Wet deposition
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This page describes the current wet deposition scheme used in GEOS-Chem.
The Harvard Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling Group developed a new wet deposition scheme for the GMI model, and then implemented it into GEOS-Chem. This document describes the algorithm in full:
- Jacob, D.J. H. Liu, C.Mari, and R.M. Yantosca, Harvard wet deposition scheme for GMI, Harvard University Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling Group, revised March 2000. PDF
Text to be added
- Domine, F., and E. Thibert, Mechanism of incorporation of trace gases in ice grown from the gas phase, Geophys. Res. Lett., 23, 3627-3630, 1996.
- Giorgi, F., and W.L. Chameides, Rainout lifetimes of highly soluble aerosols as inferred from simulations with a general circulation model, J. Geophys. Res., 91, 14,367-14,376, 1986.
- Jacob, D.J., Heterogeneous chemistry and tropospheric ozone, Atmos. Environ., 34, 2131-2159, 2000. PDF
- Levine, S.Z., and S.E. Schwartz, In-cloud and below-cloud scavenging of nitric acid vapor, Atmos. Environ., 16, 1725-1734, 1982.
- Liu, H., D.J. Jacob, I. Bey, and R.M. Yantosca, Constraints from 210Pb and 7Be on wet deposition and transport in a global three-dimensional chemical tracer model driven by assimilated meteorological fields, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 12,109-12,128, 2001. PDF
- Mari, C., D.J. Jacob, and P. Bechtold, Transport and scavenging of soluble gases in a deep convective cloud, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 22,255-22,267, 2000. PDF
- Selin, N.E. and D.J. Jacob, Seasonal and spatial patterns of mercury wet deposition in the United States: North American vs. intercontinental sources, Atmospheric Environment, 42, 5193-5204, 2008. PDF
Known issues
Negative tracer in routine WETDEP because of negative RH
See this post: GEOS-5 issues#Small negative RH value in 20060206.a6.2x25 file
Fixes are available at ftp://ftp.as.harvard.edu/pub/geos-chem/patches/v8-01-01.
--phs 16:31, 6 June 2008 (EDT)
Negative tracer in routine WETDEP
Dylan Millet wrote:
- I'm having a run die consistently at the same time (October 1, 2005; first time step of the month) in large-scale wetdep, with an STT element < 0.
- Platform: Linux cluster
- Threads: 8
- Version: v7-4-13 out of the box.
- GEOS4, 4x5, 30L, full chemistry
- IFORT 10.1
- In Section 6 (No Downward Precip) of wetscav_mod.f, subroutine safety is getting called.
WETDEP - STT < 0 at 1 1 29 for tracer 7 in area 6
- (First of all it seems odd to do wetdep for L=29, this is 63 km up). Have you seen anything like this? I ran for the whole year starting Jan 1 successfully until this point.
- ... By the way, the problem persists when I turn off chemistry altogether.
Philippe Le Sager replied:
- I used your restart file and the same input.geos (w/ chemistry on and off). My code went thru without problem. I tried both Sun Studio and Ifort 9 compilers, and the later on two different machines (altix and ceres). I used v7-04-13 and v8-01-01. I never reproduced your error.
- We just got the new Ifort 10, and tried it too. I run v8-01-01 without an error. But when I tried v7-04-13, I finally reproduced your error, with the exact same negative values!
- In other words: the bug happens with IFort 10 and v7-04-13 only.
- Also, have a look at this recent development. This is not the reason for your bug (I tried v8 w/ ifort 10 and isorropia -like v7-04-13- and it did not crash), but using RPMARES instead of Isorropia may be a way to fix it.
- ... More about the Ifort 10 / v7-04-13 issue. When I wanted to debug with TotalView, I could not reproduce the bug anymore.... because I simply suppress any optimization. So, I did more test and found that if the default -O2 optimization is used, GEOS-Chem crashes. But it works fine with -O1. It is hard to tell what happens, since only the emissions step is done between reading the restart file and the crash.
- Bob and I will further test Ifort 10 for optimization on our machines. Maybe we will find something... For the time being, you may have to switch to -O1, at least for the run that crashes. You will find the optimization flag at the beginning of the Makefile.ifort.
Long story short: This appears to be an optimization issue with IFORT 10 and v7-04-13. Upgrading to GEOS-Chem v8-01-01 should solve this problem.
--Bmy 10:38, 17 April 2008 (EDT)