GEOS-Chem model development priorities
On this page we list the current priorities for GEOS-Chem development. This list is continuously updated based on code readiness and input from the Working Groups and the Steering Committee. For history of past releases see the GEOS-Chem Versions wiki page.
Merged and awaiting release
See the links below for items merged and awaiting release.
Mergeable at any time | Version in development |
GEOS-Chem no-diff-to-benchmark | GEOS-Chem 14.6.0 |
Feature integration in progress
Features listed in this table are actively being integrated into GEOS-Chem by the GEOS-Chem Support Team. In addition, we continuously implement structural updates in the model to maintain and develop coupling with other models including GEOS, CESM, and the model adjoint.
Feature | Contributor(s) | Model scope | Ease of implementation | Notes and References |
Retire CH4, CO2, tagCO simulations in favor of the carbon simulation | Melissa Sulprizio (Harvard) | Carbon gases | Simple |
Make GC-Classic bit-for-bit reproducible upon restart (part 1 of 2) |
Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard) | GC-Classic | Medium |
Capture all trop and PBL height changes in budget diagnostics | Chris Holmes (FSU) Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard) |
Diagnostics | Medium |
Fixed PDOWN definition and re-evaporation requirement for washout | Yuanjian Zhang (WashU) | Convection | Simple |
Bug fix: Define the dry deposition land cover type properly for O3 deposition to oceans | Eloise Marais (UCL) | Dry deposition | Simple |
Prioritized and in the queue
Features listed in this table are prioritized for integration into GEOS-Chem in the near future.
Feature | Contributor(s) | Model scope | Ease of implementation | Delivery status | Notes and References |
Correct the issue that injection height has been artificially decreased by HEMCO | Lixu Jun (Montana) | Emissions | Simple | Delivered June 2024 |
Capability to run GCClassic at 0.125x0.15625 resolution | Melissa Sulprizio (Harvard) Xiaolin Wang (Harvard) |
Nested grid | Simple | Delivered | |
Strat-adjusted RF in GCC and GCHP | Connor Barker (UCL) Eloise Marais (UCL) |
Radiation | Simple | Delivered | |
Archived TCR-2 OH fields for carbon simulations | Kazu Miyazaki (JPL) Melissa Sulprizio (Harvard) |
Input data | Simple | Data delivered Oct 2024 |
Dust non-sphericity impacts on optical properties | Inderjeet Singh (WashU) | Aerosols | Medium | Not yet delivered |
Ready to go in
Features listed in this table are ready to go in but have either not been delivered or are not yet prioritized for integration into GEOS-Chem.
Feature | Contributor(s) | Model scope | Delivery status | Notes and Refereneces
Binary Activity Thermodynamic (BAT) model for non-ideal mixing of water and organics in organic aerosol | Camilo Serrano (McGill) Andreas Zuend (McGill) |
Aerosols | Not delivered | |
Update UCX to include gravitational settling of aerosol species beyond just BCPI | Conor Barker (UCL) Eloise Marais (UCL) |
Aerosols | Not delivered | |
Seasalt aerosol from sea ice leads (2002-2011) | Hannah Horrowitz (UIUC) | Aerosols | Not delivered |
Organic nitrogen aerosols and its atmospheric deposition | May Fu (SUSTech) | Chemistry + Deposition |
Not delivered |
Dry deposition to F90 to improve readability | Chris Holmes (FSU) | Dry Deposition | Not delivered | |
Ecophysiology module in GEOS-Chem for biosphere-atmosphere exchange | Joey Lam (CUHK) Amos Tai (CUHK) |
Dry deposition | Delivered Feb 2021 |
Updated bottom-up global CH4 oil, gas, and coal emissions (GFEI v3) | Tia Scarpelli (Carbon Mapper) Melissa Sulprizio (Harvard) |
Emissions | ||
FRP-based fire emissions for eastern US at 0.2 (2019-2020) | Chris Holmes (FSU) | Emissions | Not delivered | |
China agriculture NH3 emissions | Amos Tai (CUHK) | Emissions | Not delivered | |
T-dependent anthropogenic VOCs | May Fu (SUSTech) | Emissions | Not delivered |
New source functions for transport tracers beryllium-7 and beryllium-10 | Minjie Zheng (ETH) | Emissions | Delivered June 2024 |
LPJ land cover (global), fire (W US), dust emissions (SW N America), 1700-2100 | Yang Li (Baylor U) Loretta Mickley (Harvard) |
Emissions | Delivered |
Hg geogenic emissions (volcanic, rock weathering) | Eric Roy (MIT) | Emissions | Not delivered | |
Hg biomass burning - FINN2.5 & GFED4 | Eric Roy (MIT) | Emissions | Not delivered | |
BCC-GC online | Lin Zhang (PKU) | External Model | Not delivered | |
GC-YIBS with online fire emissions | Xu Yue (NUIST) Hong Liao (NUIST) |
External Model | Not delivered | |
GISS-GC offline (GCAP) | Lee Murray (Rochester) | GCAP | Not delivered |
Almost there (< 6 months)
Features listed in this table are in development and will likely be delivered to the GEOS-Chem Support Team within the next 6 months.
Feature | Contributor(s) | Model scope | Notes and References |
Fixes to stratospheric aerosol settling | Connor Barker (UCL) Eloise Marais (UCL) |
Aerosols | |
DMS chemistry in v14 | Linia Tashmim (UCR) Will Porter (UCR) |
Chemistry | |
NO2+OH+H2O kinetics | Mat Evans (York) | Chemistry | |
Use LSODE or Backward Euler integrator in KPP for faster kinetics | Bob Yantosca (Harvard) | Chemistry |
Load balancing in chemistry solver (GCHP) | Zhouran Sun (WashU) | Chemistry + Performance |
Active chemistry in mesosphere for both GCHP and GCClassic | Helena McDonald (MIT) Sebastian Eastham (ICL) |
Chemistry | |
Updated aromatic oxidation | Stephen MacFarlane (Wollongong) Jenny Fisher (Wollongong) |
Chemistry | |
MCO3 uptake by cloud forming MP; leading to lower PAN | Laura Yang (Harvard) | Chemistry | |
Implement isotope simulation for CH4 in the carbon simulation | Lee Murray (Rochester) | Chemistry |
Documentation for adding additional aerosol species | Connor Barker (UCL) | Documentation | |
Column diagnostics | Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard) Viral Shah (GMAO) |
Diagnostics | |
TOMAS rate diagnostics -- improve performance | Betty Croft (WashU/Dal) | Diagnostics + Performance |
Archive gamma values from heterogeneous chemistry | Bob Yantosca (Harvard) | Diagnostics | |
RRTMG Documentation | GCST | Documentation | |
Canopy Physics Model | Sam Silva (MIT) | Dry Deposition |
Dry deposition diagnostics by land cover | Holly Nowell (FSU) Chris Holmes (FSU) |
Dry Deposition | |
Dry deposition process diagnostics | Holly Nowell (FSU) Chris Holmes (FSU) |
Dry Deposition | |
Biomass burning for TOMAS | Nicole June (CSU) | Emissions + Microphysics |
Historic biomass burning (1750-2010) | Pengfei Liu (Georgia Tech) | Emissions | |
New prior CO2 biospheric fluxes from CMS-FLUX and GMAO | Kevin Bowman (JPL) Lesley Ott (GMAO) |
Emissions |
Snowpack Br2 emission | Chris Holmes (FSU) | Emissions | |
EDGAR v8.1_toxHg emissions for 1970-2022 | Eric Roy (MIT) | Emissions | |
Improve pressure handling in GCHP advection | Yuanjian Zhang (WashU) Seb Eastham (ICL) |
GCHP | |
Add error trap for duplicate scale factors in HEMCO | Bob Yantosca (Harvard) | HEMCO | |
Integration testing: Add stretched grid | Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard) | Quality Assurance | |
Integration testing: Add GCHP mass flux run | Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard) | Quality Assurance | |
Integration testing: Reinstate TOMAS40 | Betty Croft (Dalhousie/WashU) | Quality Assurance | |
Continue cleanup of C-preprocessor switches | Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard) | Structural | |
Updates to Luo deposition scheme | Gan Luo (Albany) | Wet Deposition |
Testing the use of a new scavenging parameterization developed by Luo and Yu for cold cloud with Pb-210 aerosol tracer | Gan Luo (Albany) Fangqun Yu (Albany) |
Wet Deposition |
Over the horizon (6-12 months)
Features listed in this table are in development and will likely be delivered to the GEOS-Chem Support Team in the 6-12 months timeframe.
Feature | Contributor(s) | Model scope | Notes and References |
ML algorithms for bulk aerosol | Arshad Nair (Albany) Fangqun Yu (Albany) |
Aerosols | |
Heterogeneous sulfate chemistry | Katie Travis (NASA) | Chemistry | |
H2 as an active species | Seb Eastham (ICL) | Chemistry | |
HCN, acetonitrile as fire tracers | Kevin Bates (CU Boulder) | Chemistry | |
Implement ethane in carbon simulation | Yuzhong Zhang (Westlake) | Chemistry | |
Mesospheric source of CO | Dylan Jones (UofT) Pam Wales (NASA GSFC) |
Emissions | |
Drought-stress algorithm | Wei Li (Houston) | Emissions | |
Physically-based resolution correction for BVOC emissions using MEGAN | May Fu (SUSTech) | Emissions | |
Canadian forest fire prediction system (Canada government forecast model) | Robin Stevens (Montreal) | Emissions | |
Cooking emissions (not biofuel) | Kelvin Bates (CU Boulder) | Emissions | |
State-specific annual emissions scaling factors (US) (1990-2021) | Ishir Dutta (MIT) | Emissions | |
GISS-GC online | Lee Murray (Rochester) | External model | |
Hybrid MPI-OpenMP in GCHP | Seb Eastham (MIT) Killian Murphy (York) Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard) |
GCHP | |
MAPL3: Update to MAPL3 in GCHP, including replacement of ExtData.rc and HISTORY.rc with YAML files | Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard) | GCHP | |
MAPL3: Comply with MAPL "positive" standard in GCHP diagnostic files | Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard) | GCHP | |
MAPL3: Wildcards in GCHP History | Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard) | GCHP | |
MAPL3: Output emissions with positive up convention in GCHP | Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard) | GCHP | |
Assessment/improvement of OpenMP performance in GC-Classic and HEMCO standalone | Bob Yantosca (Harvard) | Performance | |
Photophysical oxidation of aldehydes | Paulo Sebastianelli (Wollongong) Jenny Fisher (Wollongong) |
Chemistry | |
DMS updates | Will Porter (UCR) | Chemistry | |
Furans emission and chemistry | Lixu Jin (Montana) Lu Hu (Montana) |
Chemistry + Emissions |
Cl2 prodcution from Fe aerosol | Qianjie Chen (HK Poly) Becky Alexander (UW) |
Chemistry | |
VCP emissions | Kevin Bates (CU Boulder) | Emissions | |
Bidirectional land-atmosphere exchange for Hg | Yuying Cui (MIT/Tsinghua) | Hg simulation | |
OH covariances for inversions | Elise Penn (Harvard) | Inversions | |
CESM2-GC offline | Seb Eastham (ICL) Lee Murray (Rochester) |
Met fields | |
Re-binning of off-line sea salt and dust for TOMAS | Betty Croft (Dalhousie) | Microphysics | |
TOMAS nucleation updates | Sam O'Donnell (CSU) | Microphysics | |
Stratospheric aerosol APM | Fangqun Yu (SUNY Albany) | Microphysics | |
Transition from MERRA-2 to GEOS-IT for benchmarking | Yuanjian Zhang (WashU) | Quality Assurance | |
Automate integration testing on AWS | Yidan Tang (WashU) | Quality Assurance | |
Integration testing: Add across end of year run | GCST | Quality Assurance | |
Integration testing: Add GEOS-IT | Yuanjian Zhang (WashU) | Quality Assurance | |
Separate mixing, emissions, and drydep | Yuanjian Zhang (WashU) | Structural | |
Intel IFX compiler | Bob Yantosca (Harvard) | Structural | |
CMake option to only build libraries but not executable, also passing C-preprocessor statements to turn off code | Bob Yantosca (Harvard) Lee Murray (Rochester) |
Structural | |
Remove differences introduced when breaking up GC-Classic runs in time; and flexible precision in HEMCO | Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard) | Structural | |
Limit allocation of State_Met to what is needed per simulation | Melissa Sulprizio (Harvard) | Structural | |
Using 3-D precipitation fluxes to calculate precipitation formation and re-evaporation in scavenging (to be consistent with GEOS/GOCART & ground precipitation) | Gan Luo (Albany) Hongyu Liu (NIA/LaRC) Bo Zhang (NIA/LaRC) |
Wet deposition |
Longer term (12-24 months)
Features listed in this table are in development and will likely be delivered to the GEOS-Chem Support Team in the 12-24 months timeframe.
Feature | Contributor(s) | Model scope | Notes and References |
Modal aerosol model (MAM7) in GCHP | Shreya Sharma (MIT) | Aerosols | |
Online OCIM ocean biogeochemistry | Lee Murray (Rochester) Hannah Horowitz (UIUC) Chris Holmes (FSU) |
Chemistry | |
Perchlorate chemistry | Yuk Chun Chan (UW) | Chemistry | |
Non-stomatal dry deposition (2-layer canopy model) | Michael Vermeuel (Purdue) | Dry Deposition | |
Continental chloride particle emissions (salty dust, road salt) | Jessica Haskins (Utah) | Emissions | |
Multivolatility emission inventory to address gaps in EDGAR/HTAP etc. | Ruochong (Tshingua) | Emissions | |
Lightning NOx production rates | Bex Horner (UCL) | Emissions | |
HFO and CF3CHO | Beth Killen (Wollongong) Jenny Fisher (Wollongong) |
Chemistry | |
Glyoxal updates from isoprene | Tzung-May Fu (SUSTech) | Chemistry | |
Iodine chemistry | Becky Alexander (UW) Xuan Wang (CUHK) |
Chemistry | |
GFED5 biomass burning | Eric Roy (MIT) | Emissions | |
Ocean Hg surface concentrations for 2010-2020 from multi-model ensemble | Eric Roy (MIT) Ari Feinberg (IQF-CSIC) |
Hg simulation | |
Soil Hg emissions 2010-2020 | Eric Roy (MIT) Ari Feinberg (IQF-CSIC) |
Hg simulation | |
Air-sea exchange parameterization | Eric Roy (MIT) | Hg simulation | |
Soil Hg emissions parameterization | Ari Feinberg (IQF-CSIC) | Hg simulation | |
Sea salt uptake of GOM | Eric Roy (MIT) | Hg simulation | |
Photoreduction rate constant | Eric Roy (MIT) | Hg simulation | |
New observations (2010-2020) in standardized Hg benchmark for intercomparison | Eric Roy (MIT)/Ari Feinberg (IQF-CSIC) | Hg simulation | |
Hg simulation in GCHP | Eric Roy (MIT) | Hg simulation | |
OCIM - biogeochemical model - (C/P/N/Fe - no Hg yet) (MATLAB) | Hannah Horowitz (UIUC) | Hg simulation | |
Possibly updating Hg oxidation chemistry based on Utah field campaigns | Jessica Haskins (Utah) | Hg simulation | |
New halogen/aerosol fields (surface area / AOD) from 10-year 14.4 benchmark simulation available online | Viral Shah (NASA GMAO); Eric Roy (MIT); Ari Feinberg (IQF-CSIC) | Input data | |
Extend IMI to CO2 (ICI) | Hannah Nesser (JPL) | Inversions | |
Global emission inventory of metals | Tzung-May Fu (SUSTech); He Zhong Tian (Peking Normal U) | Metals simulation | |
Investigate and improve performance of aerosol chemistry | Bob Yantosca (Harvard) | Performance | |
PAH - update from version 11 | Lexia Cicone (MIT) | POPs simulation | |
Species database more accessible; doc updates; TOL discussion | Jessica Haskins (Utah) | Structural | |
Stretched-grid plotting in GCPy | Killian Murphy (York) | Tools | |
Model inter-comparison of transport (GEOS, GCHP, GCClassic) | Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard), Emma Knowland (NASA) | Transport | |
Comparing mass fluxes in GCHP vs. traditional lat/lon wind | Yuanjian Zhang (WashU), Seb Eastham (ICL) | Transport |