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== feel free to experiment here ==
=== Species added ===
== AQAST Newsletter, October 2013 ==
Species added between versions 14.5.0-alpha.5 and 14.5.0-alpha.9:
Welcome to the October 2013 Newsletter of the NASA Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (AQAST). AQAST is a team of atmospheric scientists serving air quality management needs through the use of Earth Science data and tools. We conduct a wide range of projects in partnership with air quality agencies at the local, state, regional, and national levels.
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
!width='100px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Name
!width='100px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Formula
!width='200px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Fullname
!width='30px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Advected
!width='30px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Dry deposited
!width='30px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Gas
!width='30px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Photolyzed
!width='30px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Wet deposited
This newsletter keeps you up to date on AQAST activities. The [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/aqast AQAST website] has more comprehensive information. Also follow us on Twitter at [https://twitter.com/NASA_AQAST @NASA_AQAST]. To inquire about specific projects or request assistance please contact any [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/aqast/members.html AQAST member], team leader [mailto:djacob@fas.harvard.edu Daniel Jacob], or team deputy leader [mailto:taholloway@wisc.edu Tracey Holloway].
|Peroxyacetyl radical for APAN
|Peroxy radical from ACR
|Lumped >= C6 Alkanes
|Peroxyacryloyl nitrate
|1st gen organic nitrate from APIN
|Peroxy radical from APIN
|Hydroperoxide from APIN
|Lumped aromatic peroxyacetyl radical
|Lumped PN from aromatics
|Saturated 1st gen BPIN organic nitrate
|Ketone from BPIN
|Peroxy radical from BPIN
|Saturated 2nd gen BPIN organic nitrate
|2nd-gen peroxy radical from BPIN
|2nd-gen peroxide from BPIN
|Peroxide from BPIN
|C4H6 alkyl nitrate
|peroxy radical from C4H6
|Saturated 2nd gen monoterpene organic nitrate
|2nd-gen peroxy radical from APIN
|Peroxide from APIN 2nd gen
|Peroxyacetyl radical for PHAN
|Hydroxyacetic/glycolic acid
|Aldehyde from limonene
|2nd gen ketone from limonene
|Ketone from limonene
|2nd-gen peroxy radical from LIMO
|Saturated 1st gen limonene organic nitrate
|Saturated 1st gen LIMO organic nitrate
|Acid from LIMO
|Acylperoxy radical from LIMO
|Peracid from LIMO
|PAN from LIMO
|MEK peroxyacetyl nitrate
|Aldehyde or ketone from myrcene
|Peroxyhydroxyacetic nitric anhydride
|Saturated 1st gen monoterpene organic nitrate
|Acylperoxy radical from APIN
|Pinonic peracid
|Pinonic acid
|PAN from pinonaldehyde
|Peroxy radical from R7N2
|C7 Lumped alkyl nitrate
|Peroxy radical from ALK7
|Peroxide from R7O2
|Lumped aromatic nitrate
|Aromatic furanones
|RO2 for making lumped aromatic nitrate
<i>This newsletter was produced by [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/people/faculty/djj/index.html Daniel Jacob] (AQAST leader) and [http://people.seas.harvard.edu/~yantosca/ Bob Yantosca] (AQAST webmaster). Subscribe/unsubscribe by email to Bob Yantosca.</i>. [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/aqast/newsletter.html Access previous newsletters here].
=== Species removed===
== AQAST Semiannual Meetings ==
Species removed between versions 14.5.0-alpha.5 and 14.5.0-alpha.9:
AQAST meetings are held on a semiannual schedule and bring together team members, air quality managers, and research and applications partners. Our last meeting was held on June 4-6 at the University of Maryland and you can access the agenda and presentations from that meeting [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/aqast/meetings/2013_jun/program.html here].
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
!width='100px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Name
!width='100px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Formula
!width='200px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Fullname
!width='30px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Advected
!width='30px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Dry deposited
!width='30px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Gas
!width='30px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Photolyzed
!width='30px' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'|Wet deposited
=== 6th AQAST Meeting (AQAST6): January 15-17, 2014 at Rice University ===
The next AQAST meeting (AQAST6) will be held January 15-17 (Wednesday-Friday) at Rice University in Houston, hosted by AQAST member [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/aqast/members.html Dan Cohan]. The meeting is free and open to the public. Air quality managers are especially encouraged to participate. Go to the [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/aqast/meetings/2014_jan/index.html meeting website] for more information and to register. Indicate when you register if you would like to give a presentation. We look forward to see you in Houston!
== AQAST Project Highlights ==
=== AQAST supports Wyoming exceptional event demonstration ===
AQAST member Brad Pierce provided aircraft, satellite, and modeling data to assist the state of Wyoming in an exceptional event demonstration related to a NAAQS ozone exceedance at Thunder Basin on June 5, 2012. [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/aqast/highlight_pierce_2013.html Click here for more details]
=== Saint Louis ozone garden gears up for its second year ===
AQAST member Jack Fishman is using ozone gardens to educate the public on the harm to vegetation from surface ozone. [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/aqast/highlights/2013/St_Louis_Ozone_Garden_Release.pdf Click here to learn more]. A second ozone garden was also recently started by the [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/aqast/highlight_harvard_ozone_garden_2013.html AQAST group at Harvard].
== New AQAST publications (with links) ==
=== Future fires in Southern California ===
Yue, X., L.J. Mickley, and J.A. Logan, Projection of wildfire activity in
southern California in the mid-21st century, submitted to Clim. Dyn., 2013.
[http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/publications/Yue_submitted_2013b.pdf Full paper]
=== Future fires and PM in the western US ===
Yue, X., L. J. Mickley, J. A. Logan, and J. O. Kaplan, Ensemble projections
of wildfire activity and carbonaceous aerosol concentrations over the western
United States in the mid-21st century, in press, Atmospheric Environment, 2013.
[http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/publications/Yue_accepted_2013a.pdf Full paper]
=== Effect of rising CO<sub>2</sub> on isoprene emission and air quality implications ===
Tai, A.P.K., L.J. Mickley, C.L. Heald, S. Wu, Effect of CO2 inhibition on
biogenic isoprene emission: Implications for air quality under 2000-to-2050
changes in climate, vegetation, and land use, in press, Geophys. Res. Let.,
2013. [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/publications/Tai_accepted_2013.pdf Full paper]
=== Detecting emissions from space: a review ===
Streets, D., T. Canty, G. Carmichael, B. de Foy, R. Dickerson,, B. Duncan, D. Edwards, J. Haynes, D. Henze, M. Houyoux, D. Jacob, N. Krotkov, L. Lamsal, Y. Liu, Z. Lu, R. Martin, Pfister, R. Pinder, R. Salawitch, and K. Wecht, Emissions estimation from satellite retrievals: A review of current capability, Atmos. Environ., in press, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.05.051. [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1352231013004007 Full paper]
=== Use of satellite observations for PM forecasts ===
Saide, P. E., Carmichael, G. R., Liu, Z., Schwartz, C. S., Lin, H. C., da Silva, A. M., and Hyer, E.: Aerosol optical depth assimilation for a size-resolved sectional model: impacts of observationally constrained, multi-wavelength and fine mode retrievals on regional scale forecasts, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 13, 12213-12261, doi:10.5194/acpd-13-12213-2013, 2013.
[http://www.atmos-chem-phys-discuss.net/13/12213/2013/acpd-13-12213-2013.html Full paper]
=== Air quality modeling in Europe ===
Baklanov, A. Schluenzen, P. Suppan, J. Baldasano, D. Brunner, S. Aksoyoglu, G. Carmichael, et al., Online coupled regional meteorology-chemistry models in Europe: current status and prospects, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 13, 12541–12724, doi:10.5194/acpd-13-12541-2013, 2013.
[http://www.atmos-chem-phys-discuss.net/13/12541/2013/acpd-13-12541-2013.html Full paper]
=== Air quality forecasting for Maryland ===
Garner, G.G., A.M. Thompson, P. Lee, and D.K. Martins, Evaluation of NAQFC model performance in forecasting surface ozone during the 2011 DISCOVER-AQ campaign, J. Atmos. Chem., DOI 10.1007/s10874-013-9251-z, 2013. [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/publications/aqast/articles/GARNER-DAQ-JAC13.pdf Full paper]
=== Nitrogen deposition in US National Parks ===
Ellis, R.A., D.J. Jacob, M. Payer, L. Zhang, C.D. Holmes, B.A. Schichtel, T. Blett, E. Porter, L.H. Pardo, and J.A. Lynch, Present and future nitrogen deposition to national parks in the United States: critical load exceedances, submitted to Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2013. [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/publications/ellis2013.pdf Full paper]
=== Improved ammonia emission inventory for the US ===
Paulot F., Jacob, D.J., Pinder R.W., Bash J.O., Travis, K., Henze D.K., Ammonia emissions in the United States, Europe, and China derived by high-resolution inversion of ammonium wet deposition data: Interpretation with a new agricultural emissions inventory (MASAGE_NH3), submitted to J. Geophys. Res., 2013. [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/publications/paulot_2013b.pdf Full paper]
=== Older publications ===
See the [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/aqast/publications.html AQAST publications webpage] for the full list of AQAST publications.
== New AQAST presentations (with links) ==
=== Presentations from the AQAST5 meeting (June 4-6, 2013) ===
[http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/aqast/meetings/2013_jun/program.html Click here] for the meeting agenda with links to all presentations.
=== DISCOVER-AQ and the uses of remote sensing in air quality and climate studies ===
presented by Russ Dickerson at Brookhaven National Lab, May 16, 2013.  [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/presentations/aqast/BNL_Dickerson2013short1.pdf Download pdf]
=== What can we learn from observations and modeling to inform inventory estimates? ===
presented by Russ Dickerson to the Mid-Atlantic Regional Air Management Association, Inc. (MARAMA), February 27, 2013.  [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/presentations/aqast/9_MARAMA_Dickerson2013.pdf Download]
=== Iowa air quality: sources, trends, and new resources for emergency and routine events ===
presented by Scott Spak at the IPHA Governor’s Conference on Public Health, Ames, IA, 9 April 2013.
[http://www.iowapha.org/Resources/Documents/23%20Iowa%20Air%20Quality.pdf Workshop handout] 
[http://www.iowapha.org/Resources/Documents/23%20Iowa%20Air%20Quality2.pdf Presentation]
=== Modeling Ozone Exceptional Events: California, 2008 & Colorado/Wyoming, 2012 ===
presented by Gabriele Pfister at the WESTAR Wildfire and Exceptional Ozone Events Meeting, California Air Resources Board, Sacramento, March 5-6, 2013 [http://westar.org/O3%20EE%20mtg%203-13/O3%20Wildfire%20EE%20agenda2.htm Meeting agenda and link to presentation]

Latest revision as of 19:10, 3 October 2024

Species added

Species added between versions 14.5.0-alpha.5 and 14.5.0-alpha.9:

Name Formula Fullname Advected Dry deposited Gas Photolyzed Wet deposited
ACO3 C3H3O3 Peroxyacetyl radical for APAN X
ACR C3H4O Acrolein X X X X
ACRO2 C3H5O4 Peroxy radical from ACR X
ALK7 C7H16 Lumped >= C6 Alkanes X X
APAN C3H3NO5 Peroxyacryloyl nitrate X X X X X
APINN C10H17NO4 1st gen organic nitrate from APIN X X X X X
APINO2 C10H17O3 Peroxy radical from APIN X
APINP C10H18O3 Hydroperoxide from APIN X X X X
AROMCO3 C5H5O6 Lumped aromatic peroxyacetyl radical X
AROMPN C5H5NO8 Lumped PN from aromatics X X X X X
BPINN C10H17NO4 Saturated 1st gen BPIN organic nitrate X X X X X
BPINO C9H14O Ketone from BPIN X X X X
BPINO2 C10H17O3 Peroxy radical from BPIN X
BPINON C9H13NO4 Saturated 2nd gen BPIN organic nitrate X X X X X
BPINOO2 C10H17O3 2nd-gen peroxy radical from BPIN X
BPINOOH C9H14O3 2nd-gen peroxide from BPIN X X X X
BPINP C10H18O3 Peroxide from BPIN X X X X
BUTN C4H7NO4 C4H6 alkyl nitrate X X X X
BUTO2 C4H7O3 peroxy radical from C4H6 X
C4H6 C4H6 1,3-butadiene X X
C96N C9H15NO4 Saturated 2nd gen monoterpene organic nitrate X X X X X
C96O2 C10H17O3 2nd-gen peroxy radical from APIN X
C96O2H C9H16O3 Peroxide from APIN 2nd gen X X X X
EBZ C8H10 Ethylbenzene X X
GCO3 HOCH2CO3 Peroxyacetyl radical for PHAN X
HACTA HOCH2CO2H Hydroxyacetic/glycolic acid X X X X
LIMAL C10H16O2 Aldehyde from limonene X X X X
LIMKB C10H16O3 2nd gen ketone from limonene X X X X
LIMKET C10H16O2 Ketone from limonene X X X X
LIMKO2 C10H17O3 2nd-gen peroxy radical from LIMO X
LIMN C10H17NO4 Saturated 1st gen limonene organic nitrate X X X X X
LIMNB C10H15NO4 Saturated 1st gen LIMO organic nitrate X X X X X
LIMO2H C10H18O3 Acid from LIMO X X X X
LIMO3 C10H17O3 Acylperoxy radical from LIMO X
LIMO3H C10H18O4 Peracid from LIMO X X X X
MEKCO3 C3H5O4 False X
MEKPN C3H5NO6 MEK peroxyacetyl nitrate X X X X X
MYRCO C10H18O3 Aldehyde or ketone from myrcene X X X X
PHAN C2H3NO6 Peroxyhydroxyacetic nitric anhydride X X X X X
PIN C10H17NO4 Saturated 1st gen monoterpene organic nitrate X X X X X
PINAL C10H16O2 Pinonaldehyde X X X X
PINO3 C10H17O3 Acylperoxy radical from APIN X
PINO3H C10H18O4 Pinonic peracid X X X X
PINONIC C10H18O3 Pinonic acid X X X X
PINPAN C10H17NO4 PAN from pinonaldehyde X X X X X
R7N1 C7H15NO5 Peroxy radical from R7N2 X
R7N2 RO2NO C7 Lumped alkyl nitrate X X X X X
R7O2 C7H15O2 Peroxy radical from ALK7 X
R7P C7H16O2 Peroxide from R7O2 X X X X X
RNO3 RO2NO Lumped aromatic nitrate X X X X X
STYR C8H8 Styrene X X
TLFUO2 C5H7O5 False X
TLFUONE C5H6O2 Aromatic furanones X X X X
TMB C8H10 Trimethylbenzenes X
ZRO2 C7H9O5 RO2 for making lumped aromatic nitrate X

Species removed

Species removed between versions 14.5.0-alpha.5 and 14.5.0-alpha.9:

Name Formula Fullname Advected Dry deposited Gas Photolyzed Wet deposited