GEOS-Chem no-diff-to-benchmark

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GEOS-Chem Versions Page | GEOS-Chem model development priorities

This page includes information about the GEOS-Chem "no-diff-to-benchmark" development stream, which contains updates and fixes that will not affect the fullchem benchmark simulations. These updates are mergeable at any time, either into the next Y version or into a standalone Z version.

Updates that will not affect fullchem benchmark simulations

Feature Contributor(s) Model scope Notes and references
Add missing units in comments of KPP/fullchem/ Jessica Haskins (U. Utah)
Bob Yantosca (Harvard)
Now read the Hg restart file from GEOSCHEM_RESTARTS/v2023-12 Helene Angot (CNRS/IGE)
Viral Shah (GMAO)
Bob Yantosca (Harvard)
Hg sim
Reduce timers to essential list only Melissa Sulprizio (Harvard) Structural

Updates that only affect GCHP

Feature Contributor(s) Model scope Notes and references
Avoid a semicolon in CMAKE_Fortran_Flags when passing additional flags to CMake Simon Branford (Birmingham) Bug fix

Updates that only affect GEOS-Chem in the NASA GEOS ESM

Feature Contributor(s) Model scope Notes and references
GEOS-Chem TransportTracers simulation in GEOS Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard) GEOS