* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
38 | (I,J,L) | OPD6: Dust bin 6 AOD for 2nd wavelength specified in Radiation Menu (optional) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODDustWL2nm_bin6* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
39 | (I,J,L) | OPD7: Dust bin 7 AOD for 2nd wavelength specified in Radiation Menu (optional) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODDustWL2nm_bin7* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
40 | (I,J,L) | OPSO4: Sulfate optical depth for 3rd wavelength specified in Radiation Menu (optional) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODHygWL3nm_SO4* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
41 | (I,J,L) | OPBC: Black carbon optical depth for 3rd wavelength specified in Radiation Menu (optional) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODHygWL3nm_BCPI* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
42 | (I,J,L) | OPOC: Organic carbon optical depth for 3rd wavelength specified in Radiation Menu (optional) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODHygWL3nm_OCPI* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
43 | (I,J,L) | OPSSa: Accum. sea salt optical depth for 3rd wavelength specified in Radiation Menu (optional) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODHygWL3nm_SALA* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
44 | (I,J,L) | OPSSc: Coarse sea salt optical depth for 3rd wavelength specified in Radiation Menu (optional) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODHygWL3nm_SALC* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
45 | (I,J,L) | OPD1:Dust bin 1 AOD for 3rd wavelength specified in Radiation Menu (optional) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODDustWL3nm_bin1* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
46 | (I,J,L) | OPD2:Dust bin 2 AOD for 3rd wavelength specified in Radiation Menu (optional) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODDustWL3nm_bin2* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
47 | (I,J,L) | OPD3: Dust bin 3 AOD for 3rd wavelength specified in Radiation Menu (optional) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODDustWL3nm_bin3* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
48 | (I,J,L) | OPD4: Dust bin 4 AOD for 3rd wavelength specified in Radiation Menu (optional) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODDustWL3nm_bin4* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
49 | (I,J,L) | OPD5: Dust bin 5 AOD for 3rd wavelength specified in Radiation Menu (optional) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODDustWL3nm_bin5* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
50 | (I,J,L) | OPD6: Dust bin 6 AOD for 3rd wavelength specified in Radiation Menu (optional) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODDustWL3nm_bin6* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
51 | (I,J,L) | OPD7: Dust bin 7 AOD for 3rd wavelength specified in Radiation Menu (optional) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODDustWL3nm_bin7* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
52 | (I,J,L) | ODSLA: Stratospheric liquid aerosol optical depth (600 nm) (UCX simulation only) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AODStratLiquidAerWL1nm* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
(I,J,L) | Stratospheric liquid aerosol optical depth | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | UCX fullchem | AODStratLiquidAerWL2nm* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
(I,J,L) | Stratospheric liquid aerosol optical depth | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | UCX fullchem | AODStratLiquidAerWL3nm* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
53 | (I,J,L) | SASLA: Stratospheric liquid aerosol surface area | [cm2/cm3] | OD-MAP-$ | UCX fullchem | AerSurfAreaStratLiquid | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
54 | (I,J,L) | NDSLA: Stratospheric liquid aerosol number density | [num/cm3] | OD-MAP-$ | UCX fullchem | AerNumDensitryStratLiquid | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
55 | (I,J,L) | ODSPA: Polar stratospheric cloud type 1a/2 optical depth (600 nm) (UCX simulation only) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | UCX fullchem | AODPolarStratCloudWL1nm* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
(I,J,L) | Polar stratospheric cloud type 1a/2 optical depth | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | UCX fullchem | AODPolarStratCloudWL3nm* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
56 | (I,J,L) | SASPA: Polar stratospheric cloud type 1a/2 surface area | [cm2/cm3] | OD-MAP-$ | UCX fullchem | AerSurfAreaPolarStratCloud | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
57 | (I,J,L) | NDSPA: Stratospheric particulate aerosol number density | [num/cm3] | OD-MAP-$ | UCX fullchem | AerNumDensitryStratParticulate | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
58 | (I,J,L) | ISOPAOD: SOA from aqueous isoprene optical depth | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | benchmark complexSOA* |
AODSOAfromAqIsopreneWL1* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
(I,J,L) | SOA from aqueous isoprene optical depth | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | benchmark complexSOA* |
AODSOAfromAqIsopreneWL2* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
(I,J,L) | SOA from aqueous isoprene optical depth | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | benchmark complexSOA* |
AODSOAfromAqIsopreneWL3* | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
59 | (I,J,L) | AQAVOL: Aqueous aerosol volume | [cm3/cm3] | OD-MAP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
AerAqueousVolume | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND22: Photolysis diagnostics
NOTE: Users must specify the GEOS-Chem index, not the ND22 index, for ND22 in the Diagnostic Menu of input.geos.
NOTE: All fullchem refers to all simulations that use a full-chemistry mechanism (i.e. benchmark, complexSOA*, standard, tropchem. aciduptake, marinePOA, RRTMG, TOMAS).
ND22 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L) | J(NO2) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_NO2 or JNoon_NO2 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
2 | (I,J,L) | J(HNO3) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_HNO3 or JNoon_HNO3 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
3 | (I,J,L) | J(H2O2) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_H2O2 or JNoon_H2O2 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
4 | (I,J,L) | J(CH2O) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_CH2O or JNoon_CH2O | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
5 | (I,J,L) | J(O3) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_O3 or JNoon_O3 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
6 | (I,J,L) | J(O3P) (standard and UCX simulations) OR or OH source from O3 photolysis (tropchem and SOA simulations) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_O1D or JNoon_O1d or Jval_O3O1DA or JNoon_O3O1DB | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
9 | (I,J,L) | J(BrO) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_BrO or JNoon_BrO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
10 | (I,J,L) | J(HOBr) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_HOBr or JNoon_HOBr | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
11 | (I,J,L) | J(BrNO2) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_BrNO2 or JNoon_BrNO2 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
12 | (I,J,L) | J(BrNO3) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_BrNO3 or JNoon_?PHO? | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
13 | (I,J,L) | J(CHBr3) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_CHBr3 or JNoon_CHBr3 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
14 | (I,J,L) | J(Br2) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_Br2 or JNoon_Br2 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
15 | (I,J,L) | J(O2) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_O2 or JNoon_O2 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
16 | (I,J,L) | J(N2O) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_N2O or JNoon_N2O | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
17 | (I,J,L) | J(NO) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_NO or JNoon_NO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
18 | (I,J,L) | J(NO3) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_NO3 or JNoon_NO3 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
19 | (I,J,L) | J(CFC11) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_CFC11 or JNoon_CFC11 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
20 | (I,J,L) | J(CFC12) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_CFC12 or JNoon_CFC12 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
21 | (I,J,L) | J(CCl4) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_CCl4 or JNoon_CCl4 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
22 | (I,J,L) | J(CH3Cl) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_CH3Cl or JNoon_?PHO? | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
23 | (I,J,L) | J(ACET) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_ACET or JNoon_ACET | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
24 | (I,J,L) | J(ALD2) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_ALD2 or JNoon_ALD2 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
25 | (I,J,L) | J(MVK) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_MVK or JNoon_MVK | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
26 | (I,J,L) | J(MACR) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_MACR or JNoon_MACR | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
27 | (I,J,L) | J(HAC) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_HAC or JNoon_HAC | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
28 | (I,J,L) | J(GLYC) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_GLYC or JNoon_GLYC | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
29 | (I,J,L) | J(PIP) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_PIP or JNoon_PIP | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
30 | (I,J,L) | J(IPMN) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_IPMN or JNoon_IPMN | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
31 | (I,J,L) | J(ETHLN) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_ETHLN or JNoon_ETHLN | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
32 | (I,J,L) | J(DJDM) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_DHDN or JNoon_DHDN | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
33 | (I,J,L) | J(HPALD) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_HPALD or JNoon_HPALD | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
34 | (I,J,L) | J(ISN1) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_ISN1 or JNoon_ISN1 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
35 | (I,J,L) | J(MONITS) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_MONITS or JNoon_MONITS | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
36 | (I,J,L) | J(MONITU) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_MONITU or JNoon_MONITU | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
37 | (I,J,L) | J(HONIT) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_HONIT or JNoon_JHONIT | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
38 | (I,J,L) | J(CH3Br) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JCH3Br or JNoon_JCH3Br | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
39 | (I,J,L) | J(BrCl) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JBrCl or JNoon_JBrCl | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
40 | (I,J,L) | J(CH2Br2) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JCH2Br2 or JNoon_JCH2Br2 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
41 | (I,J,L) | J(CH2IBr) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JCH2IBr or JNoon_JCH2IBr | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
42 | (I,J,L) | J(IBr) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JIBr or JNoon_JIBr | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
43 | (I,J,L) | J(Cl2) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JCl2 or JNoon_JCl2 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
44 | (I,J,L) | J(ClO) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JClO or JNoon_JClO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
45 | (I,J,L) | J(OClO) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JOClO or JNoon_JOClO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
46 | (I,J,L) | J(Cl2O2) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JCl2O2 or JNoon_JCl2O2 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
47 | (I,J,L) | J(ClNO2) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JClNO2 or JNoon_JClNO2 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
48 | (I,J,L) | J(ClNO3) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JClNO3 or JNoon_JClNO3 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
49 | (I,J,L) | J(HOCl) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JHOCl or JNoon_JHOCl | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
50 | (I,J,L) | J(CH3CCl3) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JCH3CCl3 or JNoon_JCH3CCl3 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
51 | (I,J,L) | J(CFC113) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JCFC113 or JNoon_JCFC113 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
52 | (I,J,L) | J(CFC114) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JCFC114 or JNoon_JCFC114 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
53 | (I,J,L) | J(CFC115) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JCFC115 or JNoon_JCFC115 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
54 | (I,J,L) | J(HCFC123) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JHCFC123 or JNoon_JHCFC123 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
55 | (I,J,L) | J(HCFC141b) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JHCFC141b or JNoon_JHCFC141b | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
56 | (I,J,L) | J(HCFC142b) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JHCFC142b or JNoon_JHCFC142b | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
57 | (I,J,L) | J(HCFC22) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JHCFC22 or JNoon_JHCFC22 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
58 | (I,J,L) | J(H1211) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JH1211 or JNoon_JH1211 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
59 | (I,J,L) | J(ClOO) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JClOO or JNoon_JClOO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
60 | (I,J,L) | J(CH2Cl2) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JCH2Cl2 or JNoon_JCH2Cl2 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
61 | (I,J,L) | J(CH2ICl) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JCH2ICl or JNoon_JCH2ICl | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
62 | (I,J,L) | J(ICl) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JICl or JNoon_JICl | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
63 | (I,J,L) | J(I2) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JI2 or JNoon_JI2 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
64 | (I,J,L) | J(HOI) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JHOI or JNoon_JHOI | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
65 | (I,J,L) | J(IO) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JIO or JNoon_JIO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
66 | (I,J,L) | J(OIO) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JOIO or JNoon_JOIO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
67 | (I,J,L) | J(INO) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JINO or JNoon_JINO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
68 | (I,J,L) | J(IONO) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JIONO or JNoon_JIONO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
69 | (I,J,L) | J(IONO2) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JIONO2 or JNoon_JIONO2 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
70 | (I,J,L) | J(I2O2) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JI2O2 or JNoon_JI2O2 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
71 | (I,J,L) | J(CH3I) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JCH3I or JNoon_JCH3I | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
72 | (I,J,L) | J(CH2I2) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JCH2I2 or JNoon_JCH2I2 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
73 | (I,J,L) | J(I2O4) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JI2O4 or JNoon_JI2O4 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
74 | (I,J,L) | J(I2O3) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JI2O3 or JNoon_JI2O3 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
75 | (I,J,L) | J(H1301) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JH1301 or JNoon_JH1301 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
76 | (I,J,L) | J(H2402) | [1/s] | JV-MAP-$ | all fullchem | Jval_JH2402 or JNoon_JH2402 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND23: Mean OH
This diagnostic prints directly to stdout (which is redirected to the GEOS-Chem log file).
ND24 - ND26: Mass transport flux
For more information about how these diagnostics are defined, please see our Mass Flux (ND24/25/26) wiki page.
ND24 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
ND24 | (I,J,L,N) | East/west mass flux by transport | [kg/s] | EW-FLX-$ | all simulations | AdvFluxZonal | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND25 | (I,J,L,N) | North/south mass flux by transport | [kg/s] | NS-FLX-$ | all simulations | AdvFluxMerid | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND26 | (I,J,L,N) | Up/down mass flux by transport | [kg/s] | UP-FLX-$ | all simulations | AdvFluxVert | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND28: Biomass burning emissions
NOTE: All fullchem refers to all simulations that use a full-chemistry mechanism (i.e. benchmark, complexSOA*, standard, tropchem. aciduptake, marinePOA, RRTMG, TOMAS).
ND28 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J) | NO biomass emissions | [molec/cm2/s] | BIOBSRCE | all fullchem | EmisNO_BioBurn | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
4 | (I,J) | CO biomass emissions | [molec/cm2/s] | BIOBSRCE | all fullchem tagCO |
EmisCO_BioBurn | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
5 | (I,J) | ALK4 biomass emissions | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOBSRCE | all fullchem | EmisALK4_BioBurn | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
9 | (I,J) | ACET biomass emissions | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOBSRCE | all fullchem | EmisACET_BioBurn | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
10 | (I,J) | MEK biomass emissions | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOBSRCE | all fullchem | EmisMEK_BioBurn | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
11 | (I,J) | ALD2 biomass emissions | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOBSRCE | all fullchem | EmisALD2_BioBurn | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
18 | (I,J) | PRPE (lumped >=C3 alkenes) biomass emissions | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOBSRCE | all fullchem CO2 CH4 tagCO aerosol |
EmisPRPE_BioBurn | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
19 | (I,J) | C3H8 biomass emissions | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOBSRCE | all fullchem | EmisC3H8_BioBurn | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
20 | (I,J) | CH2O biomass emissions | [molec/cm2/s] | BIOBSRCE | all fullchem | EmisCH2O_BioBurn | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
21 | (I,J) | C2H6 biomass emissions | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOBSRCE | all fullchem | EmisC2H6_BioBurn | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
26 | (I,J) | SO2 biomass emissions | [molec/cm2/s] | BIOBSRCE | all fullchem aerosol |
EmisSO2_BioBurn | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
30 | (I,J) | NH3 biomass emissions | [molec/cm2/s] | BIOBSRCE | all fullchem aerosol |
EmisNH3_BioBurn | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
34 | (I,J) | BC (black carbon) biomass emissions | [molec/cm2/s] | BIOBSRCE | all fullchem aerosol |
EmisBC_BioBurn | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
35 | (I,J) | OC (organic carbon) biomass emissions | [molec/cm2/s] | BIOBSRCE | all fullchem aerosol |
EmisOC_BioBurn | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
69 | (I,J) | CH4 biomass emissions | [molec/cm2/s] | BIOBSRCE | all fullchem CH4 |
EmisCH4_BioBurn | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND29: CO sources
NOTE: All fullchem refers to all simulations that use a full-chemistry mechanism (i.e. benchmark, complexSOA*, standard, tropchem. aciduptake, marinePOA, RRTMG, TOMAS).
ND29 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J) | CO from anthropogenic emissions | [molec/cm2/s] | CO--SRCE | all fullchem tagCO |
EmisCO_Anthro | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
2 | (I,J) | CO from biomass burning emissions | [molec/cm2/s] | CO--SRCE | all fullchem tagCO |
EmisCO_BioBurn | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
3 | (I,J) | CO from biofuel burning emissions | [molec/cm2/s] | CO--SRCE | all fullchem tagCO |
EmisCO_BioFuel | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
4 | (I,J) | CO produced from methanol (currently not defined) | [molec/cm2/s] | CO--SRCE | all fullchem tagCO |
none | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
5 | (I,J) | CO produced from monoterpenes | [molec/cm2/s] | CO--SRCE | all fullchem tagCO |
none | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
6 | (I,J) | CO from ship emissions | [molec/cm2/s] | CO--SRCE | all fullchem tagCO |
EmisCO_Ship | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
For tagged CO simulations only: | |||||||
7 | (I,J) | CO from anthropogenic + biofuel emissions over the US | [molec/cm2/s] | CO--SRCE | tagCO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
8 | (I,J) | CO from aircraft emissions over the US | [molec/cm2/s] | CO--SRCE | tagCO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
9 | (I,J) | CO from ship emissions over the US | [molec/cm2/s] | CO--SRCE | tagCO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
10 | (I,J) | CO from anthropogenic + biofuel emissions over Europe | [molec/cm2/s] | CO--SRCE | tagCO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
11 | (I,J) | CO from aircraft emissions over Europe | [molec/cm2/s] | CO--SRCE | tagCO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
12 | (I,J) | CO from ship emissions over Europe | [molec/cm2/s] | CO--SRCE | tagCO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
13 | (I,J) | CO from anthropogenic + biofuel emissions over SE Asia | [molec/cm2/s] | CO--SRCE | tagCO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
14 | (I,J) | CO from aircraft emissions over SE Asia | [molec/cm2/s] | CO--SRCE | tagCO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
15 | (I,J) | CO from ship emissions over SE Asia | [molec/cm2/s] | CO--SRCE | tagCO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
16 | (I,J) | CO from anthropogenic + biofuel emissions elsewhere | [molec/cm2/s] | CO--SRCE | tagCO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
17 | (I,J) | CO from aircraft emissions elsewhere | [molec/cm2/s] | CO--SRCE | tagCO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
18 | (I,J) | CO from ship emissions elsewhere | [molec/cm2/s] | CO--SRCE | tagCO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
19 | (I,J) | CO from biomass burning emissions over South America | [molec/cm2/s] | CO--SRCE | tagCO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
20 | (I,J) | CO from biomass burning emissions over Africa | [molec/cm2/s] | CO--SRCE | tagCO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
21 | (I,J) | CO from biomass burning emissions over SE Asia | [molec/cm2/s] | CO--SRCE | tagCO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
22 | (I,J) | CO from biomass burning emissions over Oceania | [molec/cm2/s] | CO--SRCE | tagCO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
23 | (I,J) | CO from biomass burning emissions over Europe | [molec/cm2/s] | CO--SRCE | tagCO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
24 | (I,J) | CO from biomass burning emissions elsewhere | [molec/cm2/s] | CO--SRCE | tagCO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND30: Land map
ND30 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J) | GMAO land-water indices | [unitless] | LANDMAP | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND31: Pressure at model edges
ND31 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L) | Pressure at the bottom of level L (1 <= L <= ND31 ) |
[hPa] | PEDGE-$ | all simulations | Met_PEDGE | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND32: NO emissions
NOTE: All fullchem refers to all simulations that use a full-chemistry mechanism (i.e. benchmark, complexSOA*, standard, tropchem. aciduptake, marinePOA, RRTMG, TOMAS).
ND32 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L) | NO aircraft emissions | [molec/cm2/s] | NO-AC-$ | all fullchem | EmisNO_Aircraft | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
2 | (I,J) | NO anthropogenic emissions (includes ship) | [molec/cm2/s] | NO-AN-$ | all fullchem | EmisNO_Anthro | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
3 | (I,J) | NO biomass burning emissions | [molec/cm2/s] | NO-BIOB | all fullchem | EmisNO_BioBurn | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
4 | (I,J) | NO biofuel burning emissions | [molec/cm2/s] | NO-BIOF | all fullchem | EmisNO_Biofuel | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
5 | (I,J) | NO fertilizer emissions | [molec/cm2/s] | NO-FERT | all fullchem | EmisNO_Fert | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
6 | (I,J,L) | NO lightning emissions | [molec/cm2/s] | NO-LI-$ | all fullchem | EmisNO_Lightning | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
7 | (I,J) | NO soil emissions | [molec/cm2/s] | NO-SOIL | all fullchem | EmisNO_Soil | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND34: Biofuel emissions
NOTE: Many of the emissions inventories read into GEOS-Chem by the HEMCO emissions component lump biofuel emissions together with anthropogenic emissions. For such inventories, the contributions from biofuels will be included in the ND36 anthropogenic emissions diagnostic.
ND34 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J) | NO biofuel emissions | [molec/cm2/s] | BIOFSRCE | all simulations except: RnPbBe tagO3 |
EmisNO_Biofuel | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
4 | (I,J) | CO biofuel emissions | [molec/cm2/s] | BIOFSRCE | all simulations except: RnPbBe tagO3 |
EmisCO_Biofuel | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
5 | (I,J) | ALK4 biofuel emissions | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOFSRCE | all simulations except: RnPbBe tagO3 |
EmisALK4_Biofuel | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
9 | (I,J) | ACET biofuel emissions | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOFSRCE | all simulations except: RnPbBe tagO3 |
EmisACET_Biofuel | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
10 | (I,J) | MEK biofuel emissions | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOFSRCE | all simulations except: RnPbBe tagO3 |
EmisMEK_Biofuel | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
11 | (I,J) | ALD2 biofuel emissions | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOFSRCE | all simulations except: RnPbBe tagO3 |
EmisALD2_Biofuel | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
18 | (I,J) | PRPE (lumped >=C3 alkenes) biofuel emissions | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOFSRCE | all simulations except: RnPbBe tagO3 |
EmisPRPE_Biofuel | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
19 | (I,J) | C3H8 biofuel emissions | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOFSRCE | all simulations except: RnPbBe tagO3 |
EmisC3H8_Biofuel | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
20 | (I,J) | CH2O biofuel emissions | [molec/cm2/s] | BIOFSRCE | all simulations except: RnPbBe tagO3 |
EmisCH2O_Biofuel | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
21 | (I,J) | C2H6 biofuel emissions | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOFSRCE | all simulations except: RnPbBe tagO3 |
EmisC2H6_Biofuel | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
26 | (I,J) | SO2 biofuel emissions | [molec/cm2/s] | BIOFSRCE | all simulations except: RnPbBe tagO3 |
EmisSO2_Biofuel | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
30 | (I,J) | NH3 biofuel emissions | [molec/cm2/s] | BIOFSRCE | all simulations except: RnPbBe tagO3 |
EmisNH3_Biofuel | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND36: Anthropogenic emissions
ND36 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J) | NO anthropogenic emissions | [molec/cm2/s] | ANTHSRCE | all simulations except: RnPbBe tagO3 |
EmisNO_Anthro | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
4 | (I,J) | CO anthropogenic emissions | [molec/cm2/s] | ANTHSRCE | all simulations except: RnPbBe tagO3 |
EmisCO_Anthro | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
5 | (I,J) | ALK4 anthropogenic emissions | [atoms C/cm2/s] | ANTHSRCE | all simulations except: RnPbBe tagO3 |
EmisALK4_Anthro | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
9 | (I,J) | ACET anthropogenic emissions | [atoms C/cm2/s] | ANTHSRCE | all simulations except: RnPbBe tagO3 |
EmisACET_Anthro | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
10 | (I,J) | MEK anthropogenic emissions | [atoms C/cm2/s] | ANTHSRCE | all simulations except: RnPbBe tagO3 |
EmisMEK_Anthro | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
11 | (I,J) | ALD2 anthropogenic emissions | [atoms C/cm2/s] | ANTHSRCE | all simulations except: RnPbBe tagO3 |
EmisALD2_Anthro | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
18 | (I,J) | PRPE (lumped >=C3 alkenes) anthropogenic emissions | [atoms C/cm2/s] | ANTHSRCE | all simulations except: RnPbBe tagO3 |
EmisPRPE_Anthro | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
19 | (I,J) | C3H8 anthropogenic emissions | [atoms C/cm2/s] | ANTHSRCE | all simulations except: RnPbBe tagO3 |
EmisC3H8_Anthro | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
20 | (I,J) | CH2O anthropogenic emissions | [molec/cm2/s] | ANTHSRCE | all simulations except: RnPbBe tagO3 |
EmisCH2O_Anthro | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
21 | (I,J) | C2H6 anthropogenic emissions | [atoms C/cm2/s] | ANTHSRCE | all simulations except: RnPbBe tagO3 |
EmisC2H6_Anthro | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
69 | (I,J) | CH4 anthropogenic emissions | [atoms C/cm2/s] | ANTHSRCE | all simulations except: RnPbBe tagO3 |
EmisCH4_Anthro | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND37: Fraction of species scavenged in updrafts
ND37 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L,N) | Fraction of tracer scavenged by in cloud updrafts in moist convection | [unitless] | MC-FRC-$ | all simulations with soluble species | WetLossConvFrac_?WET? | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND38: Loss of species by convection
ND38 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L,N) | Rainout loss of tracer in convective updrafts | [kg/s] | WETDCV-$ | all simulations with soluble species | WetLossConv_?WET? | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND39: Loss of species by rainout and washout
ND39 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L,N) | Loss of species in large-scale precip | [kg/s] | WETDLS-$ | all | WetLossLS_?WET? | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND40: Plane flight diagnostic
This diagnostic does not save to the bpch file, but rather is output to the specified plane.log file. See the Planeflight menu for more information.
ND41: Afternoon PBL height
ND0 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J) | Afternoon boundary layer heights (1200-1600 local time) | [m] | PBLDEPTH | all simulations | None | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND42: Aerosol mass and PM2.5 diagnostics
NOTE: Some outputs are only defined when the Complex SOA option is turned on (e.g. in benchmark, complexSOA, and complexSOA_SVPOA simulations).
ND0 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L) | TSOA: Aerosol products of terpene oxidation | [ug/m3] | IJ-SOA-$ | benchmark complexSOA complexSOA_SVPOA |
AerMassTSOA | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
2 | (I,J,L) | ISOA: Aerosol products of isoprene oxidation | [ug/m3] | IJ-SOA-$ | benchmark complexSOA complesSOA_SVPOA |
AerMassISOA | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
3 | (I,J,L) | ASOA: Aerosol products of light aromatics + IVOC oxidation | [ug/m3] | IJ-SOA-$ | benchmark complexSOA complesSOA_SVPOA |
AerMassASOA | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
4 | (I,J,L) | POA: Aerosols from SVOCs | [ug/m3] | IJ-SOA-$ | benchmark standard tropchem complexSOA complexSOA_SVPOA |
AerMassPOA | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
5 | (I,J,L) | OPOA: Aerosol products of POG oxidation | [ug/m3] | IJ-SOA-$ | complexSOA_SVPOA | AerMassOPOA | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
6 | (I,J,L) | Sum of all organic aerosol | [ug/m3] | IJ-SOA-$ | aerosol benchmark standard tropchem complexSOA complexSOA_SVPOA |
TotalOA | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
7 | (I,J,L) | Sum of all organic carbon | [ug/m3] | IJ-SOA-$ | benchmark standard tropchem complexSOA complexSOA_SVPOA |
TotalOC | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
8 | (I,J,L) | Sum of all biogenic organic aerosol | [ug/m3] | IJ-SOA-$ | benchmark complexSOA complexSOA_SVPOA |
TotalBiogenicOA | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
9 | (I,J,L) | BetaNO: NO branching ratio | [ug C/m3] | IJ-SOA-$ | benchmark complexSOA complexSOA_SVPOA |
BetaNO | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
10 | (I,J,L) | POA: Aerosols from SVOCs | [ug C/m3] | IJ-SOA-$ | benchmark standard tropchem complexSOA complexSOA_SVPOA |
none | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
11 | (I,J,L) | OPOA: Aerosol products of POG oxidation | [ug C/m3] | IJ-SOA-$ | complexSOA_SVPOA | none | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
12 | (I,J,L) | OC: Organic carbon (OCPI + OCPO) | [ug C/m3] | IJ-SOA-$ | benchmark standard tropchem complexSOA complexSOA_SVPOA |
none | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
13 | (I,J,L) | BC: Black carbon (BCPI + BCPO) | [ug C/m3] | IJ-SOA-$ | benchmark standard tropchem complexSOA complexSOA_SVPOA |
AerMassBC | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
14 | (I,J,L) | SO4: Sulfate | [ug/m3] | IJ-SOA-$ | benchmark standard tropchem complexSOA complexSOA_SVPOA |
AerMassSO4 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
15 | (I,J,L) | NH4: Ammonium | [ug/m3] | IJ-SOA-$ | benchmark standard tropchem complexSOA complexSOA_SVPOA |
AerMassNH4 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
16 | (I,J,L) | NIT: Nitrate | [ug/m3] | IJ-SOA-$ | benchmark standard tropchem complexSOA complexSOA_SVPOA |
AerMassNIT | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
17 | (I,J,L) | SAL: Sea salt aerosol (SALA + SALC) | [ug/m3] | IJ-SOA-$ | benchmark standard tropchem complexSOA complexSOA_SVPOA |
AerMassSAL | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
18 | (I,J,L) | PM2.5: Particulate matter | [ug/m3] | IJ-SOA-$ | benchmark standard tropchem complexSOA complexSOA_SVPOA |
PM25 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
19 | (I,J,L) | SOAGX: Aerosol-phase glyoxal | [ug/m3] | IJ-SOA-$ | benchmark standard tropchem complexSOA complexSOA_SVPOA |
AerMassSOAGX | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
20 | (I,J,L) | SOAMG: Aerosol-phase methylglyoxal | [ug/m3] | IJ-SOA-$ | benchmark standard tropchem complexSOA complexSOA_SVPOA |
AerMassSOAMG | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
21 | (I,J,L) | SOAIE: Aerosol-phase IEPOX | [ug/m3] | IJ-SOA-$ | benchmark complexSOA complexSOA_SVPOA |
AerMassSOAIE | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
22 | (I,J,L) | SOAME: Aerosol-phase IMAE | [ug/m3] | IJ-SOA-$ | benchmark complexSOA complexSOA_SVPOA |
AerMassSOAME | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
23 | (I,J,L) | INDIOL: Generic aerosol-phase organonitrate hydrolysis product | [ug/m3] | IJ-SOA-$ | benchmark complexSOA complexSOA_SVPOA |
AerMassINDIOL | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
24 | (I,J,L) | LVOCOA: Aerosol-phase low-volatility non-IEPOX product of ISOPOOH (RIP) oxidation | [ug/m3] | IJ-SOA-$ | benchmark complexSOA complexSOA_SVPOA |
AerMassLVOCOA | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
25 | (I,J,L) | ISN1OA: Aerosol-phase 2nd generation hydroxynitrates formed from ISOP+NO3 reaction pathway | [ug/m3] | IJ-SOA-$ | benchmark complexSOA complexSOA_SVPOA |
AerMassISN1OA | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND43: Chemical production of OH and HO2
NOTE: All fullchem refers to all simulations that use a full-chemistry mechanism (i.e. benchmark, complexSOA*, standard, tropchem. aciduptake, marinePOA, RRTMG, TOMAS).
NOTE: UCX fullchem refers to all full-chemistry simulations that use UCX (i.e. benchmark, standard, aciduptake, marinePOA).
ND43 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L) | OH | [molec/cm3] | CHEM-L=$ | all fullchem CH4 |
OHconcAfterChem | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
3 | (I,J,L) | HO2 | [v/v] | CHEM-L=$ | all fullchem | HO2concAfterChem | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
4 | (I,J,L) | O1D | [molec/cm3] | CHEM-L=$ | UCX fullchem | O1DconcAfterChem | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
5 | (I,J,L) | O3P | [molec/cm3] | CHEM-L=$ | UCX fullchem | O3PconcAfterChem | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
6 | (I,J,L) | LBRO2H | [molec/cm3] | CHEM-L=$ | none | REMOVED IN 12.0.0 | |
7 | (I,J,L) | LBRO2N | [molec/cm3] | CHEM-L=$ | none | REMOVED IN 12.0.0 | |
8 | (I,J,L) | LTRO2H | [molec/cm3] | CHEM-L=$ | none | REMOVED IN 12.0.0 | |
9 | (I,J,L) | LTRO2N | [molec/cm3] | CHEM-L=$ | none | REMOVED IN 12.0.0 | |
10 | (I,J,L) | LXRO2H | [molec/cm3] | CHEM-L=$ | none | REMOVED IN 12.0.0 | |
11 | (I,J,L) | LXRO2N | [molec/cm3] | CHEM-L=$ | none | REMOVED IN 12.0.0 |
ND44: Dry deposition diagnostics
ND44 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,M) | Dry deposition fluxes (M = 1, State_Chm%nDryDep) | [molec/cm2/s] | DRYD-FLX | all simulations with dry-depositing species | DryDep_?DRY? | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 (except for TOMAS) |
2 | (I,J,M) | Dry deposition velocities (M = 1, State_Chm%nDryDep) | [cm/s] | DRYD-VEL | all simulations with dry-depositing species | DryDepVel_?DRY? | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND45: Species concentrations
ND45 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L,N) | Species mixing ratio for Levels = 1, LD45, averaged between HR1_OTH and HR2_OTH (time range from input.geos) | [v/v] | IJ-AVG-$ | all simulations | SpeciesConc_?ADV? SpeciesConc_?AER? SpeciesConc_?ALL? SpeciesConc_?DRY? SpeciesConc_?FIX? SpeciesConc_?GAS? SpeciesConc_?KPP? SpeciesConc_?PHO? SpeciesConc_?VAR? SpeciesConc_?WET? |
REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND46: Biogenic emissions
NOTE: All fullchem refers to all simulations that use a full-chemistry mechanism (i.e. benchmark, complexSOA*, standard, tropchem. aciduptake, marinePOA, RRTMG, TOMAS).
ND0 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J) | ISOP: Isoprene | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOGSRCE | all fullchem | EmisISOP_Biogenic | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
2 | (I,J) | ACET: Acetone | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOGSRCE | all fullchem | EmisACET_Biogenic | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
3 | (I,J) | PRPE: Lumped >= C3 alkenes | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOGSRCE | all fullchem | EmisPRPE_Biogenic | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
4 | (I,J) | MONX: Total monoterpenes (APIN + BPIN + LIMO + SABI + MYRC + CARE + OCIM + OMON) |
[atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOGSRCE | all fullchem | EmisMONX_Biogenic | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
5 | (I,J) | MBOX: Methyl Butenol | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOGSRCE | all fullchem | EmisMBOX_Biogenic | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
6 | (I,J) | C2H4: Ethene | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOGSRCE | all fullchem | EmisC2H4_Biogenic | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
7 | (I,J) | APIN: a-Pinene | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOGSRCE | all fullchem | EmisAPIN_Biogenic | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
8 | (I,J) | BPIN: b-Pinene | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOGSRCE | all fullchem | EmisBPIN_Biogenic | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
9 | (I,J) | LIMO: Limonene | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOGSRCE | all fullchem | EmisLIMO_Biogenic | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
10 | (I,J) | SABI: Sabinene | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOGSRCE | all fullchem | EmisSABI_Biogenic | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
11 | (I,J) | MYRC: Myrcene | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOGSRCE | all fullchem | EmisMYRC_Biogenic | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
12 | (I,J) | CARE: 3-Carene | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOGSRCE | all fullchem | EmisCARE_Biogenic | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
13 | (I,J) | OCIM: Ocimene | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOGSRCE | all fullchem | EmisOCIM_Biogenic | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
14 | (I,J) | FAXX: Formic acid (currently not activated) | [molec/cm2/s] | BIOGSRCE | all fullchem | EmisFAXX_Biogenic | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
15 | (I,J) | AAXX: Acetic acid (currently not activated) | [molec/cm2/s] | BIOGSRCE | all fullchem | EmisAAXX_Biogenic | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
16 | (I,J) | ALD2: Acetaldehyde | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOGSRCE | all fullchem | EmisALD2_Biogenic | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
17 | (I,J) | OMON: Other monoterpenes | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOGSRCE | all fullchem | EmisOMON_Biogenic | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
18 | (I,J) | MOHX: Methanol (currently not activated) | [molec/cm2/s] | BIOGSRCE | all fullchem | EmisMOHX_Biogenic | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
19 | (I,J) | ETOH: Ethanol (currently not activated) | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOGSRCE | all fullchem | EmisETOH_Biogenic | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
20 | (I,J) | FARN: Farnesene | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOGSRCE | all fullchem | EmisFARN_Biogenic | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
21 | (I,J) | BCAR: b-Caryophyllene | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOGSRCE | all fullchem | EmisBCAR_Biogenic | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
22 | (I,J) | OSQT: Other sesquiterpenes | [atoms C/cm2/s] | BIOGSRCE | all fullchem | EmisOSQT_Biogenic | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
23 | (I,J) | CHBr3: Ocean bromoform emissions | [kg/m2/s] | BIOGSRCE | all fullchem | EmisCHBr3_Biogenic | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
24 | (I,J) | CH2Br2: Ocean dibromomethane emissions | [kg/m2/s] | BIOGSRCE | all fullchem | EmisCH2Br2_Biogenic | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
25 | (I,J) | Br2: Sea-salt Br2 emissions | [kg/m2/s] | BIOGSRCE | all fullchem | EmisBr2_Biogenic | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
26 | (I,J) | CH4: Methane | [molec/c2/s] | BIOGSRCE | all fullchem CH4 |
EmisCH4_Biogenic | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND47: 24h average concentrations
ND0 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L,N) | Daily (24-h) average tracer mixing ratio for Levels = L, LD47 | [v/v] | IJ-24H-$ | all simulations | SpeciesConc | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND48: Station timeseries
ND0 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1-N | (I,J,L) | GEOS-Chem advected species number for GAMAP = 1, nAdvect | [v/v] | IJ-AVG-$ | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
501 | (I,J,L) | OH concentration (Tracer # for GAMAP = 1) | [molec/cm3] | TIME-SER | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
502 | (I,J,L) | NOy concentration (Tracer # for GAMAP = 2) | [v/v] | TIME-SER | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
503 | (I,J,L) | Relative humidity (Tracer # for GAMAP = 3) | [%] | TIME-SER | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
504 | (I,J,L) | 3-D Cloud fractions (Tracer # for GAMAP = 4) | [unitless] | TIME-SER | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
505 | (I,J) | Column optical depths (Tracer # for GAMAP = 5) | [unitless] | TIME-SER | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
506 | (I,J) | Cloud top heights (Tracer # for GAMAP = 6) | [hPa] | TIME-SER | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
507 | (I,J,L) | Air density (Tracer # for GAMAP = 7) | [molec/cm3] | TIME-SER | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
508 | (I,J,L) | Total sea salt tracer concentration (Tracer # for GAMAP = 8) | [unitless] | TIME-SER | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
509 | (I,J) | PBL heights (Tracer # for GAMAP = 1) | [m] | PBLDEPTH | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
510 | (I,J) | PBL heights (Tracer # for GAMAP = 2) | [levels] | PBLDEPTH | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
511 | (I,J,L) | Grid box height (Tracer # for GAMAP = 1) | [m] | BXHGHT-$ | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
512 | (I,J,L) | Pressure at level edges (Tracer # for GAMAP = 1) | [hPa] | PEDGE-$ | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
513 | (I,J) | Sea level pressure (Tracer # for GAMAP = 18) | [hPa] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
514 | (I,J,L) | Zonal wind (a.k.a. U-wind) (Tracer # for GAMAP = 1) | [m/s] | DAO-3D-$ | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
515 | (I,J,L) | Meridional wind (a.k.a. V-wind) (Tracer # for GAMAP = 2) | [m/s] | DAO-3D-$ | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
516 | (I,J,L) | Temperature (Tracer # for GAMAP = 3) | [K] | DAO-3D-$ | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
517 | (I,J,L) | Sulfate aerosol optical depth (Tracer # for GAMAP = 6) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
518 | (I,J,L) | Black carbon aerosol optical depth (Tracer # for GAMAP = 9) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
519 | (I,J,L) | Organic carbon aerosol optical depth (Tracer # for GAMAP = 12) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
520 | (I,J,L) | Accumulation mode seasalt optical depth (Tracer # for GAMAP = 15) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
521 | (I,J,L) | Coarse mode seasalt optical depth (Tracer # for GAMAP = 18) | [unitless] | OD-MAP_$ | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
522 | (I,J,L) | Total dust optical depth (Tracer # for GAMAP = 4) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
523-529 | (I,J,L) | Size resolved dust optical depth (Tracer # for GAMAP = 21-27) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND49: Instantaneous timeseries
ND49 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1-N | (I,J,L) | GEOS-Chem advected species number for GAMAP = 1, nAdvect | [v/v] | IJ-AVG-$ | all simulations | SpeciesConc_?ADV? | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
501 | (I,J,L) | OH concentration (Tracer # for GAMAP = 1) | [molec/cm3] | TIME-SER | all simulations | SpeciesConc_OH | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
502 | (I,J,L) | NOy concentration (Tracer # for GAMAP = 2) | [v/v] | TIME-SER | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
503 | (I,J,L) | Relative humidity (Tracer # for GAMAP = 3) | [%] | TIME-SER | all simulations | Met_RH | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
504 | (I,J,L) | 3-D Cloud fractions (Tracer # for GAMAP = 4) | [unitless] | TIME-SER | all simulations | Met_CLDF | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
505 | (I,J) | Column optical depths (Tracer # for GAMAP = 5) | [unitless] | TIME-SER | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
506 | (I,J) | Cloud top heights (Tracer # for GAMAP = 6) | [hPa] | TIME-SER | all simulations | Met_CLDTOPS | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
507 | (I,J,L) | Air density (Tracer # for GAMAP = 7) | [molec/cm3] | TIME-SER | all simulations | Met_AIRDEN (dry) Met_MAIRDEN (moist) |
REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
508 | (I,J,L) | Total sea salt tracer concentration (Tracer # for GAMAP = 8) | [unitless] | TIME-SER | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
509 | (I,J) | PBL heights (Tracer # for GAMAP = 1) | [m] | PBLDEPTH | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
510 | (I,J) | PBL heights (Tracer # for GAMAP = 2) | [levels] | PBLDEPTH | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
511 | (I,J,L) | Grid box height (Tracer # for GAMAP = 1) | [m] | BXHGHT-$ | all simulations | Met_BXHEIGHT | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
512 | (I,J,L) | Pressure at level edges (Tracer # for GAMAP = 1) | [hPa] | PEDGE-$ | all simulations | Met_PEDGE | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
513 | (I,J) | Sea level pressure (Tracer # for GAMAP = 18) | [hPa] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | Met_SLP | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
514 | (I,J,L) | Zonal wind (a.k.a. U-wind) (Tracer # for GAMAP = 1) | [m/s] | DAO-3D-$ | all simulations | Met_U | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
515 | (I,J,L) | Meridional wind (a.k.a. V-wind) (Tracer # for GAMAP = 2) | [m/s] | DAO-3D-$ | all simulations | Met_V | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
516 | (I,J,L) | Temperature (Tracer # for GAMAP = 3) | [K] | DAO-3D-$ | all simulations | Met_T | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
517 | (I,J,L) | Sulfate aerosol optical depth (Tracer # for GAMAP = 6) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
518 | (I,J,L) | Black carbon aerosol optical depth (Tracer # for GAMAP = 9) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
519 | (I,J,L) | Organic carbon aerosol optical depth (Tracer # for GAMAP = 12) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
520 | (I,J,L) | Accumulation mode seasalt optical depth (Tracer # for GAMAP = 15) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
521 | (I,J,L) | Coarse mode seasalt optical depth (Tracer # for GAMAP = 18) | [unitless] | OD-MAP_$ | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
522 | (I,J,L) | Total dust optical depth (Tracer # for GAMAP = 4) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
523-529 | (I,J,L) | Size resolved dust optical depth (Tracer # for GAMAP = 21-27) | [unitless] | OD-MAP-$ | all simulations | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
530 | (I,J) | PARDF (diffuse PAR) (Tracer # for GAMAP = 20) | [W/m2] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | Met_PARDF | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
531 | (I,J) | PARDR (direct PAR) (Tracer # for GAMAP = 21) | [W/m2] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | Met_PARDR | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
532 | (I,J) | Daily LAI (leaf area index) (Tracer # for GAMAP = 9) | [cm2/cm2] | all simulations | TIME-SER | Met_XLAI | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
533 | (I,J) | Temperature at 2m (i.e. proxy for surface air temperature) (Tracer # for GAMAP = 5) | [K] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | Met_T2M | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
534 | (I,J) | Accumulated precipitation (Tracer # for GAMAP = 3) | [mm/day] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | Met_PRECTOT | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND50: 24h average timeseries
This diagnostic archives the the same diagnostic quantities as ND49 (listed above)
NOTE: Any field of the State_Chm, State_Diag, or State_Met objects can be sent to a netcdf time-averaged collection with a frequency of 24 hours.
ND51 and ND51b: Satellite timeseries
This diagnostic rchives the the same diagnostic quantities as ND49 (listed above)
NOTE: The ND51 and ND51b diagnostics will be preserved for the time being, until a netCDF replacement is implemented.
ND52: Gamma HO2
ND53: POPs diagnostics
ND0 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J) | Total POPs emissions | kg/m2/s | PG-SRCE | POPS | NOTE: Units changed from kg to kg/m2/s in GEOS-Chem 12.1.0 | |
2 | (I,J) | POP OC emissions | kg/m2/s | PG-SRCE | POPS | EmisPOPPPOCPO | " " |
3 | (I,J) | POP BC emissions | kg/m2/s | PG-SRCE | POPS | EmisPOPPBCPO | " " |
4 | (I,J) | Gas-phase POPs emissions | kg/m2/s | PG-SRCE | POPS | EmisPOPG | " " |
5 | (I,J) | Secondary emissions from soil | kg/m2/s | PG-SRCE | POPS | EmisPOPGfromSoil | " " |
6 | (I,J) | Secondary emissions from lakes | kg/m2/s | PG-SRCE | POPS | EmisPOPGfromLake | " " |
7 | (I,J) | Secondary emissions from leaves | kg/m2/s | PG-SRCE | POPS | EmisPOPGfromLeaf | " " |
8 | (I,J) | Secondary positive soil flux | ng/m2/day | PG-SRCE | POPS | FluxPOPGfromSoilToAir | |
9 | (I,J) | Secondary negative soil flux | ng/m2/day | PG-SRCE | POPS | FluxPOPGfromAirToSoil | |
10 | (I,J) | Secondary positive lake flux | ng/m2/day | PG-SRCE | POPS | FluxPOPGfromLakeToAir | |
11 | (I,J) | Secondary negative lake flux | ng/m2/day | PG-SRCE | POPS | FluxPOPGfromAirToLake | |
12 | (I,J) | Secondary positive leaf flux | ng/m2/day | PG-SRCE | POPS | FluxPOPGfromLeafToAir | |
13 | (I,J) | Secondary negative leaf flux | ng/m2/day | PG-SRCE | POPS | FluxPOPGfromAirToLeaf | |
14 | (I,J) | Fugacity ratios soil/air | 1 | PG-SRCE | POPS | FugacitySoilToAir | |
15 | (I,J) | Fugacity ratios lake/air | 1 | PG-SRCE | POPS | FugacityLakeToAir | |
16 | (I,J) | Fugacity ratios leaf/air | 1 | PG-SRCE | POPS | FugacityLeafToair | |
17 | (I,J,L) | Gross POP OC lost to gas | kg/s | PG-PP | POPS | LossPOPPOCPObyGasPhase | NOTE: Units changed from kg to kg/s in GEOS-Chem 12.1.0 |
18 | (I,J,L) | Gross POP OC formed from gas | kg/s | PG-PP | POPS | ProdPOPPOCPOfromGasPhase | " " |
19 | (I,J,L) | Gross POP BC lost to gas | kg/s | PG-PP | POPS | LossPOPPBCPObyGasPhase | " " |
20 | (I,J,L) | Gross POP BC formed from gas | kg/s | PG-PP | POPS | ProdPOPPBCPOfromGasPhase | " " |
21 | (I,J,L) | Production of oxidized POPG from reaction with OH | kg/s | PG-PP | POPS | ProdPOPGfromOH | " " |
22 | (I,J,L) | Production of oxidized POPOCPO from reaction with O3 | kg/s | PG-PP | POPS | ProdPOPPOCPOfromO3 | " " |
23 | (I,J,L) | Production of oxidized POPOCPI from reaction with O3 | kg/s | PG-PP | POPS | ProdPOPPOCPIfromO3 | " " |
24 | (I,J,L) | Production of oxidized POPBCPO from reaction with O3 | kg/s | PG-PP | POPS | ProdPOPPBCPOfromO3 | " " |
25 | (I,J,L) | Production of oxidized POPBCPI from reaction with O3 | kg/s | PG-PP | POPS | ProdPOPPBCPIfromO3 | " " |
26 | (I,J,L) | Production of oxidized POPOCPO from reaction with NO3 | kg/s | PG-PP | POPS | ProdPOPPOCPOfromNO3 | " " |
27 | (I,J,L) | Production of oxidized POPOCPI from reaction with NO3 | kg/s | PG-PP | POPS | ProdPOPPOCPIfromNO3 | " " |
28 | (I,J,L) | Production of oxidized POPBCPO from reaction with NO3 | [kg] | PG-PP | POPS | ProdPOPPBCPOfromNO3 | " " |
29 | (I,J,L) | Production of oxidized POPBCPI from reaction with NO3 | [kg] | PG-PP | POPS | ProdPOPPBCPIfromNO3 | " " |
--Bob Yantosca (talk) 21:49, 17 October 2018 (UTC)
ND54: Time in troposphere
ND54 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L) | Computes the amount of time that a given grid box spends in the troposphere | [1] | TIME-TPS | all simulations | FracOfTimeInTrop | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND55: Tropopause diagnostics
ND55 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J) | Level at which the dynamic tropopause occurs | [unitless] | TR-PAUSE | all simulations | Met_TROPLEV | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
2 | (I,J) | Height of the dynamic tropopause | [km] | TR-PAUSE | all simulations | Met_TROPHT | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
3 | (I,J) | Pressure of the dynamic tropopause | [mb] | TR-PAUSE | all simulations | Met_TROPP | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND56: Lightning diagnostics
NOTE: All fullchem refers to all simulations that use a full-chemistry mechanism (i.e. benchmark, complexSOA*, standard, tropchem. aciduptake, marinePOA, RRTMG, TOMAS).
ND56 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J) | Total lightning flash rate | [flashes/min/km2] | LFLASH-$ | all fullchem | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
2 | (I,J) | Intra-cloud flash rate | [flashes/min/km2] | LFLASH-$ | all fullchem | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
3 | (I,J) | Cloud-ground flash rate | [flashes/min/km2] | LFLASH-$ | all fullchem | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
4 | (I,J) | Lightning cloud top height | [level] | LFLASH-$ | all fullchem | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND57: Potential temperature
ND57 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L) | Potential temperature | [K] | THETA-$ | all simulations | Met_THETA | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND58: CH4 emissions
NOTE: In GEOS-Chem 12.0.0 and higher, these diagnostics are archived by HEMCO. The ND58 diagnostic was deactivated in GEOS-Chem 12.1.0.
ND58 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J) | CH4-TOT: Total emissions | kg | CH4-EMIS | CH4 | EmisCH4_Total | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
2 | (I,J) | CH4-GAO: Gas & Oil emissions | kg | CH4-EMIS | CH4 | EmisCH4_Oil | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
3 | (I,J) | CH4-COL: Coal emisisons | kg | CH4-EMIS | CH4 | EmisCH4_Gas | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
4 | (I,J) | CH4-LIV: Livestock emissions | kg | CH4-EMIS | CH4 | EmisCH4_Livestock | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
5 | (I,J) | CH4-WST: Waste emisisons | kg | CH4-EMIS | CH4 | EmisCH4_Wastewater | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
6 | (I,J) | CH4-BFL: Biofuel emissions | kg | CH4-EMIS | CH4 | EmisCH4_Biofuel | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
7 | (I,J) | CH4-RIC: Rice field emissions | kg | CH4-EMIS | CH4 | EmisCH4_Rice | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
8 | (I,J) | CH4-OTA: Other anthropogenic emissions | kg | CH4-EMIS | CH4 | EmisCH4_OtherAnth | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
9 | (I,J) | CH4-BBN: Biomass burning emissions | kg | CH4-EMIS | CH4 | EmisCH4_BiomassBurn | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
10 | (I,J) | CH4-WTL: Wetland emissions | kg | CH4-EMIS | CH4 | EmisCH4_Wetlands | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
11 | (I,J) | CH4-SAB: Soil absorption | kg | CH4-EMIS | CH4 | EmisCH4_Seeps | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
12 | (I,J) | CH4-OTN: Other natural emissions | kg | CH4-EMIS | CH4 | EmisCH4_SoilAbsorb | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND59: TOMAS size-resolved aerosol emissions
ND59 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L) | Size-resolved primary aerosol number emission | [No.] | NK-EMISS | TOMAS | ||
2 | (I,J,L) | Size-resolved primary aerosol sulfate mass emission | [kg S] | SF-EMIS | TOMAS | ||
3 | (I,J,L) | Size-resolved primary aerosol sea-salt emission | [kg] | SS-EMIS | TOMAS | ||
4 | (I,J,L) | Size-resolved primary Hydrophillic EC mass emission | [kg] | ECIL-SRC | TOMAS | ||
5 | (I,J,L) | Size-resolved primary Hydrophobic EC mass emission | [kg] | ECOB-SRC | TOMAS | ||
6 | (I,J,L) | Size-resolved primary Hydrophillic OC mass emission | [kg] | OCIL-SRC | TOMAS | ||
7 | (I,J,L) | Size-resolved primary Hydropobic OC mass emission | [kg] | OCOB-SRC | TOMAS | ||
8 | (I,J,L) | Size-resolved dust mass emission | [kg] | DUST-SRC | TOMAS |
TOMAS simulations: Aerosol microphysics rate
ND0 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L) | Condensation rate | [no.] or [kg] | TMS-COND | TOMAS | ||
2 | (I,J,L) | Coagulation rate | [no.] or [kg] | TMS-COAG | TOMAS | ||
3 | (I,J,L) | Nucleation rate | [no.] or [kg] | TMS-NUCL | TOMAS | ||
4 | (I,J,L) | Aqueous oxidation rate | [no.] or [kg] | TMS-AQOX | TOMAS | ||
5 | (I,J,L) | Accumulated error fixed | [no.] or [kg] | AERO-FIX | TOMAS | ||
6 | (I,J,L) | SOA condensation rate | [no.] or [kg] | TMS-SOA | TOMAS |
Non-TOMAS simulations: Wetland fraction
NOTE: In GEOS-Chem 12, the CH4 simulation now reads wetland emissions from disk. Therefore wetland emissions are now archived via the HEMCO diagnostics facility, making the ND60 diagnostic obsolete.
ND59 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J) | Wetland fraction | unitless | WET-FRAC | CH4 | EmisCH4_Wetlands | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND61: TOMAS 3-D rate
ND61 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L) | Particle Dp >10 nm formation rate | [cm-3s-1] | TOMAS-3D | TOMAS | ||
2 | (I,J,L) | Nucleation rate (cluster size) | [cm-3s-1] | TOMAS-3D | TOMAS |
ND62: Instantaneous columns
ND62 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,N) | I-J instantaneous integrated column density for tracers | [molec/cm2] or [atoms C/cm2] |
INST-MAP | all simulations | none | REMOVED IN 12.0.0 |
ND63: Ship emission diagnostics
NOTE: All fullchem refers to all simulations that use a full-chemistry mechanism (i.e. benchmark, complexSOA*, standard, tropchem. aciduptake, marinePOA, RRTMG, TOMAS).
ND63 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J) | Fraction of NOx remaining | unitless | SHIP-$$$ | all fullchem | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
2 | (I,J) | Integrated Ozone Production Efficiency (OPE) | unitless | SHIP-$$$ | all fullchem | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
3 | (I,J) | Ship plume NOx remaining | [molec/cm2/s] | SHIP-$$$ | all fullchem | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
4 | (I,J) | Ship plume Ox production | [molec/cm2/s] | SHIP-$$$ | all fullchem | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
5 | (I,J) | Ship NOx emissions | [molec/cm2/s] | SHIP-$$$ | all fullchem | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND64: Radiative flux
NOTE: All fullchem refers to all simulations that use a full-chemistry mechanism (i.e. benchmark, complexSOA*, standard, tropchem. aciduptake, marinePOA, RRTMG, TOMAS).
ND64 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L) | Net UV flux in bin | [W/m2] | FJX-FLUX | all fullchem | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
2 | (I,J,L) | Direct UV flux in bin | [W/m2] | FJX-FLUX | all fullchem | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 | |
3 | (I,J,L) | Diffuse UV flux in bin | [W/m2] | FJX-FLUX | all fullchem | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND65: Chemical production and loss diagnostics
NOTE: All fullchem refers to all simulations that use a full-chemistry mechanism (i.e. benchmark, complexSOA*, standard, tropchem. aciduptake, marinePOA, RRTMG, TOMAS).
ND65 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L,N) | Chemical family P/L rates. See the FlexChem wiki page for more information. | [molec/cm3/s] | PORL-L=$ | all fullchem tagCO tagO3 |
Prod_?PRD? Loss_?LOS? |
NOTE: Only used for TOMAS simulations |
ND66: GMAO 3-D met fields
NOTE: Any field of the State_Met object can be saved out to netCDF diagnostic output files under the diagnostic name: Met_<fieldname>.
ND66 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L) | UWND : U-winds | [m/s] | DAO-3D-$ | all simulations | Met_U | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
2 | (I,J,L) | VWND : V-winds | [m/s] | DAO-3D-$ | all simulations | Met_V | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
3 | (I,J,L) | TMPU : Temperature | [K] | DAO-3D-$ | all simulations | Met_T | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
4 | (I,J,L) | SPHU : Specific humidity | [g H20/kg air] | DAO-3D-$ | all simulations | Met_SPHU | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
5 | (I,J,L) | CMFMC: Convective Mass Flux | [kg/m2/s] | DAO-3D-$ | all simulations | Met_CMFMC | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
6 | (I,J,L) | DTRAIN : Detrainment Flux | [kg/m2/s] | DAO-3D-$ | all simulations | Met_DTRAIN | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND67: GMAO 2-D met fields
NOTE: Any field of the State_Met object can be saved out to netCDF diagnostic output files under the diagnostic name: Met_<fieldname>.
ND67 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J) | HFLUX: sensible heat flux from surface | [W/m2] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | Met_HFLUX | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
2 | (I,J) | RADSWG: solar radiation at the ground | [W/m2] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | Met_RADSWG | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
3 | (I,J) | PRECTOT: total precipitation at the ground | [mm/day] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | Met_PRECTOT | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
4 | (I,J) | PRECCON: total convective precipitation at the ground | [mm/day] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | Met_PRECCON | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
5 | (I,J) | TS: surface air temperature For GEOS-4, GEOS-5, and MERRA, this is reall simulationsy the air temperature at 2 m altitude above the surface. |
[K] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | Met_TS | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
6 | (I,J) | RADSWT: solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere | [W/m2] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | Met_RADSWT | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
7 | (I,J) | USTAR: friction velocity | [m/s] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | Met_USTAR | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
8 | (I,J) | Z0: surface roughness height | [m] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | Met_Z0 | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
9 | (I,J) | PBL (aka PBLM): planetary boundary layer depth | [m] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | Met_PBL | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
10 | (I,J) | CLDFRC: column cloud fraction | [0 - 1] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | Met_CLDFRC | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
11 | (I,J) | U10M: U-winds at 10 meters altitude | [m/s] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | Met_U10M | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
12 | (I,J) | V10M: V-winds at 10 meters altitude | [m/s] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | Met_V10M | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
13 | (I,J) | PS-PBL: Boundary Layer Top Pressure | [hPa] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | None | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
14 | (I,J) | ALBD: Surface Albedo | [unitless] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | Met_ALBD | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
15 | (I,J) | PHIS: Geopotential Heights | [m] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | Met_PHIS | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
16 | (I,J) | CLTOP : Cloud Top Height | [levels] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | Met_CLDTOPS | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
17 | (I,J) | TROPP: Tropopause pressure | [hPa] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | Met_TROPP | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
18 | (I,J) | SLP: Sea Level pressure (read directly from the met fields) | [hPa] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | Met_SLP | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
19 | (I,J) | TSKIN : Ground / Sea Surface Temp | [K] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | Met_TSKIN | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
20 | (I,J) | PARDF : Photosyntheticall simulationsy active diffuse radiation | [W/m2] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | Met_PARDF | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
21 | (I,J) | PARDR : Photosyntheticall simulationsy active direct radiation | [W/m2] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | Met_PARDR | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
22 | (I,J) | GWETTOP: Top soil wetness | [unitless] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | Met_GWETTOP | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
23 | (I,J) | EFLUX: Latent heat flux | [W/m2] | DAO-FLDS | all simulations | Met_EFLUX | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
NOTE: Any field of the State_Met object can be saved out to netCDF diagnostic output files under the diagnostic name: Met_<fieldname>.
ND68 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,L) | BXHEIGHT: Grid box heights | [m] | BXHGHT-$ | all simulations | Met_BXHEIGHT | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
2 | (I,J,L) | AD: Air mass in grid box | [kg] | BXHGHT-$ | all simulations | Met_AD | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
3 | (I,J,L) | AVGW : Mixing ratio of water vapor | [v/v] | BXHGHT-$ | all simulations | Met_AVGW | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
4 | (I,J,L) | AIRNUMDEN: Air number density | [molec air/cm3] | BXHGHT-$ | all simulations | Met_AIRNUMDEN | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
5 | (I,J,L) | T: Temperature | [K] | BXHGHT-$ | all simulations | Met_T | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
6 | (I,J,L) | PMID: Pressure at average pressure level | [hPa] | BXHGHT-$ | all simulations | Met_PMID | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
7 | (I,J,L) | PEDGE: Presure at grid box lower edge | [hPa] | BXHGHT-$ | all simulations | Met_PEDGE | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
8 | (I,J,L) | RH: Relative humidity | [%] | BXHGHT-$ | all simulations | Met_RH | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND69: Surface areas
ND69 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J) | DXYP: grid box surface areas | [m2] | DXYP | all simulations | AREA | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND70: Print debug output
This diagnostic does not print to bpch or netCDF, but toggles debug printout to the GEOS-Chem log file.
ND71: Hourly maximum mixing ratio
ND71 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,N) | Hourly maximum tracer mixing ratio at the surface | [v/v] | IJ-MAX-$ | all simulations | None | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
ND72: RRTMG diagnostics
ND72 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,N) | All-sky TOA short-wave radiation | W/m2 | RADMAP-$ | RRTMG | RadAllSkySWTOA | REMOVED IN 13.1.0 |
2 | (I,J,N) | All-sky surface short-wave radiation | W/m2 | RADMAP-$ | RRTMG | RadAllSkySWSurf | REMOVED IN 13.1.0 |
3 | (I,J,N) | All-sky TOA long-wave radiation | W/m2 | RADMAP-$ | RRTMG | RadAllSkyLWTOA | REMOVED IN 13.1.0 |
4 | (I,J,N) | All-sky surface long-wave radiation | W/m2 | RADMAP-$ | RRTMG | RadAllSkyLWSurf | REMOVED IN 13.1.0 |
5 | (I,J,N) | Clear-sky TOA short-wave radiation | W/m2 | RADMAP-$ | RRTMG | RadClrSkySWTOA | REMOVED IN 13.1.0 |
6 | (I,J,N) | Clear-sky surface short-wave radiation | W/m2 | RADMAP-$ | RRTMG | RadClrSkySWSurf | REMOVED IN 13.1.0 |
7 | (I,J,N) | Clear-sky TOA long-wave radiation | W/m2 | RADMAP-$ | RRTMG | RadClrSkyLWTOA | REMOVED IN 13.1.0 |
8 | (I,J,N) | Clear-sky surface long-wave radiation | W/m2 | RADMAP-$ | RRTMG | RadClrSkyLWSurf | REMOVED IN 13.1.0 |
ND73: ISORROPIA diagnostics
NOTE: All fullchem refers to all simulations that use a full-chemistry mechanism (i.e. benchmark, complexSOA*, standard, tropchem. aciduptake, marinePOA, RRTMG, TOMAS).
ND73 # | Dims | Description | Units | Category | Simulations | netCDF equivalent | Notes |
1 | (I,J,N) | ISORROPIA aerosol pH | 1 | ISOROP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
Chem_PHSAV | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
2 | (I,J,N) | ISORROPIA H+ concentration | [M] | ISOROP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |
Chem_HPLUSAV | REMOVED IN 12.7.0 |
3 | (I,J,N) | ISORROPIA aerosol water | [μg/m3] | ISOROP-$ | all fullchem aerosol |