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(Implementation in GEOS-Chem)
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!width="300px" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"|Transport Working Group Co-Chairs
!width="300px" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"|Transport Working Group Co-Chairs
*[mailto:andrea.m.molod@nasa.gov Andrea Molod] and
*[https://www.cira.colostate.edu/staff/schuh-andrew/ Andrew Schuh] (Github: [https://github.com/aschuh @aschuh])
*[http://research.nianet.org./~hyl/ Hongyu Liu]
*[https://science.larc.nasa.gov/people/katherine-travis/ Katie Travis] (Github: [https://github.com/ktravis213 @ktravis213])
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*Click on '''Leave this group'''
*Click on '''Leave this group'''
--[[User:Bmy|Bob Y.]] ([[User talk:Bmy|talk]]) 18:38, 21 August 2015 (UTC)
== Current GEOS-Chem Transport Projects (please add yours!) ==
== Current GEOS-Chem Transport Projects (please add yours!) ==
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!width="300px"|Contact Person
!width="300px"|Contact Person
|NASA GMAO<br>Harvard
|Model inter-comparison of transport (GEOS, GCHP, GCClassic)
|Emma Knowland<br>Lizzie Lundgren
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|Quantifying the impact of errors in PBL mixing on CO2
|Quantifying the impact of errors in PBL mixing on CO2
|[mailto:wlu@atmosp.physics.utoronto.ca Wei Lu]
|[mailto:wlu@atmosp.physics.utoronto.ca Wei Lu]
|Examining the effect of grid resolution on vertical transport and convective mass fluxes
|[mailto:karenyu@g.harvard.edu Karen Yu]
|Quantifying the impact of numerical diffusion on plume transport and comparing to observed atmospheric diffusion
|[mailto:seastham@fas.harvard.edu Sebastian D. Eastham]
|Assessing the co-benefits of increasing vertical and horizontal grid resolutions for tracer transport
|[mailto:jiaweizhuang@g.harvard.edu Jiawei Zhuang]
|Implementation of a new PBL mixing scheme
|[mailto:Aaron.van.Donkelaar@dal.ca Aaron van Donkelaar]
|NIA / NASA Langley
|NIA / NASA Langley
|Constraints on Precipitation Scavenging and Transport of Soluble Trace Species From Airborne and Surface Radionuclide (222Rn, 210Pb, 7Be, 10Be) Observations
|Constraints on Precipitation Scavenging and Transport of Soluble Trace Species From Airborne and Surface Radionuclide (222Rn, 210Pb, 7Be, 10Be) Observations
|[mailto:bo.zhang@nianet.org Bo Zhang] [mailto:hongyu.liu-1@nasa.gov Hongyu Liu]
|[mailto:bo.zhang@nianet.org Bo Zhang]<br>[mailto:hongyu.liu-1@nasa.gov Hongyu Liu]
|Vertical resolution needs for GEOS-Chem global transport
|[[User:Ada Shaw|Ada Shaw]]
|Harvard<br>U. Toronto
|Re-diagnosed convection in off-line GEOS-Chem
|[[User:Bmy|Bob Yantosca]]<br>Tailong He
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== Current GEOS-Chem Transport Issues ==
== Related pages ==
Text to be added
== Common set of tracers in GEOS-Chem and GEOS ==
<span style="color:darkorange">'''''This update will be included in [[GEOS-Chem 12#12.2.0|GEOS-Chem 12.2.0]].'''''</span>
The Transport Working Group has proposed implementing additional tracers in GEOS-Chem for benchmarking purposes and diagnosing transport in GEOS-Chem compared to GEOS-5. The [[#List of tracers in GEOS|list of tracers in GEOS]] is provided below and is implemented via the tracer gridded component "TR_GridComp" in GEOS. In GEOS-Chem, the tracer suite has been added as an extension of the [[Rn-Pb-Be simulation]] (simulation type "1") by default, but may be added to any GEOS-Chem simulations by following the [[#Implementation in GEOS-Chem|instructions below]].
=== List of tracers in GEOS ===
17 GMI tracers: https://gmi.gsfc.nasa.gov/uploads/files/gmi_tracersuite.pdf
Additional Tracers in GEOS - used in part to get an age spectrum
# Name    Units        Long Name
# -----    ------      --------------------------------
nh_5      'mol mol-1'  Northern Hemisphere 5 day tracer
nh_50    'mol mol-1'  Northern Hemisphere 50 day tracer
sh_5      'mol mol-1'  Southern Hemisphere 5 day tracer
sh_50    'mol mol-1'  Southern Hemisphere 50 day tracer
ntr_5    'mol mol-1'  Northern Hemisphere Subtropical 5 day tracer
ntr_50    'mol mol-1'  Northern Hemisphere Subtropical 50 day tracer
str_5    'mol mol-1'  Southern Hemisphere Subtropical 5 day tracer
str_50    'mol mol-1'  Southern Hemisphere Subtropical 50 day tracer
tr_5      'mol mol-1'  Tropical 5 day tracer
tr_50    'mol mol-1'  Tropical 50 day tracer
e90      'mol mol-1'  Constant emission 90 day tracer
e90_n    'mol mol-1'  Constant emission Northern Hemisphere 90 day tracer
e90_s    'mol mol-1'  Constant emission Southern Hemisphere 90 day tracer
st80_25  'mol mol-1'  Stratospheric source 25 day tracer
aoa_nh    'days'        Age of air tracer (Northern Hemisphere surface source)
and a few others
CH3I      'mol mol-1'  Methyl iodide
CO_50_na  'mol mol-1'  Anthro CO North America 50 day tracer
--[[User:Lizzie Lundgren|Lizzie Lundgren]] ([[User talk:Lizzie Lundgren|talk]]) 15:41, 15 June 2018 (UTC)
=== Origin tracers ===
'''''Chris Holmes wrote:'''''
:Another tracer suggestion: I like and use the "origin" tracers defined by Clara Orbe et al. (2013). These tracers give the fraction of air that that originates in specified source regions.
:In addition to diagnosing transport, I think the tracers will be useful as templates for users to modify for their own purposes (e.g. customizing source regions). For that reason, a comprehensive set of tracers would be useful, if they can be optional.
:Orbe, C., M. Holzer, L. M. Polvani, and D. Waugh (2013), ''Air-mass origin as a diagnostic of tropospheric transport'', <u>J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.</u>, 118, 1459–1470, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50133.
--[[User:Melissa Payer|Melissa Sulprizio]] ([[User talk:Melissa Payer|talk]]) 18:42, 23 February 2018 (UTC)
=== Implementation in GEOS-Chem ===
Several of the GEOS tracers listed above have been added as [[HEMCO_examples#Passive_species|passive species in GEOS-Chem]]. The new tracers are listed in the advected species menu of input.geos as:
Type of simulation      : 1
Species Entries ------->: Name
Species name            : Rn222
Species name            : Pb210
Species name            : Pb210Strat
Species name            : Be7
Species name            : Be7Strat
Species name            : Be10
Species name            : Be10Strat
Species name            : PassiveTracer
<span style="color:green">Species name            : SF6tracer
Species name            : CH3Itracer
Species name            : COtracer25days
Species name            : COtracer50days
Species name            : Emis90dayTracer
Species name            : Emis90dayTracerNH
Species name            : Emis90dayTracerSH
Species name            : UniformTracer</span>
In the passive species menu of input.geos, each species is defined along with the molecular weight, lifetime, default background concentration, and long name.
Passive species name    : PassiveTracer    1.0    -1      1.0e-7  Passive_tracer_for_mass_conservation_eval
<span style="color:green">Passive species name    : SF6tracer        146.0  1.0e11  1.0e-20  Sulfur_hexafluoride
Passive species name    : CH3Itracer        142.0  4.32e5  1.0e-20  Methyl_iodide
Passive species name    : COtracer25days    28.0  2.16e6  1.0e-20  Anthro_CO_25day_tracer
Passive species name    : COtracer50days    28.0  4.32e6  1.0e-20  Anthro_CO_50day_tracer
Passive species name    : Emis90dayTracer  1.0    7.776e6 1.0e-20  Constant_emission_tracer
Passive species name    : Emis90dayTracerNH 1.0    7.776e6 1.0e-20  Constant_emission_tracer_for_NH
Passive species name    : Emis90dayTracerSH 1.0    7.776e6 1.0e-20  Constant_emission_tracer_for_SH
Passive species name    : UniformTracer    28.0  2.16e6  1.0e-20  CO-like_tracer_with_uniform_emission</span>
Species with an emissions flux also have a corresponding entry in the HEMCO_Config.rc file.
# SF6 emissions from EDGAR v4.2
0 EDGAR_SF6tracer  $ROOT/SF6/v2019-01/EDGAR_v42_SF6_IPCC_2.generic.01x01.nc emi_sf6 1970-2008/1-12/1/0 C xy kg/m2/s SF6tracer - 1 1
# CH3I emitted over the oceans at rate of 1 molec/cm2/s
0 SRC_2D_CH3Itracer 1.0 - - - xy molec/cm2/s CH3Itracer 1000 1 1
# Anthropogenic CO 25-day and 50-day tracers
0 CEDS_COtrc25d_ENE  $ROOT/CEDS/v2018-08/$YYYY/CO-em-anthro_CMIP_CEDS_$YYYY.nc  CO_ene  1950-2014/1-12/1/0 C xy kg/m2/s COtracer25days  26 1/2/12 5
0 CEDS_COtrc50d_ENE  -                                                          -      -                  - -  -      COtracer50days  26 1/2/12 5
0 CEDS_COtrc25d_IND  $ROOT/CEDS/v2018-08/$YYYY/CO-em-anthro_CMIP_CEDS_$YYYY.nc  CO_ind  1950-2014/1-12/1/0 C xy kg/m2/s COtracer25days  26 1/2/12 5
0 CEDS_COtrc50d_IND  -                                                          -      -                  - -  -      COtracer50days  26 1/2/12 5
0 CEDS_COtrc25d_TRA  $ROOT/CEDS/v2018-08/$YYYY/CO-em-anthro_CMIP_CEDS_$YYYY.nc  CO_tra  1950-2014/1-12/1/0 C xy kg/m2/s COtracer25days  26 1/2/12 5
0 CEDS_COtrc50d_TRA  -                                                          -      -                  - -  -      COtracer50days  26 1/2/12 5
0 CEDS_COtrc25d_RCO  $ROOT/CEDS/v2018-08/$YYYY/CO-em-anthro_CMIP_CEDS_$YYYY.nc  CO_rco  1950-2014/1-12/1/0 C xy kg/m2/s COtracer25days  26 1/2/12 5
0 CEDS_COtrc50d_RCO  -                                                          -      -                  - -  -      COtracer50days  26 1/2/12 5
0 CEDS_COtrc25d_SLV  $ROOT/CEDS/v2018-08/$YYYY/CO-em-anthro_CMIP_CEDS_$YYYY.nc  CO_slv  1950-2014/1-12/1/0 C xy kg/m2/s COtracer25days  26 1/2/12 5
0 CEDS_COtrc50d_SLV  -                                                          -      -                  - -  -      COtracer50days  26 1/2/12 5
0 CEDS_COtrc25d_WST  $ROOT/CEDS/v2018-08/$YYYY/CO-em-anthro_CMIP_CEDS_$YYYY.nc  CO_wst  1950-2014/1-12/1/0 C xy kg/m2/s COtracer25days  26 1/2/12 5
0 CEDS_COtrc50d_WST  -                                                          -      -                  - -  -      COtracer50days  26 1/2/12 5
# e90 tracer is emitted with a uniform flux of 100 ppbv
0 SRC_2D_Emis90day  100 - - - xy ppbv Emis90dayTracer  -    1 1
0 SRC_2D_Emis90dayNH 100 - - - xy ppbv Emis90dayTracerNH 1001 1 1
0 SRC_2D_Emis90daySH 100 - - - xy ppbv Emis90dayTracerSH 1002 1 1
# Uniform surface emission of 2400 Tg/yr
0 SRC_2D_Uniform 1.5e-7 - - - xy kg/m2/s UniformTracer - 1 1
1000 OCEAN_MASK $METDIR/$CNYR/01/$MET.$CNYR0101.CN.$RES.$NC FROCEAN 2000/1/1/0 C xy 1 1 -180/-90/180/90
1001 NH_MASK    -180/0/180/90  - 2000/1/1/0 C xy 1 1 -180/0/180/90
1002 SH_MASK    -180/-90/180/0 - 2000/1/1/0 C xy 1 1 -180/-90/180/0
--[[User:Melissa Payer|Melissa Sulprizio]] ([[User talk:Melissa Payer|talk]]) 13:12, 4 January 2019 (UTC)
*[[TransportTracers simulation]]

Revision as of 19:09, 3 June 2024

All users interested in the GEOS-Chem transport scheme are encouraged to subscribe to the transport email list (click on the link in the contact information section section below).

Contact information

Transport Working Group Co-Chairs
Transport Working Group email list geos-chem-transport [at] g.harvard.edu
To subscribe to email list Either
  • Send an email to geos-chem-transport+subscribe [at] g.harvard.edu


To unsubscribe from email list Either
  • Send an email to geos-chem-transport+unsubscribe [at] g.harvard.edu


Current GEOS-Chem Transport Projects (please add yours!)

User Group Description Contact Person
Model inter-comparison of transport (GEOS, GCHP, GCClassic) Emma Knowland
Lizzie Lundgren
U. Toronto Assessing impact of transport biases on methane simulation and applying weak constraint 4D-Var to correct them Ilya Stanevich
U. Toronto Characterizing model transport errors using weak constraint 4D-Var Martin Keller
U. Toronto Quantifying the impact of errors in PBL mixing on CO2 Wei Lu
NIA / NASA Langley Constraints on Precipitation Scavenging and Transport of Soluble Trace Species From Airborne and Surface Radionuclide (222Rn, 210Pb, 7Be, 10Be) Observations Bo Zhang
Hongyu Liu
Add yours here!    

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