GEOS-Chem versions

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Revision as of 14:58, 19 February 2009 by Plesager (talk | contribs) (→‎v8-01-04: added details to updates)
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NOTE: Information subject to change. Please check back here often for the latest information.



Will contain everything in v8-01-04 plus the following:

  1. Glyoxal chemistry (May Fu)
  2. Updated J(O1D) cross sections (Lin Zhang)
  3. Updated reaction rates (Jingqiu Mao)
  4. HO2 uptake (Lyatt Jaegle)
  5. Updated dust single scattering albedo (Randall Martin)



Will contain everything in v8-01-03 plus the following updates:

  1. Annual scale factors for NOx-CO-SOx from, applied to ALL inventory if needed (Aaron)
  2. Daily NOx variability from EDGAR applied to all others anthro NOx inventories
  3. Several emissions updates
    • Streets 2006, with monthly variability
    • EMEP 1990-2005 w/ ship emissions separated
    • Canadian CAC,
    • EPA fixes = CA transport + Rynda scaling,
    • VISTAS/ARP for NOx in the USA
    • MEGAN2
  4. new EPA mask (Overlap Bravo/Epa and CAC/Epa)
  5. ship NOx emitted as HNO3 + 10*O3
  6. pre-Arctas SO2 ship emissions from Streets
  7. GFED2 biomass options:
    • Monthly mean (as was in the code previously)
    • 8-day mean
    • 3-hourly mean (selected months only)
    • 3-hourly synoptic (selected months only)

1-year benchmarks


BETA RELEASE December 2008

Contains everything in v8-01-02 plus the following updates:


BETA RELEASE November 2008

Contains everything in v8-01-01, with the following additions:



Contains everything in v7-04-13, with the following additions:

  1. Compatibility for GEOS-5 met fields.
  2. Now uses RPMARES instead of ISORROPIA
  3. Implements floating point error traps (e.g. to prevent division by zero) in a few critical places

Also note that we have implemented the fix for the Last year of GFED2 biomass emissions, (which is now 2006) into v8-01-01.

1-Year Benchmarks

We have done two 1-year benchmarks for GEOS-Chem v8-01-01:


The 3 models compared (and their colors on the plots) were:

Color Quantity Plotted Met Field Type Lightning algorithm A.T.E. algorithm
Red v7-04-12 Run2 GEOS-4 4x5 near-land w/ OTD-LIS regional scaling ISORROPIA
Green v7-04-13 GEOS-4 4x5 updated non-near-land w/ OTD-LIS local scaling ISORROPIA
Blue v8-01-01 GEOS-5 4x5 updated non-near-land w/ OTD-LIS local scaling ISORROPIA
Black Observations      

NOTES for Run0:

  1. This benchmark uses the same input conditions and emissions as v7-04-13.
    • The only difference is that this benchmark was done w/ GEOS-5 met and v7-04-13 was done w/ GEOS-4 met.
  2. Use Run0 if you need to make a clean comparison between the GEOS-4 and GEOS-5 met fields.
  3. Results from Run0 may be viewed on the web HERE.


The 3 models compared (and their colors on the plots) were:

Color Quantity Plotted Met Field Type Lightning algorithm A.T.E. algorithm
Red v7-04-13 GEOS-4 4x5 updated non-near-land w/ OTD-LIS local scaling ISORROPIA
Green v8-01-01 GEOS-5 4x5 updated non-near-land w/ OTD-LIS local scaling ISORROPIA
Blue v8-01-01 GEOS-5 4x5 updated non-near-land w/ OTD-LIS local scaling RPMARES
Black Observations      

NOTES for Run1:

  1. The only difference between Run0 and Run1 is that Run0 uses ISORROPIA and Run1 uses RPMARES to compute the aerosol thermodynamical equilibrium. We recently learned that ISORROPIA can return incorrect values at low RH.
    • Use Run0 if you need to make a clean comparison between ISORROPIA and RPMARES.
  2. Results from Run0 may be viewed on the web HERE.

Post-release patches

After the release of v8–01–01, some minor bugs and issues were discovered. Most of these involve numerical errors (i.e. computations that result in NaN's or underflow conditions). Other minor bugs are only relevant to a particular type of offline simulation. In any case, most of these issues have simple fixes.

Please see the following GEOS–Chem wiki pages for information about the following issues, and how to resolve them.

NOTE: As of November 2008, these post-release patches are now part of the standard GEOS-Chem v8-01-02 source code.

Fixes for the full-chemistry simulation

Fixes for offline simulations

Lines of code

For those of you who are curious as to how many lines of code are in this version of GEOS-Chem, here is a counting of code lines, comment lines, and blank lines. NOTE: These totals also accounts for the v8-01-01 post-release patches, while excluding many lines of obsolete code that had been commented out and slated for deletion.

Total number of files    :          217
Number of files searched :          217
Number of files skipped  :            0

Number of lines searched :       174177
Number of comment lines  :        77788
Number of blank lines    :        25981
Number of code lines     :        70408

Ratio: Comments/Code     :        1.1048176

Results were generated with IDL program by Bob Yantosca,

--Bob Y. 14:27, 8 August 2008 (EDT)


BETA RELEASE November 2007

Contains everything in v7-04-12, with the following additions:

  1. Offline H2/HD simulation (cf. Lyatt Jaegle et al)
  2. Bug fix in "smvgear.f" -- due to a design flaw, you could have a situation where you could have negative or zero tracer in a box even if the global & local error criteria were satisfied. If this condition is encountered, we now revert to the concentrations at the end of the previous internal timestep, and then reduce the internal timestep and try again until we get convergence.
  3. Bug fix -- replace GEMISNOX w/ module arrays to avoid common block errors in lightning & aircraft NOx emissions
  4. Bug fix -- cap variable tropopause at 200hPa for polar regions (90S-60S and 60N-90N)
  5. Lee Murray's local lightning redistribution of lightning flashes
  6. Minor bug fixes for GCAP and diagnostics

Also note that the Last year of GFED2 biomass emissions is still 2005 in this version. If you want to use the 2006 emissions you will have to edit the source code module "gfed2_biomass_mod.f".

1-Year Benchmarks


The 3 models compared (and their colors on the plots) were:

Color Quantity Plotted Met Type Lightning algorithm
Red v7-04-12 Run1 GEOS-4 4x5 ancient
Green v7-04-12 Run2 GEOS-4 4x5 near-land w/ OTD-LIS regional scaling
Blue v7-04-13 GEOS-4 4x5 updated non-near-land w/ OTD-LIS local scaling
Black Observations    


  1. Results from v7-04-13-Run can be downloaded from FTP directory
    • pub/geos/1yr_benchmarks/v7-04-13/geos4/2005/Run/output/pdf
  2. Output plots from v7-04-13-Run can be viewed on the web HERE.
  3. v7-04-13-Run uses the same input conditions and emissions as v7-04-12-Run2, except for the updated lightning emissions as described above.


BETA RELEASE October 2007

  1. Variable tropopause has bug fix from v7-04-11 but not 200 hPa cap at polar latitudes
  2. NOTE: There is a bug in this version when lightning emissions are turned off. The bug will be fixed in v7-04-13. For the time being, if you must turn lighting emissions off in v7-04-12, please do this by setting FLASHRATE = 0 in the lightning_nox_nl_mod.f.

1-Year Benchmarks

We have already done the following 1-year benchmark simulations:


In FTP directory: /as2/pub/ftp/pub/geos-chem/1yr_benchmarks/v7-04-12/geos4/2005/Run1

View output plots via the web HERE.

  • Run w/ 4x5 GEOS-4 for met field year 2005 (spun up thru 2003 & 2004)
  • with G-C "old" fossil fuel (GEIA + EPA/NEI99)
  • with G-C "default" climatological biomass burning
  • with old lightning parameterization
  • with MEGAN biogenic emissions
  • with SMVGEAR chemistry up to dynamic tropopause
  • with new dust emissions (w/ GOCART source function)
  • with new TOMS/SBUV ozone columns for FAST-J photolysis
  • with variable tropopause on


In FTP directory: /pub/geos-chem/1yr_benchmarks/v7-04-12/geos4/2005/Run2

View output plots via the web HERE.

  • Run w/ GEOS-4 for met field year 2005 (spun up thru 2003 & 2004)
  • with G-C "old" fossil fuel (GEIA + EPA/NEI99)
  • with G-C "default" climatological biomass burning
  • with new lightning parameterization (with OTD/LIS v2 regional redistribution of flashes)
  • with MEGAN biogenic emissions
  • with SMVGEAR chemistry up to dynamic tropopause
  • with new dust emissions (w/ GOCART source function)
  • with new TOMS/SBUV ozone columns for FAST-J photolysis
  • with variable tropopause on