GEOS-Chem 13.4.0

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GEOS-Chem Versions Page

This page includes information about GEOS-Chem 13.4.0

Version overview

The following items have been added to GEOS-Chem 13.4.01 since the last benchmark for GEOS-Chem 13.3.0. Also see the following Github pages:

Feature Contributor(s) Model scope Notes and references
Updates that will affect full-chemistry benchmark simulations
Use updated definition of PM2.5; Add PM10 diagnostic Bob Yantosca (GCST) Diagnostics &
Use degassing-only volcano emissions in GEOS-Chem benchmark simulations Christoph Keller (GMAO)
Daniel Jacob (Harvard)
Emissions &
  • geoschem/geos-chem #1005
  • NOTE: This will make it easier to compare results to past benchmarks in case the benchmark year should change.
Updates that will NOT affect full-chemistry benchmark simulations
Updates that will only affect GCHP