User talk:Salvatore Farina
This page describes how to acquire the latest source code, data, and libraries required to build and run GEOS-Chem with TOMAS microphysics on the ace-net glooscap cluster.
The latest public release of GEOS-Chem with TOMAS does not include many of the recent developments in aerosol science. It also cannot take advantage of parallel computing technologies. Lately I've been working on the "Bleeding Edge" code to address these issues. Here's a guide that should help you get started if you're using the glooscap cluster.
Getting Set Up
You can grab the code from my source directory on glooscap: /home/sfarina/source/GC_BE_snapshot_7-13-13.tgz
As for environment variables, take a look at the first few lines of my .bashrc. The crucial part there is the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and license file stuff.
I have my data directory set up slightly differently than the last versions of geoschem to fix some of the issues that popped up as they added datasets, etc. you can probably just link to it.
I am using a version of ifort that's not installed on glooscap by the official team (I don't know why but it's the only version that worked consistently when I was getting set up. I think it's in the geos-chem-libraries-intel11 folder.
cd GeosCore and do make tomas40
and always do make realclean when changing tomas versions.
Running GEOS-Chem with TOMAS
Run Directories
There are run directories for each of the tomas versions at: /net/samqfs/pierce/sfarina/standard_run_directories/ either copy the tarballs named 40.tgz, etc (recommended) or copy the folders they're based on (run.TOMAS40, etc).
Submitting Jobs to the Parallel Queue
In each folder is a file called you'll need to edit it slightly (run name and working directory), then run qsub and it should go if it's set up / compiled right.
I forgot where I got them, but there's a folder you'll need called geos-chem-libraries-intel11 that you'll need to build geoschem. Sajeev can help you with this if it's not on the wiki,oryou can copy mine (I think).
Version Control
Git! You should definitely use git to track your changes. I have a copy built/installed at /home/sfarina/opt/bin/git that you can probably either copy or just use. make a separate branch for yourself as soon as you make a copy of the code, this way we can easily trade/track updates / advances / bugfixes. git checkout -b my_new_branch
Other Advice
if you have any questions or you are running into trouble, please ask. I am usually able to respond to emails within a day, and am willing to use gchat or skype if need be.
--Salvatore Farina 14:51, 25 July 2013 (EDT)