List of GEOS-FP met fields
GEOS-FP (formerly named GEOS-5.7.2) is the latest update of the GEOS-5 met data product. It has finer native horizontal resolution (0.25° lat x 0.3125° lon) and temporal resolution (hourly data and 3-hourly data) than older GMAO met products such as GEOS-5, the MERRA reanalysis, and GEOS-4.
NOTE: GEOS-Chem only uses a subset of the entire GEOS-FP data archive. On this page we list the GEOS-FP met fields that archive for use with GEOS-Chem.
For more information, please see:
- GEOS5-FP file specification document, Version 1.0 (11 Jun 2013)
- GEOS-FP page on the GEOS-Chem wiki
- GEOS-5.7.2 page on the GEOS-Chem wiki
- MERRA page on the GEOS-Chem wiki
- GEOS-5.2.0 page on the GEOS-Chem wiki
- Overview of GMAO met data products
Constant fields
- These data will be timestamped 2011/01/01 at 00:00 GMT for convenience.
- These are time-invariant constant fields, which will have the following filenames:
- (Native resolution nested CH grid)
- (Native resolution nested NA grid)
- (2° x 2.5° global grid)
- (4° x 5° global grid)
- At present (Aug 2013), the file names still reflect the older GEOS572 nomenclature. We will correct this at a future date.
- The Collection is a tag that indicates in which files a particular data field can be found. A GEOS-FP data file is created for each new date and time. Therefore, a day's worth of hourly data will be spread over 24 individual files and a day's worth of 3-hourly data will be spread over 8 individual files.
Field | Units | Collection | Description | Notes | Where used in GEOS-Chem? |
FRLAKE | 1 | const_2d_asm_Nx | Fraction of lake type in grid box |
| |
FRLAND | 1 | const_2d_asm_Nx | Fraction of land type in grid box |
| |
FRLANDIC | 1 | const_2d_asm_Nx | Fraction of land ice type in grid box |
| |
FROCEAN | 1 | const_2d_asm_Nx | Fraction of ocean in grid box |
| |
PHIS | m2 s-2 | const_2d_asm_Nx | Surface geopotential |
--Bob Y. 16:56, 15 August 2013 (EDT)
A1 fields
- These are 1-hr time-averaged fields, which will have the following filenames:
- (Native resolution nested China grid)
- (Native resolution nested China grid)
- (2° x 2.5° global grid)
- (4° x 5° global grid)
- At present (Aug 2013), the file names still reflect the older GEOS572 nomenclature. We will correct this at a future date.
- All A1 fields are 2-dimensional (lon,lat)
- Timestamps (i.e. center of averaging period): 00:30, 01:30, 02:30 ... 23:30 GMT
- The Collection is a tag that indicates in which files a particular data field can be found. A GEOS-FP "raw" data file is created for each new date and time. Therefore, a day's worth of hourly data will be spread over 24 individual files and a day's worth of 3-hourly data will be spread over 8 individual files.
Field | Units | Collection | Description | Notes | Where used in GEOS-Chem? |
ALBEDO | 1 | tavg1_2d_rad_Nx | Surface albedo |
| |
CLDTOT | 1 | tavg1_2d_rad_Nx | Total cloud fraction | For all intents and purposes, CLDTOT = the column sum of CLOUD, but at 1-hour resolution |
EFLUX | W m-2 | tavg1_2d_flx_Nx | Total latent energy flux (i.e. latent heat) |
| |
EVAP | kg m-2 s-2 | tavg1_2d_flx_Nx | Evaporation from turbulence |
| |
FRSEAICE | 1 | tavg1_2d_flx_Nx | Ice-covered fraction of tile (i.e. sea ice fraction) | Used to create the binned SEAICE** fields listed below |
FRSNO | 1 | tavg1_2d_lnd_Nx | Fractional area of land snowcover |
| |
GRN | 1 | tavg1_2d_lnd_Nx | Vegetation greenness fraction |
| |
GWETROOT | 1 | tavg1_2d_lnd_Nx | Root zone soil wetness |
| |
GWETTOP | 1 | tavg1_2d_lnd_Nx | Top soil wetness |
| |
HFLUX | W m-2 | tavg1_2d_flx_Nx | Sensible heat flux from turbulence |
| |
LAI | m2 m-2 | tavg1_2d_lnd_Nx | Leaf area index | NOTE: GEOS-Chem uses MODIS LAI instead of the GEOS-FP product |
LWGNT | W m-2 | tavg1_2d_rad_Nx | Upwelling longwave flux at top of atmosphere |
| |
LWI | unitless | - | Land/water/ice flags |
LWTUP | W m-2 | tavg1_2d_rad_Nx | Upwelling longwave flux at top of atmosphere |
| |
PARDF | W m-2 | tavg1_2d_lnd_Nx | Surface downwelling PAR diffusive flux |
| |
PARDR | W m-2 | tavg1_2d_lnd_Nx | Surface downwelling PAR direct flux |
| |
PBLH | m | tavg1_2d_flx_Nx | Planetary boundary layer height |
| |
PRECANV | kg m-2 s-2 | tavg1_2d_flx_Nx | Anvil precipitation |
| |
PRECCON | kg m-2 s-2 | tavg1_2d_flx_Nx | Convective precipitation |
| |
PRECLSC | kg m-2 s-2 | tavg1_2d_flx_Nx | Non-anvil large-scale precipitation |
| |
PRECSNO | kg m-2 s-2 | tavg1_2d_flx_Nx | Snowfall |
| |
PRECTOT | kg m-2 s-2 | tavg1_2d_flx_Nx | Total precipitation |
| |
QV2M | kg kg-1 | tavg1_2d_slv_Nx | Specific humidity at 2 m above the displacement height |
| |
Q850 | kg kg-1 | tavg1_2d_slv_Nx | Specific humidity at 850 hPa |
| |
SEAICE00 | 1 | - | Fraction of grid box that has < 10% sea ice coverage | Created by separating FRSEAICE into bins |
SEAICE10 | 1 | - | Fraction of grid box that has 10-20% sea ice coverage | Created by separating FRSEAICE into bins |
SEAICE20 | 1 | - | Fraction of grid box that has 20-30% sea ice coverage | Created by separating FRSEAICE into bins |
SEAICE30 | 1 | - | Fraction of grid box that has 30-40% sea ice coverage | Created by separating FRSEAICE into bins |
SEAICE40 | 1 | - | Fraction of grid box that has 40-50% sea ice coverage | Created by separating FRSEAICE into bins |
SEAICE50 | 1 | - | Fraction of grid box that has 50-60% sea ice coverage | Created by separating FRSEAICE into bins |
SEAICE60 | 1 | - | Fraction of grid box that has 60-70% sea ice coverage | Created by separating FRSEAICE into bins |
SEAICE70 | 1 | - | Fraction of grid box that has 70-80% sea ice coverage | Created by separating FRSEAICE into bins |
SEAICE80 | 1 | - | Fraction of grid box that has 80-90% sea ice coverage | Created by separating FRSEAICE into bins |
SEAICE90 | 1 | - | Fraction of grid box that has > 90% sea ice coverage | Created by separating FRSEAICE into bins |
SLP | hPa | tavg1_2d_slv_Nx | Sea level pressure |
SNODP | m | tavg1_2d_lnd_Nx | Snow depth |
| |
SNOMAS | kg m-2 | tavg1_2d_lnd_Nx | Total snow storage on land |
| |
SWGDN | W m-2 | Surface incident shortwave flux | tavg1_2d_rad_Nx | GEOS-Chem carries this as State_Met%RADSWG |
SWGNT | W m-2 | tavg1_2d_rad_Nx | Surface net downward shortwave flux |
| |
TROPPT | hPa | tavg1_2d_slv_Nx | T based tropopause pressure |
TS | K | tavg1_2d_slv_Nx | Surface skin temperature | GEOS-Chem carries this as State_Met%TSKIN |
T2M | K | tavg1_2d_slv_Nx | 2-meter air temperature |
T10M | K | tavg1_2d_slv_Nx | 10-meter air temperature |
| |
U10M | m s-1 | tavg1_2d_slv_Nx | 10-meter eastward wind |
| |
USTAR | m s-1 | tavg1_2d_flx_Nx | Surface velocity scake (aka friction velocity) |
| |
V10M | m s-1 | tavg1_2d_slv_Nx | 10-meter northward wind |
| |
Z0M | m | tavg1_2d_flx_Nx | Roughness length, momentum |
--Bob Y. 11:12, 16 August 2013 (EDT)
A3cld fields
- These are 3-hr time-averaged fields, which will have the following filenames:
- (Native resolution, nested China grid)
- (2° x 2.5° global grid)
- (4° x 5° global grid)
- All A3 fields are 3-dimensional (lon,lat,alt). Data is placed at the vertical center of each grid box.
- Timestamps (i.e. center of averaging period): 01:30, 04:30, 07:30, 10:30, 13:30, 16:30, 19:30, 22:30 GMT
- The File Collection is a tag that indicates in which files a particular data field can be found. A GEOS-5.7.2 "raw" data file is created for each new date and time. Therefore, a day's worth of hourly data will be spread over 24 individual files and a day's worth of 3-hourly data will be spread over 8 individual files.
- The MERRA Field and MERRA Units refer to the equivalent data fields (and units) in the MERRA data archive for GEOS-Chem. If a field is missing it does not necessarily mean that it was not produced in MERRA; it just means that we did not regrid it for use with GEOS-Chem.
GEOS-5.7.2 Field |
GEOS-5.7.2 Units |
Description | File collection | Notes | MERRA Field |
MERRA Units |
CLOUD | fraction | Total cloud fraction in grid box | tavg3_3d_rad_Nv | Regrid with Hongyu Liu's algorithm | CFLS + CFAN + CFCU | fraction |
QIAN | kg kg-1 | Cloud ice water mixing ratio - anvils | tavg3_3d_cld_Nv | Used to construct QI | - | - |
QILS | kg kg-1 | Cloud ice water mixing ratio - large-scale | tavg3_3d_cld_Nv | Used to construct QI | - | - |
QLAN | kg kg-1 | Cloud liquid water mixing ratio - anvils | tavg3_3d_cld_Nv | Used to construct QL | - | - |
QLLS | kg kg-1 | Cloud liquid water mixing ratio - large-scale | tavg3_3d_cld_Nv | Used to construct QL | - | -
TAUCLI | unitless | In-cloud ice cloud optical thickness (visible band) | tavg3_3d_cld_Nv | Regrid w/ Hongyu Liu's algorithm | TAUCLI | unitless |
TAUCLW | unitless | In-cloud liquid cloud optical thickness (visible band) | tavg3_3d_cld_Nv | Regrid w/ Hongyu Liu's algorithm | TAUCLW | unitless |
Derived fields | ||||||
QI | kg kg-1 | Cloud ice water mixing ratio | tavg3_3d_cld_Nv | QI = QIAN + QILS | QI | kg kg-1 |
QL | kg kg-1 | Cloud liquid water mixing ratio - anvils | tavg3_3d_cld_Nv | QL = QLAN + QLLS | QL | kg kg-1 |
OPTDEPTH | unitless | Total in-cloud optical depth (visible band) | - | = TAUCLI + TAUCLW; Regrid w/ Hongyu Liu's algorithm |
OPTDEPTH | unitless |
Fields we are considering adding | ||||||
CFAN | fraction | 3D cloud fraction, anvils | tavg3_3d_cld_Nv | Regrid with Hongyu Liu's algorithm | CFAN | fraction |
CFCU | fraction | 3D cloud fraction, convective | tavg3_3d_cld_Nv | Regrid with Hongyu Liu's algorithm | CFCU | fraction |
CFLS | fraction | 3D cloud fraction, large-scale | tavg3_3d_cld_Nv | Regrid with Hongyu Liu's algorithm | CFLS | fraction |
QCCU | fraction | Cloud condensate mixing ration, convective updraft | tavg3_3d_cld_Nv | Regrid with Hongyu Liu's algorithm | - | - |
--Bob Y. 11:32, 29 February 2012 (EST)
A3dyn fields
- These are 3-hr time-averaged fields, which will have the following filenames:
- (Native resolution, nested China grid)
- (Native resolution, nested North America grid)
- (2° x 2.5° global grid)
- (4° x 5° global grid)
- At present (Aug 2013), the file names still reflect the older GEOS572 nomenclature. We will correct this at a future date.
- All A3 fields are 3-dimensional (lon,lat,alt). Data is placed at the vertical center of each grid box.
- Timestamps (i.e. center of averaging period): 01:30, 04:30, 07:30, 10:30, 13:30, 16:30, 19:30, 22:30 GMT
- The Collection is a tag that indicates in which files a particular data field can be found. A GEOS-FP data file is created for each new date and time. Therefore, a day's worth of hourly data will be spread over 24 individual files and a day's worth of 3-hourly data will be spread over 8 individual files.
Field | Units | Collection | Description | Notes | Where used in GEOS-Chem? |
CMFMC | kg m-2 s-2 | tavg3_3d_mst_Ne | Upward moist convective mass flux | Cloud convection | |
DTRAIN | kg m-2 s-2 | tavg3_3d_cld_Nv | Detrainment cloud mass flux | Cloud convection | |
OMEGA | Pa s-1 | tavg3_3d_asm_Nv | Vertical pressure velocity | Kept for diagnostics | |
RH | fraction | tavg3_3d_cld_Nv | Relative humidity | RH is computed as follows:
U | m s-1 | tavg3_3d_asm_Nv | Eastward component of wind | Advection | |
V | m s-1 | tavg3_3d_asm_Nv | Northward component of wind | Advection |
--Bob Y. 17:03, 15 August 2013 (EDT)
A3mstC fields
- These are 3-hr time-averaged fields, which will have the following filenames:
- (Native resolution, nested China grid)
- (Native resolution, nested NA grid)
- (2° x 2.5° global grid)
- (4° x 5° global grid)
- At present (Aug 2013), the file names still reflect the older GEOS572 nomenclature. We will correct this at a future date.
- All A3 fields are 3-dimensional (lon,lat,alt). Data is placed at the vertical center of each grid box.
- Timestamps (i.e. center of averaging period): 01:30, 04:30, 07:30, 10:30, 13:30, 16:30, 19:30, 22:30 GMT
- The Collection is a tag that indicates in which files a particular data field can be found. A GEOS-FP "raw" data file is created for each new date and time. Therefore, a day's worth of hourly data will be spread over 24 individual files and a day's worth of 3-hourly data will be spread over 8 individual files.
Field | Units | Collection | Description | Notes | Where used in GEOS-Chem? |
DQRCU | kg kg-1 s-1 | tavg3_3d_mst_Nv | Convective rainwater source | Convective updraft scavenging | |
DQRLSAN | kg kg-1 s-1 | tavg3_3d_mst_Nv | Large-scale rainwater source | Wet deposition | |
REEVAPCN | kg kg-1 s-1 | tavg3_3d_mst_Nv | Evaporative submlimation of convective precipitation | Convective updraft scavenging | |
REEVAPLS(AN) | kg kg-1 s-1 | tavg3_3d_mst_Nv | Evaporation of precipitating LS & anvil condensate |
Wet deposition |
--Bob Y. 16:43, 15 August 2013 (EDT)
A3mstE fields
- These are 3-hr time-averaged fields, which will have the following filenames:
- (Native resolution, nested China grid)
- (2° x 2.5° global grid)
- (4° x 5° global grid)
- At present (Aug 2013), the file names still reflect the older GEOS572 nomenclature. We will correct this at a future date.
- All A3 fields are 3-dimensional (lon,lat,alt). Data is placed on the edges of the grid boxes.
- Timestamps (i.e. center of averaging period): 01:30, 04:30, 07:30, 10:30, 13:30, 16:30, 19:30, 22:30 GMT
- The File Collection is a tag that indicates in which files a particular data field can be found. A GEOS-FP "raw" data file is created for each new date and time. Therefore, a day's worth of hourly data will be spread over 24 individual files and a day's worth of 3-hourly data will be spread over 8 individual files.
Field | Units | Collection | Description | Notes | Where used in GEOS-Chem? |
PFICU | kg m-2 s-1 | tavg3_3d_mst_Ne | 3d flux of ice convective precipitation | Convective updraft scavenging | |
PFILSAN | kg m-2 s-1 | tavg3_3d_mst_Ne | 3d flux of ice non-convective precipitation | Wet deposition | |
PFLCU | kg m-2 s-1 | tavg3_3d_mst_Ne | 3d flux of liquid convective precipitation | Convective updraft scavenging | |
PFLLSAN | kg m-2 s-1 | tavg3_3d_mst_Ne | 3d flux of liquid non-convective precipitation | Wet deposition |
--Bob Y. 16:21, 15 August 2013 (EDT)
I3 fields
- These are 3-hr instantaneous fields, which will have the following filenames:
- (Native resolution, nested China grid)
- (Native resolution, nested North America grid)
- (2° x 2.5° global grid)
- (4° x 5° global grid)
- At present (Aug 2013), the file names still reflect the older GEOS572 nomenclature. We will correct this at a future date.
- I3 fields are either 2-dimensional (lon,lat) or 3D (lon,lat,alt). 3D data is placed at the vertical centers of the grid box.
- Timestamps: Instantaneous values at 00:00, 03:00, 06:00, 09:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, 21:00 GMT
- The File Collection is a tag that indicates in which files a particular data field can be found. A GEOS-FP "raw" data file is created for each new date and time. Therefore, a day's worth of hourly data will be spread over 24 individual files and a day's worth of 3-hourly data will be spread over 8 individual files.
Field | Units | Collection | Description | Notes | Where used in GEOS-Chem? |
PS | hPa | inst3_3d_asm_Nv | Surface pressure |
PV | K m2 kg-1 s-1 | inst3_3d_asm_Nv | Ertel potential vorticity |
Kept for diagnostics |
QV | kg kg-1 | inst3_3d_asm_Nv | Specific humidity | In GEOS-Chem:
T | K | inst3_3d_asm_Nv | Temperature | In GEOS-Chem:
Many locations |
--Bob Y. 16:10, 15 August 2013 (EDT)