GEOS-Chem 14.1.1

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Revision as of 20:49, 14 May 2024 by Lizzie Lundgren (talk | contribs)
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GEOS-Chem Versions Page

Version overview

The following fixes for bugs and technical issues have been added to GEOS-Chem 14.1.1. Also see the following Github pages:

Feature Contributor(s) Model scope Notes and references
Fix bug where deprecated LWI was included in carbon simulation Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard) Carbon
Fix bug in routine GET_IJ in gc_grid_mod.F90 Sabour Baray (Env Canada) Diagnostics

Apply work-around for GFAS pFe bug in GC-Classic and GCHP Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard) Emissions
Fix day-of-week scale factor handling in MAPL ExtData Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard) Emissions
Add HEMCO_Config.rc entries for methanol from GFAS biomass burning inventory Tyler Wizenberg (U. Toronto) Emissions
Updates for interfacing GEOS-Chem with CESM Haipeng Lin (Harvard) GC in CESM
Updates for running GEOS-Chem in GEOS Christoph Keller (GMAO) GC in GEOS

Fix bug in GCHP stretched grid checkpoint attributes preventing restart Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard) GCHP Stretched grid
Simplify Github issue and pull request templates Melissa Sulprizio (Harvard) GitHub
HEMCO 3.6.1
  • Remove memory leaks in HEMCO Core and Standalone routines
  • Now throw an error if HEMCO tries to read netCDF data on a calendar that does not have leap years (does not affect GCHP)
  • GEOS-only updates
  • Update Github issue and PR templates
  • Updated documentation
Bob Yantosca (Harvard)
Melissa Sulprizio (Harvard)
Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard)
Christoph Keller (GMAO)
HEMCO 3.6.2
  • Fix several issues in GitHub issue/PR templates
  • Point to proper commit in geos-chem-shared-docs submodule
Bob Yantosca (Harvard) HEMCO
Fix bug where writing species metadata yaml file always attempted Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard) Output
Fix bug in RRTMG optics diagnostics Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard) RRTMG
Print reminders to compile with extra CMake options (if necessary) at rundir creation Bob Yantosca (Harvard) Rundir creation
Ask users to provide the name of their institution and name of their PI at first-time user registration Bob Yantosca (Harvard) Rundir creation
User registr.
Update integration test scripts and add new integration tests Bob Yantosca (Harvard) Testing

New data directories

The following data directories have been added or updated in this version. You will have to download the directories relevant to your simulation.

Inventory Simulations What was added? Directory
Corrected day-of-week scaling factors for NEI11/NEI16 aerosol-only
tagCO file ExtData/HEMCO/NEI2005/v2023-02/