User talk:Salvatore Farina
This page describes how to acquire the latest source code, data, and libraries required to build and run GEOS-Chem with TOMAS microphysics on the ace-net glooscap cluster.
The latest public release of GEOS-Chem with TOMAS does not include many of the recent developments in aerosol science. It also cannot take advantage of parallel computing technologies. Lately I've been working on the "Bleeding Edge" code to address these issues. Here's a guide that should help you get started if you're using the glooscap cluster.
Getting Set Up
You can grab the absolute latest code from my source directory on glooscap:
cp -r /home/sfarina/source/GC_Bleeding_Edge/ ~
or, (safer) you can grab my latest "snapshot"
cp /home/sfarina/source/GC_BE_snapshot-latest.tgz .
geos-chem-libraries-intel11 is a bundle of software required to build and run the latest version of GEOS-Chem. Included in this package:
- Intel Ifort Fortran compiler - v11.1 - required to build geoschem
- NetCDF - Network Common Data Format libraries - required to read and write certain datasets
- HDF5 - Hierarchical Data Format - required to read and write certain datasets
- other dependencies - required for netcdf and hdf5
You can copy this folder as a tarball from /home/sfarina/gclibs.tgz or simply extract it directly to your home directory:
cd ~ tar zxvf /home/sfarina/gclibs.tgz
This will extract the libraries folder to your home directory.
In order to get the compiler to run and recognize the libraries described above, some environment variables must be set. Below is an excerpt from my .bashrc.
ROOT_LIBRARY_DIR="/home/sfarina/geos-chem-libraries-intel11" GC_BIN=$ROOT_LIBRARY_DIR/bin GC_INCLUDE=$ROOT_LIBRARY_DIR/include GC_LIB=$ROOT_LIBRARY_DIR/lib export GC_BIN export GC_INCLUDE export GC_LIB export FC="ifort" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/sfarina/geos-chem-libraries-intel11/lib" export PATH="/home/sfarina/geos-chem-libraries-intel11/Compiler/11.1/080/bin/intel64:/home/sfarina/opt/bin:$PATH" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/gnu/lib64:/usr/local/gnu/lib:/home/sfarina/geos-chem-libraries-intel11/lib:/home/sfarina/geos-chem-libraries-intel11/Compiler/11.1/080/lib/intel64/:/home/sfarina/geos-chem-libraries-intel11/Compiler/11.1/080/idb/lib/intel64" export INTEL_LICENSE_FILE="/home/sfarina/geos-chem-libraries-intel11/software/intel/Compiler/11.1/080/Licenses" source /home/sfarina/geos-chem-libraries-intel11/Compiler/11.1/080/bin/ intel64
If you are using bash, you can copy/paste this to your .bashrc. Once the compiler and libraries are installed in ~/geos-chem-libraries-intel11 change instances of sfarina to your username.
source ~/.bashrc ifort --version
If ifort returns
ifort (IFORT) 11.1 20101201
you should be all set to start compiling
To set up the necessary data for GEOS-Chem, simply
cd ~ ln -s /home/sfarina/data .
This will allow you to link to my data directory, which is mostly a collection of links to the data at /home/rmartin/group/ctm/ with some changes due to recent GC development. DO NOT copy this directory, as it is many many many gigabytes, and is probably beyond your disk quota on glooscap.
Please note that the ONLY VERSION of the intel compiler which reliably compiles a working executable of geos-chem with TOMAS is version 11.1. Installation is described above in the libraries section.
cd GeosCore and do make tomas40
and always do make realclean when changing tomas versions.
Running GEOS-Chem with TOMAS
Run Directories
There are run directories for each of the tomas versions at:
Copy the tarballs (named 40.tgz, 30.tgz, etc.) to a standard location. You can then do
to extract the appropriate run directory to your current working directory. the folder will be named run.TOMASXX, where XX is 12, 15,30, or 40 depending on the version you would like to run.
Once you have the appropriate version of geostomas compiled and your run directory extracted, copy the executable to your run directory.
The input.geos file is where most of the runtime options for geoschem are configured. There are currently no TOMAS specific entries in the input.geos file, save for diagnostic output quantities. Please see the Users' Guide for more information.
Submitting Jobs to the Parallel Queue
In each folder is a file called Below is a description of some of the parameters:
#!/bin/bash # $ -S /bin/bash ./etc/profile #$ -o job_output #$ -l h_rt=100:00:00 #wall clock time requested from grid engine. Lower request times will have higher priority in the queue #$ -l h_vmem=2.0G #vmem requested from grid engine. 2.0 is sufficient for all versions at 4x5 and TOMAS15 at 2x2.5 on 16 cores #$ -l h_stack=12.5G #stack memory requested from grid engine #$ -N RUN_NAM #a name for your run #$ -pe openmp 16 #number of cores you are requesting from grid engine #$ -cwd #inherit properties from your current shell export OMP_NUM_THREADS=16 #number of openMP threads export KMP_STACKSIZE=500000000 #stacksize memory limit for each thread ulimit -t unlimited # cputime ulimit -f unlimited # filesize ulimit -c unlimited # coredumpsize ulimit -m unlimited # memoryuse ulimit -l unlimited # memorylocked cd YOUR_RUN DIRECTORY ./geostomas > log
You'll need to edit it slightly (run name and working directory), then run:
You can check on the status in the queue with
You can watch the logfile output of your simulation with
tail -f log
With some minimal editing, you can find some summary information from your runs using the script here
Writing for GEOS_Chem is pretty straightforward. Please try to follow the style guide as much as possible. Most of TOMAS is contained within tomas_mod.F90, and you should be able to find what you need with a little work and a few invocations of grep. If you can't find what you need, ask.
Version Control
Git! You should definitely use git to track your changes. I have a copy built/installed at /home/sfarina/opt/bin/git that you can probably either copy or just use.
I have a copy of git installed at
You can either use this executable or build it yourself from source. To use this executable, add the following to your .bashrc
export PATH="/home/sfarina/opt/bin:$PATH"
Once you have git installed Make a separate branch for yourself as soon as you make a copy of the code, this way we can easily trade/track updates / advances / bugfixes.
git checkout -b MY_NEW_BRANCH vi fictional_example_mod.F90 git status git add fictional_example_mod.F90 git commit
There are many useful resources for git on the web. Here are some I found useful:
Other Advice
I use the GNU bourne again shell (bash). I suggest you do the same. The csh is fine, but I have written all of my scripts using bash. Your life will probably be easier if you use bash.
if you have any questions or you are running into trouble, please ask. I am usually able to respond to emails within a day, and am willing to use gchat or skype if need be.
--Salvatore Farina 14:51, 25 July 2013 (EDT)