GEOS-Chem versions

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Revision as of 14:51, 22 April 2008 by Bmy (talk | contribs) (→‎v7-04-13)
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NOTE: The order in which various updates enter into the standard GEOS-Chem code may differ than what is listed here, depending on circumstances. Please check back here often.


Also adds:


Also adds:


Also adds:

  • May Fu's updated chemistry mechanism ???
  • New scale factors for anthropogenic emissions (cf. Aaron van Donkelaar)


PUBLIC RELEASE scheduled for April 2008

Release Notes

Contains everything in v7-04-13, with the following additions:

  • Compatibility for GEOS-5 met fields.
  • Now uses RPMARES instead of ISORROPIA
  • Implements floating point error traps (e.g. to prevent division by zero) in a few critical places

1-Year Benchmarks


The 3 models compared (and their colors on the plots) were:

Color Quantity Plotted Met Field Type Lightning algorithm A.T.E. algorithm
Red v7-04-12 Run2 GEOS-4 4x5 near-land w/ OTD-LIS regional scaling ISORROPIA
Green v7-04-13 GEOS-4 4x5 updated non-near-land w/ OTD-LIS local scaling ISORROPIA
Blue v8-01-01 GEOS-5 4x5 updated non-near-land w/ OTD-LIS local scaling ISORROPIA
Black Observations      


  1. This benchmark uses the same input conditions and emissions as v7-04-13.
    • The only difference is that this benchmark was done w/ GEOS-5 met and v7-04-13 was done w/ GEOS-4 met.
  2. Use Run0 if you need to make a clean comparison between the GEOS-4 and GEOS-5 met fields.
  3. Results from Run0 may be viewed at


The 3 models compared (and their colors on the plots) were:

Color Quantity Plotted Met Field Type Lightning algorithm A.T.E. algorithm
Red v7-04-13 GEOS-4 4x5 updated non-near-land w/ OTD-LIS local scaling ISORROPIA
Green v8-01-01 GEOS-5 4x5 updated non-near-land w/ OTD-LIS local scaling ISORROPIA
Blue v8-01-01 GEOS-5 4x5 updated non-near-land w/ OTD-LIS local scaling RPMARES
Black Observations      


BETA RELEASE November 2007

Release Notes

Contains everything in v7-04-12, with the following additions:

1-Year Benchmarks


The 3 models compared (and their colors on the plots) were:

Color Quantity Plotted Met Type Lightning algorithm
Red v7-04-12 Run1 GEOS-4 4x5 ancient
Green v7-04-12 Run2 GEOS-4 4x5 near-land w/ OTD-LIS regional scaling
Blue This model version GEOS-4 4x5 updated non-near-land w/ OTD-LIS local scaling
Black Observations    


  • Results from 1-year benchmark simulation (w/ GEOS-4 met) are contained in the directory: <tt/pub/geos-chem/1yr_benchmarks/v7-04-12/geos4/2005/Run
  • This benchmark uses the same input conditions and emissions as v7-04-12-Run2, except for the updated lightning emissions as described above.


BETA RELEASE October 2007

Release Notes

  1. Variable tropopause has bug fix from v7-04-11 but not 200 hPa cap at polar latitudes
  2. NOTE: There is a bug in this version when lightning emissions are turned off. The bug will be fixed in v7-04-13. For the time being, if you must turn lighting emissions off in v7-04-12, please do this by setting FLASHRATE = 0 in the lightning_nox_nl_mod.f.

1-Year Benchmarks

We have already done the following 1-year benchmark simulations:


In FTP directory: /pub/geos-chem/1yr_benchmarks/v7-04-12/geos4/2001/Run0

  • Run w/ 4x5 GEOS-4 for met field year 2001 (spun up thru 2000 & 1999)
  • with G-C "old" fossil fuel (GEIA + EPA/NEI99)
  • with G-C "default" climatological biomass burning
  • with old lightning parameterization
  • with MEGAN biogenic emissions
  • with SMVGEAR chemistry up to dynamic tropopause
  • with new dust emissions (w/ GOCART source function)
  • with new TOMS/SBUV ozone columns for FAST-J photolysis
  • with variable tropopause on


In FTP directory: /as2/pub/ftp/pub/geos-chem/1yr_benchmarks/v7-04-12/geos4/2005/Run1

  • Run w/ 4x5 GEOS-4 for met field year 2005 (spun up thru 2003 & 2004)
  • with G-C "old" fossil fuel (GEIA + EPA/NEI99)
  • with G-C "default" climatological biomass burning
  • with old lightning parameterization
  • with MEGAN biogenic emissions
  • with SMVGEAR chemistry up to dynamic tropopause
  • with new dust emissions (w/ GOCART source function)
  • with new TOMS/SBUV ozone columns for FAST-J photolysis
  • with variable tropopause on


In FTP directory: /pub/geos-chem/1yr_benchmarks/v7-04-12/geos4/2005/Run2

  • Run w/ GEOS-4 for met field year 2005 (spun up thru 2003 & 2004)
  • with G-C "old" fossil fuel (GEIA + EPA/NEI99)
  • with G-C "default" climatological biomass burning
  • with new lightning parameterization (with OTD/LIS v2 regional redistribution of flashes)
  • with MEGAN biogenic emissions
  • with SMVGEAR chemistry up to dynamic tropopause
  • with new dust emissions (w/ GOCART source function)
  • with new TOMS/SBUV ozone columns for FAST-J photolysis
  • with variable tropopause on