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On this page we track the evolution of the mean OH concentration in GEOS-Chem.  This value is an indicator of how "hot" the chemistry is.  Please also see the related topic about the [[Methyl chloroform lifetime|methyl chloroform lifetime in GEOS-Chem]].
On this page we track the evolution of the mean OH concentration in GEOS-Chem.  This value is an indicator of how "hot" the chemistry is.  Please also see the related topic about the [[Methyl chloroform lifetime|methyl chloroform lifetime in GEOS-Chem]].
== Computation of the mean OH diagnostic ==
The mean OH diagnostic in GEOS-Chem is computed in <tt>diag_pl_mod.f</tt>. 
Routine <tt>DO_DIAG_OH</tt> sums up the tropospheric air mass and mass-weighted OH mass after each call to the chemistry solver.  The summing happens in these lines of code:
  ! Sum air mass term into AIR_MASS array
  ! Sum OH mass term into OH_MASS array
where the arrays contain the following quantities:
  JLOOP            = 1-D array index for SMVGEAR
  I,J,L            = 3-D array indices
  AIRDENS(JLOOP)    = air density [molec/cm3]
  VOLUME(JLOOP)    = grid box volume [cm3]
  AIR_MASS(I,J,L)  = air mass [molec air]
  CSPEC(JLOOP,IDOH) = OH concentration [molec OH/cm3] 
  OH_MASS(I,J,L)    = mass-weighted OH = OH mass * air mass [molec OH/cm3 * molec air]
After the GEOS-Chem simulation finishes, the mean OH value is printed out in subroutines <tt>PRINT_MEAN_OH</tt>:
  ! Total Mass-weighted OH [molec OH/cm3] * [molec air]
  ! Atmospheric air mass [molec air]
  ! Divide OH [molec OH/cm3 * molec air] by [molec air] and report as [1e5 molec/cm3]
  ! Write value to log file
  WRITE( 6, '(/,a)' ) REPEAT( '=', 79 )
  WRITE( 6, *      ) 'ND23: Mass-Weighted OH Concentration'
  WRITE( 6, *      ) 'Mean OH = ', OHCONC, ' [1e5 molec/cm3]'
  WRITE( 6, '(  a)' ) REPEAT( '=', 79 )
Typical values vary between 10<sup>5</sup> - 11<sup>5</sup> molec/cm3.
--[[User:Bmy|Bob Y.]] 15:12, 11 February 2010 (EST)

== Evolution of mean OH in GEOS-Chem ==
== Evolution of mean OH in GEOS-Chem ==

=== Table of mean OH values ===
=== Plot of mean OH evolution ===
The following table chronicles the evolution of the mean OH value from several different GEOS-Chem simulations.  All benchmark simulations were conducted at [ 4 x 5 resolution] unless noted otherwise.
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
|- bgcolor="#CCCCCC"
! Benchmark
! Met Fields & Year
! Mean OH<br>[10<sup>5</sup> molec cm<sup>-3</sup>]
! Change from<br>previous version<br>[10<sup>5</sup> molec cm<sup>-3</sup>]
! Important updates in this benchmark simulation
! References
|-align="center" valign="top"
| [[GEOS-Chem v9-01-01#Run1|v9-01-01-Run1]]
| GEOS-5.1.0 2005
| <tt>12.242</tt>
| <tt>+0.377<br>(+3.177%)</tt>
|<div align="left">
*[ Updated lighting parameterization]
|<div align="left">
*[[GEOS-Chem v9-01-01|v9-01-01 page]]
|-align="center" valign="top"
| [[GEOS-Chem v9-01-01#Run0|v9-01-01-Run0]]
| GEOS-5.1.0 2005
| <tt>11.865</tt>
| <tt>+0.798<br>(+7.2%)</tt>
|<div align="left">
*[[Ship_emissions#ICOADS|ICOADS ship emissions]]
*[[GEOS-Chem_v9-01-01#Important_bug_fixes_for_ship_emissions|Bug fixes for ship emissions]]
*[[EPA/NEI05_North_American_emissions#Biofuel_emissions|Bug fixes for EPA/NEI05 biofuels]]
*[ Updates for wet scavenging algorithm]
*[[GEOS-Chem_v9-01-01#Post-release_patches|Several post-release patches to correct various issues]]
|<div align="left">
*[[GEOS-Chem v9-01-01|v9-01-01 page]]
*[[Wet deposition]] page
*[[Ship emissions]] page
|-align="center" valign="top"
| [[GEOS-Chem v8-02-04#Run2|v8-02-04-Run2]]
| GEOS-5.1.0 2005
| <tt>11.067</tt>
| <tt>+0.019<br>(+0.17%)</tt>
|<div align="left">
*Linoz stratospheric ozone chemistry used instead of SYNOZ scheme
|<div align="left">
*[[Linoz stratospheric ozone chemistry|Linoz wiki page]]
*[[Talk:GEOS-Chem_v8-02-04|Talk:v8-02-04 page]]
|-align="center" valign="top"
| [[GEOS-Chem v8-02-04#Run1|v8-02-04-Run1]]
| GEOS-5.1.0 2005
| <tt>11.048</tt>
| <tt>+0.598<br>(+5.72%)</tt>
|<div align="left">
*MEGAN hybrid model with MODIS-derived LAI
|<div align="left">
*[[MEGAN biogenic emissions|MEGAN wiki page]]
*[[Talk:GEOS-Chem_v8-02-04|Talk:v8-02-04 page]]
|-align="center" valign="top"
| [[GEOS-Chem v8-02-04#Run0|v8-02-04-Run0]]
| GEOS-5.1.0 2005
| <tt>10.450</tt>
| <tt>-1.362<br>(-11.53%)</tt>
|<div align="left">
*MEGAN hybrid model with AVHRR-derived LAI
*EPA/NEI2005 emissions
*Non-local PBL mixing scheme
|<div align="left">
*[[MEGAN biogenic emissions|MEGAN wiki page]]
*[[EPA/NEI05 North American emissions|NEI2005 wiki page]]
*[[Talk:GEOS-Chem_v8-02-04|Talk:v8-02-04 page]]
*[ Lin et al 2009]
|-align="center" valign="top"
| [[GEOS-Chem v8-02-01#Run0|v8-02-01-Run0]]
| GEOS-5.1.0 2005
| <tt>11.812</tt>
| <tt>+0.713<br>(+6.42%)</tt>
|<div align="left">
*Updated chemical mechanism: <tt>globchem.dat</tt>
*Updated photolysis rxn rates: <tt>jv_spec.dat, ratj.d</tt>
:NOTE: there was [[Chemistry Issues#near-IR photolysis of HNO4|a bug in near IR photolysis of HNO4 and HCHO]] in the <tt>jv_spec.dat</tt> and <tt>ratj.d</tt> files.  This was finally resolved in v8-02-04.  We recommend all users of v8-02-01, v8-02-02, and v8-02-03 to use these updated [ <tt>jv_spec.dat</tt>] and [ <tt>ratj.d</tt>] files.
|<div align="left">
*[ Chemistry mechanism document]
*[[Photolysis mechanism|FAST-J wiki page]]
|-align="center" valign="top"
| [[GEOS-Chem v8-01-04#Run2|v8-01-04-Run2]]
| GEOS-5.1.0 2005
| <tt>11.099</tt>
| <tt>+0.805<br>(+7.82%)
|<div align="left">
*Updated to the newer GEOS-5.1.0 met data product
*Switched to [ Hongyu Liu's regridding algorithm for optical depth]
|<div align="left">
*[[GEOS-5 met field reprocessing|GEOS-5 met field reprocessing wiki page]]
*[[GEOS-5 issues|GEOS-5 issues wiki page]]
|-align="center" valign="top"
| [[GEOS-Chem v8-01-04#Run1|v8-01-04-Run1]]
| GEOS-5.0.1 2005
| <tt>10.294</tt>
| <tt>-0.395<br>(-3.69%)</tt>
|<div align="left">
*Various emissions updates with regional overwrites
*Aaron van Donkelaar et al scale factors for 2005
*Switched from linear to random cloud overlap in FAST-J
|<div align="left">
*[ Anthropogenic emissions in v8-01-04]
*[[Photolysis mechanism|FAST-J wiki page]]
|-align="center" valign="top"
| [[GEOS-Chem v8-01-04#Run0|v8-01-04-Run0]]
| GEOS-5.0.1 2005
| <tt>10.689</tt>
| <tt>-1.351<br>(-11.22%)</tt>
|<div align="left">
*[[Biogenic_emissions#Updated_annual_emission_factor_for_Isoprene|New MEGAN annual emission factors for isoprene]]
*[[GEOS-5_issues#Quick_fix_for_optical_depth|Quick fix for optical depths]]
|<div align="left">
*[[Biogenic_emissions|Biogenic emissions wiki page]]
*[[GEOS-5_issues|GEOS-5 issues wiki page]]
|-align="center" valign="top"
| [[GEOS-Chem v8-01-01#Run1|v8-01-01-Run1]]
| GEOS-5.0.1 2005
| <tt>12.040</tt>
| <tt>+0.034<br>(+0.28%)</tt>
|<div align="left">
*Switched aerosol thermodynamical equilibrium scheme from ISORROPIA I to RPMARES
|<div align="left">
* [[Aerosol thermodynamical equilibrium|ATE wiki page]]
|-align="center" valign="top"
| [[GEOS-Chem v8-01-01#Run0|v8-01-01-Run0]]
| GEOS-5.0.1 2005
| <tt>12.006</tt>
| <tt>-0.141<br>(-1.16%)</tt>
|<div align="left">
*First simulation with GEOS-5 met data
|<div align="left">
*[[GEOS-5_issues|GEOS-5 issues wiki page]]
|-align="center" valign="top"
| [[GEOS-Chem_v7-04-13#Run|v7-04-13-Run]]
| GEOS-4 2005
| <tt>12.147</tt>
| <tt>-0.669<br>(-5.22%)</tt>
|<div align="left">
*[[Lightning_NOx_emissions#Updated_OTD.2FLIS_local_redistribution_for_GEOS-5|Updated non-near-land OTD/LIS local scaling for lightning]]
|<div align="left">
*[[Lightning NOx emissions|Lightning wiki page]]
|-align="center" valign="top"
| [[GEOS-Chem_v7-04-12#Run2|v7-04-12-Run2]]
| GEOS-4 2005
| <tt>12.816</tt>
| <tt>+1.053<br>(+8.95%)</tt>
|<div align="left">
*Original non-near-land OTD/LIS local scaling
<div align="left">
*[[Lightning NOx emissions|Lightning wiki page]]
*[ Hudman PDF]
*[ v7-04-12 diff list]
|-align="center" valign="top"
| [[GEOS-Chem_v7-04-12#Run1|v7-04-12-Run1]]
| GEOS-4 2005
| <tt>11.763</tt>
| <tt>-0.68<br>(-5.5%)</tt>
|<div align="left">
*Ancient lightning scheme
|<div align="left">
*[[Lightning NOx emissions|Lightning wiki page]]
*[ Hudman PDF]
*[ v7-04-12 diff list]
|-align="center" valign="top"
| v7-04-02-MEGAN
| GEOS-4 2001
| <tt>12.44</tt>
| <tt>-0.11<br>(-0.87%)</tt>
|<div align="left">
* First benchmark w/ MEGAN biogenic emissions
|<div align="left">
*[[MEGAN biogenic emissions|MEGAN wiki page]]
*[ Hudman PDF]
*[ v7-04-02 diff list]
|-align="center" valign="top"
| v7-04-02-NOMEGAN
| GEOS-4 2001
| <tt>12.55</tt>
| <tt>+0.01<br>(+0.08%)</tt>
|<div align="left">
* Switched fossil fuel scale year from 1995 to 1998
* Last benchmark w/ the older GEIA biogenic emissions
|<div align="left">
*[[Biogenic emissions#GEIA|GEIA wiki page]]
*[ Hudman PDF]
*[ v7-04-02 diff list]
|-align="center" valign="top"
| v7-04-02-Base
| GEOS-4 2001
| <tt>12.54</tt>
| <tt>+0.67<br>(+5.6%)</tt>
|<div align="left">
* 43 tracer simulation (no secondary organic aerosols)
* Last 1-yr benchmark with fossil fuel scale year = 1995
|<div align="left">
*[ Hudman PDF]
*[ v7-04-02 diff list]
|-align="center" valign="top"
| v7-02-03-Run1
| GEOS-4 2001
| <tt>11.87</tt>
| <tt>+1.39<br>(+13.26%)</tt>
|<div align="left">
*Secondary organic aerosols (50 tracers)
*GEOS-4 met fields
<div align="left">
*[[Secondary_organic_aerosols|SOA wiki page]]
*[ Hudman PDF]
|-align="center" valign="top"
| v7-02-03-Run0
| GEOS-3 2001
| <tt>10.48</tt>
| ---
|<div align="left">
*Secondary organic aerosols (50 tracers)
*GEOS-3 met fields
|<div align="left">
*[[Secondary_organic_aerosols|SOA wiki page]]
*[ Hudman PDF]
--[[User:Bmy|Bob Y.]] 16:32, 8 June 2011 (EDT)
=== Additional documentation ===
==== GEOS-Chem version 8 ====
* [ Differences in isoprene between v8-02-04-Run1 and v8-02-04-Run0]
* [ Differences between MODIS LAI and AVHRR LAI]
==== GEOS-Chem version 7 ====
* [ Rynda Hudman] investigated the [ changes in CO and O3 among benchmark simulations from v7-02-03 thru v7-04-12].
* [ List of differences in benchmark simulations between v7-02-03 and v7-04-02].
* [ List of differences in benchmark simulations between v7-04-02 and v7-04-12].
* [ Changes in anthropogenic NOx and CO from 1-yr benchmarks with versions v7-02-03 and v7-02-04]
* [ Jennifer Logan] looked at some of the [ differences between GEOS-3 and GEOS-4 in 1-year benchmark simulations].
--[[User:Bmy|Bob Y.]] 09:32, 23 February 2010 (EST)
== Plot of mean OH evolution in GEOS-Chem ==
Here is a plot of the mean OH concentration from several recent GEOS–Chem 1-year benchmark simulations. The mean OH is an indicator how the chemistry mechanism is performing. Typical values are 10–11 x 10<sup>5</sup> molecules cm<sup>-1</sup>.

[[Image:Mean oh 1yr.png]]
Here is a plot of the mean OH concentration from GEOS-Chem 1-year benchmark simulations.  The mean OH is an indicator how the chemistry mechanism is performing. Typical values are 10–12 x 10<sup>5</sup> molecules cm<sup>-1</sup>.

#Runs done with GEOS-3 met are denoted by squares; GEOS-4 met: triangles; GEOS-5 met: circles.
#The large jump in mean OH between [[GEOS-Chem v8-01-04#Run2|v8-01-04-Run2]] and [[GEOS-Chem v8-02-01#Run0|v8-02-01-Run0]] is likely attributed to the photolysis rate updates for ketones and aldehydes. See [ this document] about the new photolysis mechanism. However, we are still investigating this.
#The runs done with GEOS-4 met have higher mean OH than the GEOS-3 and GEOS-5 runs because of the missing high cloud optical depth in the GEOS-4 met fields.
#The large jump upward from [[GEOS-Chem v7-04-12#Run1|v7-04-12-Run1]] to [[GEOS-Chem v7-04-12#Run2|v7-04-12-Run2]] is attributed to a major upgrade of the lightning NOx algorithm. v7-04-12 was the first GEOS-Chem version to redistribute flashes regionally according to OTD/LIS statistics.
#[[GEOS-Chem v7-04-13|v7-04-13]] uses the same lightning algorithm as in [[GEOS-Chem v7-04-12#Run2|v7-04-12-Run2]]. However, the lightning flash redistribution according to OTD/LIS statistics was switched from regional to local redistribution.
#v7-04-02-Run0 and v7-04-02-Run1 used GEIA biogenic emissions. v7-04-02-Run2 swiched to MEGAN biogenic emissions.

--[[User:Bmy|Bob Y.]] 15:49, 24 February 2010 (EST)
--[[User:Melissa Payer|Melissa Sulprizio]] ([[User talk:Melissa Payer|talk]]) 02:17, 13 August 2023 (UTC)

Latest revision as of 14:54, 18 October 2023

On this page we track the evolution of the mean OH concentration in GEOS-Chem. This value is an indicator of how "hot" the chemistry is. Please also see the related topic about the methyl chloroform lifetime in GEOS-Chem.

Evolution of mean OH in GEOS-Chem

Plot of mean OH evolution

Here is a plot of the mean OH concentration from GEOS-Chem 1-year benchmark simulations. The mean OH is an indicator how the chemistry mechanism is performing. Typical values are 10–12 x 105 molecules cm-1.

GC Mean OH 12.8.0.png

--Melissa Sulprizio (talk) 02:17, 13 August 2023 (UTC)