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== feel free to experiment here ==
=== Species added ===
== AQAST Newsletter, October 2013 ==
Species added between versions 14.5.0-alpha.5 and 14.5.0-alpha.9:
Welcome to the October 2013 Newsletter of the NASA Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (AQAST). AQAST is a team of atmospheric scientists serving air quality management needs through the use of Earth Science data and tools. We conduct a wide range of projects in partnership with air quality agencies at the local, state, regional, and national levels.
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
!width='100px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Name
!width='100px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Formula
!width='200px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Fullname
!width='30px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Advected
!width='30px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Dry deposited
!width='30px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Gas
!width='30px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Photolyzed
!width='30px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Wet deposited
This newsletter keeps you up to date on AQAST activities. The [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/aqast AQAST website] has more comprehensive information. Also follow us on Twitter at [https://twitter.com/NASA_AQAST @NASA_AQAST]. To inquire about specific projects or request assistance please contact any [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/aqast/members.html AQAST member], team leader [mailto:djacob@fas.harvard.edu Daniel Jacob], or team deputy leader [mailto:taholloway@wisc.edu Tracey Holloway].
|Peroxyacetyl radical for APAN
|Peroxy radical from ACR
|Lumped >= C6 Alkanes
|Peroxyacryloyl nitrate
|1st gen organic nitrate from APIN
|Peroxy radical from APIN
|Hydroperoxide from APIN
|Lumped aromatic peroxyacetyl radical
|Lumped PN from aromatics
|Saturated 1st gen BPIN organic nitrate
|Ketone from BPIN
|Peroxy radical from BPIN
|Saturated 2nd gen BPIN organic nitrate
|2nd-gen peroxy radical from BPIN
|2nd-gen peroxide from BPIN
|Peroxide from BPIN
|C4H6 alkyl nitrate
|peroxy radical from C4H6
|Saturated 2nd gen monoterpene organic nitrate
|2nd-gen peroxy radical from APIN
|Peroxide from APIN 2nd gen
|Peroxyacetyl radical for PHAN
|Hydroxyacetic/glycolic acid
|Aldehyde from limonene
|2nd gen ketone from limonene
|Ketone from limonene
|2nd-gen peroxy radical from LIMO
|Saturated 1st gen limonene organic nitrate
|Saturated 1st gen LIMO organic nitrate
|Acid from LIMO
|Acylperoxy radical from LIMO
|Peracid from LIMO
|PAN from LIMO
|MEK peroxyacetyl nitrate
|Aldehyde or ketone from myrcene
|Peroxyhydroxyacetic nitric anhydride
|Saturated 1st gen monoterpene organic nitrate
|Acylperoxy radical from APIN
|Pinonic peracid
|Pinonic acid
|PAN from pinonaldehyde
|Peroxy radical from R7N2
|C7 Lumped alkyl nitrate
|Peroxy radical from ALK7
|Peroxide from R7O2
|Lumped aromatic nitrate
|Aromatic furanones
|RO2 for making lumped aromatic nitrate
<i>This newsletter was produced by [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/people/faculty/djj/index.html Daniel Jacob] (AQAST leader) and [http://people.seas.harvard.edu/~yantosca/ Bob Yantosca] (AQAST webmaster). Subscribe/unsubscribe by email to Bob Yantosca.</i>. [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/aqast/newsletter.html Access previous newsletters here].
=== Species removed===
== AQAST Semiannual Meetings ==
Species removed between versions 14.5.0-alpha.5 and 14.5.0-alpha.9:
AQAST meetings are held on a semiannual schedule and bring together team members, air quality managers, and research and applications partners. Our last meeting was held on June 4-6 at the University of Maryland and you can access the agenda and presentations from that meeting [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/aqast/meetings/2013_jun/program.html here].
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
!width='100px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Name
!width='100px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Formula
!width='200px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Fullname
!width='30px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Advected
!width='30px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Dry deposited
!width='30px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Gas
!width='30px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Photolyzed
!width='30px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Wet deposited
=== 6th AQAST Meeting (AQAST6): January 15-17, 2014 at Rice University ===
The next AQAST meeting (AQAST6) will be held January 15-17, 2014 (Wednesday-Friday) at Rice University in Houston, hosted by AQAST member [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/aqast/members.html Dan Cohan]. The meeting is free and open to the public. Air quality managers are especially encouraged to participate. Go to the [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/aqast/meetings/2014_jan/index.html meeting website] for more information and to register. Indicate when you register if you would like to give a presentation. We look forward to seeing you in Houston!
== AQAST Highlights ==
=== Nitrogen deposition in US national parks in the news ===
The recently published [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/publications/ellis2013.pdf Ellis et al.] AQAST paper on excessive nitrogen deposition in US national parks received a lot of media attention including [http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-national-park-fertilize-nitrogen-air-pollution-20131014,0,6264129.story) this piece in the Los Angeles Times].
=== AQAST Team Members Participate in Air Quality Conference ===
[http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/aqast/members.html AQAST Team Member Dick McNider] of the University of Alabama in Huntsville gave a keynote speech on the role of the physical atmosphere in air quality decision making at the [https://sites.google.com/site/meteorologyandairquality/home Traversing New Terrain Meteorology and Air Quality Conference] held at the University Of California Davis Sept -10-12, 2013. The purpose of the conference was to bring physical atmosphere modelers both from the air quality community and other areas such as weather forecasting, fire forecasting and climate to examine issues and possible improvements to the physical atmosphere related to air quality.
One new area examined by McNider in his opening talk was the evidence of too much mixing in nighttime stable boundary layers is reducing the decoupling and strength of associated inertial low level jets and shear in the residual layer between the surface and the previous day’s boundary layer height. Using long range dispersion results it was shown that such under-prediction of the decoupling can dramatically change the transport and spread of urban and power plant plumes into rural areas. It was hypothesized that part of the under-prediction in modeled rural NO2 columns compared to satellite column NO2 may be due to model under-estimates of NOy export from urban areas because of the under-estimate of the nighttime decoupling.
Another AQAST Team member, Brad Pierce of NOAA, served on the Program Committee  and organized the  “Data Assimilation, Adjoints, and Inverse Modeling “ session, which focused on techniques of bring satellite and ground based air quality observations into models and to decision making by air quality agencies.
== New AQAST publications (with links) ==
=== NOx emission trends seen from space ===
Duncan, B., Y. Yoshida, B. de Foy, L. Lamsal, D. Streets, Z. Lu, K. Pickering, and N. Krotkov, The observed response of Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) NO2 columns to NOx emission controls on power plants in the United States: 2005-2011, Atmos. Environ., 81, p. 102-111, doi:10.1016/jatmosenv.2013.08.068, 2013. [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/publications/aqast/articles/Duncan2013.pdf Article]
=== Nitrogen deposition in national parks ===
Ellis, R.A., D.J. Jacob, M.P. Sulprizio, L. Zhang, C.D. Holmes, B.A. Schichtel, T. Blett, E. Porter, L.H. Pardo, and J.A. Lynch, Present and future nitrogen deposition to national parks in the United States: critical load exceedances, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 9083-9095, 2013. [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/publications/ellis2013.pdf Article]
=== Background influences on western US air quality ===
Huang, M. , G. R. Carmichael, T. Chai, R. B. Pierce, S. J. Oltmans, D. A. Jaffe, K. W. Bowman, A. Kaduwela, C. Cai, S. N. Spak, A. J. Weinheimer, L. G. Huey, and G. S. Diskin, Impacts of transported background pollutants on summertime western US air quality: model evaluation, sensitivity analysis and data assimilation, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 359-391, 2013. [http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/13/359/2013/acp-13-359-2013.html Article]
=== Fire emissions from MODIS ===
Peterson, D., J. Wang, C. Ichoku, E. Hyer, and V. Ambrosia, A sub-pixel-based calculation of fire radiative power from MODIS observations: 1: Algorithm development and initial assessment, Remote Sensing of Environment, 129, 262-279, 15 Feb 2013. [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0034425712004300 Article]
=== Emission trends in India ===
Lu, Zifeng. David G. Streets, Benjamin de Foy, and Nikolay. A. Krotkov, OMI Observations of Interannual Increase in SO2 Emissions from Indian Coal-Fired Power Plants during 2005−2012, Env. Sci. Tech, submitted, 2013. [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/publications/aqast/articles/Indian_Power_SO2_submitted_to_EST.pdf Article]
=== Ammonia pollution from food export ===
Paulot F, D.J. Jacob, Hidden cost of U.S. agricultural exports: particulate matter from ammonia emissions, submitted to Environ. Sci. Technol., 2013. [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/publications/paulot2013c.pdf Article]
=== Future fires and PM in the western US ===
Yue, X., L.J. Mickley, and J.A. Logan, Projection of wildfire activity in
southern California in the mid-21st century, submitted to Clim. Dyn., 2013.
[http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/publications/Yue_submitted_2013b.pdf Full paper]
Yue, X., L. J. Mickley, J. A. Logan, and J. O. Kaplan, Ensemble projections of wildfire activity and carbonaceous aerosol concentrations over the western United States in the mid-21st century, Atmos. Env., 77, 767-780, 2013. [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/publications/Yue_ae_2013.pdf Article]
=== Effect of rising CO<sub>2</sub> on isoprene emission and air quality implications ===
Tai, A.P.K., L.J. Mickley, C.L. Heald, S. Wu, Effect of CO2 inhibition on biogenic isoprene emission: Implications for air quality under 2000-to-2050 changes in climate, vegetation, and land use, Geophys. Res. Let., 40, 3479-3483, 2013. [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/publications/Tai_grl_2013.pdf Article]
=== Detecting emissions from space: a review ===
Streets, D., T. Canty, G. Carmichael, B. de Foy, R. Dickerson,, B. Duncan, D. Edwards, J. Haynes, D. Henze, M. Houyoux, D. Jacob, N. Krotkov, L. Lamsal, Y. Liu, Z. Lu, R. Martin, Pfister, R. Pinder, R. Salawitch, and K. Wecht, Emissions estimation from satellite retrievals: A review of current capability, Atmos. Environ., in press, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.05.051. [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1352231013004007 Full paper]
=== Use of satellite observations for PM forecasts ===
Saide, P. E., Carmichael, G. R., Liu, Z., Schwartz, C. S., Lin, H. C., da Silva, A. M., and Hyer, E.: Aerosol optical depth assimilation for a size-resolved sectional model: impacts of observationally constrained, multi-wavelength and fine mode retrievals on regional scale forecasts, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 13, 12213-12261, doi:10.5194/acpd-13-12213-2013, 2013.
[http://www.atmos-chem-phys-discuss.net/13/12213/2013/acpd-13-12213-2013.html Full paper]
=== Air quality modeling with coupled meteorology-chemistry models ===
Baklanov, A. Schluenzen, P. Suppan, J. Baldasano, D. Brunner, S. Aksoyoglu, G. Carmichael, et al., Online coupled regional meteorology-chemistry models in Europe: current status and prospects, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 13, 12541–12724, , 2013. [ http://www.atmos-chem-phys-discuss.net/13/12541/2013/acpd-13-12541-2013.html Article]
=== High ozone on hot days ===
H. He, L. Hembeck, R. J. Salawitch, K. M. Hosley, and R. R. Dickerson, High ozone concentrations on hot days: The role of electric power demand and NOx emissions, Geophys. Res. Lett, 40, 1–4, doi:10.1002/grl.50967, 2013. [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/publications/aqast/articles/he_etal_GRLproof_2013.pdf Article]
=== Improved ammonia emission inventory for the US ===
Paulot F., Jacob, D.J., Pinder R.W., Bash J.O., Travis, K., Henze D.K., Ammonia emissions in the United States, Europe, and China derived by high-resolution inversion of ammonium wet deposition data: Interpretation with a new agricultural emissions inventory (MASAGE_NH3), submitted to J. Geophys. Res., 2013. [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/publications/paulot_2013b.pdf Full paper]
=== Older publications ===
See the [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/aqast/publications.html AQAST publications webpage] for the full list of AQAST publications.
== New AQAST presentations (with links) ==
=== Presentations from the AQAST5 meeting (June 4-6, 2013) ===
[http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/aqast/meetings/2013_jun/program.html Click here] for the meeting agenda with links to all presentations.
=== DISCOVER-AQ and the uses of remote sensing in air quality and climate studies ===
presented by Russ Dickerson at Brookhaven National Lab, May 16, 2013.  [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/presentations/aqast/BNL_Dickerson2013short1.pdf Download pdf]
=== What can we learn from observations and modeling to inform inventory estimates? ===
presented by Russ Dickerson to the Mid-Atlantic Regional Air Management Association, Inc. (MARAMA), February 27, 2013.  [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/presentations/aqast/9_MARAMA_Dickerson2013.pdf Download]
=== Iowa air quality: sources, trends, and new resources for emergency and routine events ===
presented by Scott Spak at the IPHA Governor’s Conference on Public Health, Ames, IA, 9 April 2013.
[http://www.iowapha.org/Resources/Documents/23%20Iowa%20Air%20Quality.pdf Workshop handout] 
[http://www.iowapha.org/Resources/Documents/23%20Iowa%20Air%20Quality2.pdf Presentation]
=== Modeling Ozone Exceptional Events: California, 2008 & Colorado/Wyoming, 2012 ===
presented by Gabriele Pfister at the WESTAR Wildfire and Exceptional Ozone Events Meeting, California Air Resources Board, Sacramento, March 5-6, 2013 [http://westar.org/O3%20EE%20mtg%203-13/O3%20Wildfire%20EE%20agenda2.htm Meeting agenda and link to presentation]

Latest revision as of 19:10, 3 October 2024

Species added

Species added between versions 14.5.0-alpha.5 and 14.5.0-alpha.9:

Name Formula Fullname Advected Dry deposited Gas Photolyzed Wet deposited
ACO3 C3H3O3 Peroxyacetyl radical for APAN X
ACR C3H4O Acrolein X X X X
ACRO2 C3H5O4 Peroxy radical from ACR X
ALK7 C7H16 Lumped >= C6 Alkanes X X
APAN C3H3NO5 Peroxyacryloyl nitrate X X X X X
APINN C10H17NO4 1st gen organic nitrate from APIN X X X X X
APINO2 C10H17O3 Peroxy radical from APIN X
APINP C10H18O3 Hydroperoxide from APIN X X X X
AROMCO3 C5H5O6 Lumped aromatic peroxyacetyl radical X
AROMPN C5H5NO8 Lumped PN from aromatics X X X X X
BPINN C10H17NO4 Saturated 1st gen BPIN organic nitrate X X X X X
BPINO C9H14O Ketone from BPIN X X X X
BPINO2 C10H17O3 Peroxy radical from BPIN X
BPINON C9H13NO4 Saturated 2nd gen BPIN organic nitrate X X X X X
BPINOO2 C10H17O3 2nd-gen peroxy radical from BPIN X
BPINOOH C9H14O3 2nd-gen peroxide from BPIN X X X X
BPINP C10H18O3 Peroxide from BPIN X X X X
BUTN C4H7NO4 C4H6 alkyl nitrate X X X X
BUTO2 C4H7O3 peroxy radical from C4H6 X
C4H6 C4H6 1,3-butadiene X X
C96N C9H15NO4 Saturated 2nd gen monoterpene organic nitrate X X X X X
C96O2 C10H17O3 2nd-gen peroxy radical from APIN X
C96O2H C9H16O3 Peroxide from APIN 2nd gen X X X X
EBZ C8H10 Ethylbenzene X X
GCO3 HOCH2CO3 Peroxyacetyl radical for PHAN X
HACTA HOCH2CO2H Hydroxyacetic/glycolic acid X X X X
LIMAL C10H16O2 Aldehyde from limonene X X X X
LIMKB C10H16O3 2nd gen ketone from limonene X X X X
LIMKET C10H16O2 Ketone from limonene X X X X
LIMKO2 C10H17O3 2nd-gen peroxy radical from LIMO X
LIMN C10H17NO4 Saturated 1st gen limonene organic nitrate X X X X X
LIMNB C10H15NO4 Saturated 1st gen LIMO organic nitrate X X X X X
LIMO2H C10H18O3 Acid from LIMO X X X X
LIMO3 C10H17O3 Acylperoxy radical from LIMO X
LIMO3H C10H18O4 Peracid from LIMO X X X X
MEKCO3 C3H5O4 False X
MEKPN C3H5NO6 MEK peroxyacetyl nitrate X X X X X
MYRCO C10H18O3 Aldehyde or ketone from myrcene X X X X
PHAN C2H3NO6 Peroxyhydroxyacetic nitric anhydride X X X X X
PIN C10H17NO4 Saturated 1st gen monoterpene organic nitrate X X X X X
PINAL C10H16O2 Pinonaldehyde X X X X
PINO3 C10H17O3 Acylperoxy radical from APIN X
PINO3H C10H18O4 Pinonic peracid X X X X
PINONIC C10H18O3 Pinonic acid X X X X
PINPAN C10H17NO4 PAN from pinonaldehyde X X X X X
R7N1 C7H15NO5 Peroxy radical from R7N2 X
R7N2 RO2NO C7 Lumped alkyl nitrate X X X X X
R7O2 C7H15O2 Peroxy radical from ALK7 X
R7P C7H16O2 Peroxide from R7O2 X X X X X
RNO3 RO2NO Lumped aromatic nitrate X X X X X
STYR C8H8 Styrene X X
TLFUO2 C5H7O5 False X
TLFUONE C5H6O2 Aromatic furanones X X X X
TMB C8H10 Trimethylbenzenes X
ZRO2 C7H9O5 RO2 for making lumped aromatic nitrate X

Species removed

Species removed between versions 14.5.0-alpha.5 and 14.5.0-alpha.9:

Name Formula Fullname Advected Dry deposited Gas Photolyzed Wet deposited