Talk:New isoprene scheme prelim

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RO2+HO2 Reaction Discussion

The difference plots show large absolute changes in isoprene, OH, NOx, MVK, MACR etc., but the relative changes for these species appear to be small. The largest relative effect of inclusion of the updated RO2+HO2 reaction rate occurs for species we expect to change, namely HO2 and H2O2. Does it make sense to proceed to the next step (i.e. including the Caltech chemistry mechanism)?

For Fabien's chemistry mechanism I will document the necessary changes and include them on the wiki for others to discuss and edit before including them in GEOS-Chem for benchmarking. Does this sound like a reasonable plan of action?

--Emarais 21:10, 5 December 2011 (EST)

Deposition for first generation isoprene nitrates

Fabien and I got similar results, that the first generation of isoprene nitrates is not sensitive to deposition, as their lifetime is dominated by reactions with OH and O3. For ISOPND, OH+ISOPND dominates. For ISOPNB, O3+ISOPNB dominates. This is based on the rates from Lockwood et al. (2010).

So there is no point to test the deposition rates for the first generation of isoprene nitrates. I think Fabien also made this point in his ACPD paper.

--Jmao 20:35, 6 December 2011 (EST)