GEOS-Chem Main Page
This page contains information and instructions for using GEOS-Chem in the Community Earth System Model (CESM). It is currently in development.
- Include citable references here (all CESM-GC papers to date)
CESM Resources
Model documentation
Data visualization and analysis
Getting help
CESM Glossary for GEOS-Chem Users
Getting Started
Setting up environment
Working on NCAR Derecho HPC cluster
Setting up CESM on an external HPC cluster
Downloading the model
Creating a case (run directory)
Downloading input data
Building the model
Running the model
Logs and diagnostics
Advanced topics
Guide to the source code
Changing the source code
Using CIME tools to update case configuration
Debugging and getting help
MUSICA and future work
GEOS-Chem Main Page