Difference between revisions of "GEOS-Chem model development priorities"

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(Ready to go in)
(Merged and awaiting release)
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On this page we list the priorities for ongoing GEOS-Chem model development. We also list the items that were once identified as priorities but have since been added to the standard mainline GEOS-Chem code.
On this page we list the current priorities for GEOS-Chem development. This list is continuously updated based on code readiness and input from the [https://geos-chem.seas.harvard.edu/geos-working-groups Working Groups] and the [https://geos-chem.seas.harvard.edu/geos-steering-cmte Steering Committee]. For history of past releases see the [[GEOS-Chem_versions|GEOS-Chem Versions wiki page]].
== List of priorities as of Oct 2011 ==
== Merged and awaiting release ==
This is list of planned GEOS-Chem model development items updated from the [[GEOS-Chem model development priorities#List of priorities identified at IGC5|List of priorities identified at IGC5]]. The key model developer or model contact is identified for each item.  
See the links below for items merged and awaiting release.
We count on user input to augment and prioritize this list, please contact your [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/geos/geos_working_groups.html Working Group Chair] or model scientist [mailto:djacob@fas.harvard.edu Daniel Jacob].
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
!width="300px"|Mergeable at any time
!width="200px"|Version in development
=== Awaiting release ===
|align="center"|'''[[GEOS-Chem no-diff-to-benchmark]]'''
|align="center"|'''[[GEOS-Chem 14.5.0]]'''
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
|- bgcolor="#cccccc"
|[[APM aerosol microphysics]]
|Fangqun Yu (SUNY Albany)
|Added to [[GEOS-Chem v9-01-02|v9-01-02]]
|[[Biomass_burning_emissions#GFED3|GFED3 biomass burning]]
|Prasad Kasibhatla (Duke)
|Added to v9-01-02
|[[Dry_deposition#Aerosol_dry_deposition_velocities_over_snow_and_ice_surfaces|Aerosol deposition over snow/ice]]
|Jenny Fisher (Harvard)
|Added to v9-01-02
|[[Anthropogenic_emissions#Streets_2000|Seasonal variation of Asian NH3 emissions]]
|Jenny Fisher (Harvard)
|Added to v9-01-02
|[[GEOS-Chem_v9-01-02#Aerosol_optical_depth|Cleanup of AOD diagnostics]]
|Sungshik Patrick Kim (Harvard)
|Added to v9-01-02
|[[Implementation_of_RETRO_Anthropogenic_Emissions|RETRO anthropogenic VOC emissions]]
|Dylan Millet (U. Minnesota)
|Added to v9-01-02
|[[Carbon Gases and Organics Working Group#GEIA anthropogenic scaling factors|GEIA emissions scale factor fix]]
|Dylan Millet (U. Minnesota)
|Added to v9-01-02
|Chemical updates for atmospheric Hg
|Bess Corbitt (Harvard)<br>Jenny Fisher (Harvard)
|Added to v9-01-02
|[[Mercury#Anthropogenic_Emissions|GEIA 2005 Hg emissions]]
|Bess Corbitt (Harvard)
|Posted in shared data directory
|Documentation of chemical mechanism
|Jingqiu Mao (NOAA/GFDL)
|Now available. Please see [[Updating_standard_chemistry_with_JPL_10-6#current_standard_chemistry|this wiki page]].
--[[User:Melissa Payer|Melissa Payer]] 15:17, 6 October 2011 (EDT)
== Feature integration in progress ==
=== Ready to go in ===
Features listed in this table are actively being integrated into GEOS-Chem by the [https://geoschem.github.io/support-team.html GEOS-Chem Support Team]. In addition, we continuously implement structural updates in the model to maintain and develop coupling with other models including GEOS, CESM, and the model adjoint.
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
!width="100px"|Model scope
!width="100px"|Ease of implementation
!width="300px"|Notes and References
|[https://github.com/geoschem/geos-chem/issues/1288 New soil NOx parameterization]
|Yi Wang (U. Iowa)<br>Jun Wang (U. Iowa)
*[https://github.com/geoschem/geos-chem/issues/1288 geos-chem issue #1288]
*Incorporates new met field TSOIL1
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
|- bgcolor="#cccccc"
|Nested-grid Hg simulation
|Lyatt Jaegl&eacute; (U. Washington)
|Code is ready
|Nested-grid CO2 simulation
|Yuxuan Wang (Tsinghua U.)
|Code delivered to [[GEOS-Chem Support Team|GCST]]; awaiting implementation
|[[Stratospheric_chemistry|Stratospheric P and k (monthly climatological)]]
|Lee Murray (Harvard)
|Code is ready
|[[Updating_standard_chemistry_with_JPL_10-6|Inorganic chemistry updates]]
|Mat Evans (Leeds)
|Code delivered to GCST; awaiting implementation
|[[Secondary_organic_aerosols#SOA_simulation_with_semi-volatile_POA|Expanded SOA]]
|Havala Pye (EPA/ORD)
|Code delivered to GCST; awaiting implementation
|Dust submicron size distribution for optics
|David Ridley (Colo. State)
|Code delivered to GCST, awaiting implementation
|Improved sea salt [[Sea salt aerosols#SST dependent sea salt emissions|emission]] & [[Sea salt aerosols#Updates to sea salt dry deposition|deposition]]
|Lyatt Jaegl&eacute; (U. Washington)
|Code delivered to GCST, awaiting implementation
|Improved [[Wet_deposition#Add_scavenging_by_snow|snow scavenging]] and [[Wet_deposition#Allow_both_washout_and_rainout_when_precipitation_forms|washout parameterization]]
|Qiaoqiao Wang (Harvard)
|Code delivered to GCST, awaiting implementation
|[[Soil_NOx_emissions#Updated_soil_NOx_emissions_algorithm|New soil NOx emission module]]
|Rynda Hudman (UC Berkeley)
|Code delivered to GCST, awaiting implementation
|[[EPA/NEI05_North_American_emissions|EPA/NEI2005 Hg emissions for US]]
|Lyatt Jaegl&eacute; (U. Washington)
|Code is ready
|[[Acetone|Improved acetone simulation]]
|Emily Fischer (Harvard)
|Code delivered to GCST, awaiting implementation
|Complete shift of biogenic VOC emissions from GEIA to MEGAN; retire GEIA
|Dylan Millet (U. Minnesota)
|Delivered to GCST, will be done concurrently w/ the improved acetone simulation
|OVOC's dry deposition
|Jingqiu Mao (NOAA/GFDL)
|Code is ready
|[[Sources_and_Sinks_Working_Group#Available_Historical_and_Future_Emissions|Historical emission inventories of SO2, NOx, BC, and POA]]
|Eric Leibensperger (MIT)
|Code delivered to GCST, awaiting implementation
|Methyl peroxy nitrate (MPN) chemistry
|Ellie Browne (UC Berkeley)
|Code delivered to GCST, awaiting implementation
|[[Mineral_dust_aerosols#Surface_chemistry_on_dust|Acid uptake on dust aerosols]]
|T. Duncan Fairlie (NASA/LARC)
|Code delivered to GCST, awaiting implementation
--[[User:Melissa Payer|Melissa Payer]] 15:17, 6 October 2011 (EDT)
== Prioritized and in the queue ==
=== Almost there (< 6 months) ===
Features listed in this table are prioritized for integration into GEOS-Chem in the near future.
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5  
|- bgcolor="#cccccc"
!width="100px"|Model scope
!width="100px"|Ease of implementation
|[[Aircraft_emissions#FAA_aircraft_emissions_inventory|FAA/AEDT aircraft emissions inventory]]
!width="100px"|Delivery status
|Steven Barrett et al (MIT)
!width="300px"|Notes and References
|Code delivered to GCST, on hold
|Longwave & shortwave RF codes for chemistry-climate
|ALK4 & R4N2 chemistry
|Fangqun Yu (SUNY Albany)
|Jared Brewer (UMN)
|Not delivered
*[https://github.com/geoschem/geos-chem/issues/1625 geos-chem issue #1625]
|[[APM aerosol microphysics|APM]] capability for nested grid
*[https://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/files/acmg/files/brewer2022.pdf Brewer, J.F. et al., J. Geophys. Res., 2023.]
|Fangqun Yu (SUNY Albany)
|Mass flux regridding fix in MAPL
|[[TOMAS aerosol microphysics|TOMAS]] capability for nested grid
|Tom Clune (GMAO)<br>Seb Eastham (MIT)
|Jeff Pierce (Dalhousie)
|GCHP input regridding
|Streets future Hg emissions
|Bess Corbitt (Harvard)
|Code is ready, pending paper acceptance
|Hg(II) gas-aerosol partitioning
|Helen Amos (Harvard)
|Update to EDGAR 4 anthropogenic emissions
|Qiang Zhang (Tsinghua)
|Satellite-based NOx emission trends
|Lok Lamsal (NASA GSFC)
|Emission trends database is ready; Needs to be implemented into GEOS-Chem
|PARANOX ship plume emissions
|Geert Vinken (Eindhoven)
|Code is ready, pending paper acceptance
|Interannual lightning
|Lee Murray (Harvard)
|Primary marine OA emissions
*[https://github.com/geoschem/GCHP/issues/377 GCHP Issue #377]
|Kateryna Lapina (CSU)
*'''Currently on hold, as the submitted update results in zero diff'''
|Implement GISS advection scheme for GISS-driven applications
|New version of CEDS at 0.1 deg
|[[GEOS-Chem Support Team]]
|Dandan Zhang (WashU)
|[[Bromine chemistry mechanism|Tropospheric bromine chemistry]]
|Justin Parrella (Harvard)
*[https://github.com/geoschem/geos-chem/issues/1745 geos-chem issue #1745]
*'''Currently on hold while an issue with seasonality in the new CEDS data is being investigated by the authors.'''
|Updated [[Dicarbonyls simulation|dicarbonyl simulation]]
|May Fu (Peking U.)
|Remove differences in GC-Classic due to HEMCO reading REAL8 restart as REAL4
|Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard)
|Satellite diagnostic for XCO2
|Liang Feng (U. Edinburgh)
|Cloudwater pH for sulfate formation
*[https://github.com/geoschem/HEMCO/issues/18 hemco issue #18]
|Becky Alexander (U. Washington)
|Code is ready, pending paper acceptance
|Capture all trop and PBL height changes in budget diagnostics
|Tagged sulfate and nitrate simulation
|Chris Holmes (FSU)<br>Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard)
|Becky Alexander (U. Washington)
*[https://github.com/geoschem/geos-chem/pull/2103 geos-chem PR 2103]
--[[User:Melissa Payer|Melissa Payer]] 15:17, 6 October 2011 (EDT)
== Ready to go in ==
=== Over the horizon (6-12 months) ===
Features listed in this table are ready to go in but have either not been delivered or are not yet prioritized for integration into GEOS-Chem.
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5  
|- bgcolor="#cccccc"
!width="100px"|Model scope
!width="100px"|Delivery status
|Update HCN simulation
!width="300px"|Notes and References
|Qian Li (U. Edinburgh)<br>Dylan Jones (U. Toronto)
|KORUS-AQ emissions for East Asia (as an option)
|Working with [[GEOS-5.7.2|GEOS-5.7.2]]
|Katie Travis (NASA)
|[[GEOS-Chem Support Team]]
|Development is ongoing
|Nested-grid model at 0.25&deg; x 0.3125&deg; resolution
|Yuxuan Wang (Tsinghua)
|High-resolution emissions for above nested-grid model
|Yuxuan Wang (Tsinghua)
|Improved planeflight diagnostic
|Mat Evans (Leeds)
|Chemistry diagnostics
|Mat Evans (Leeds)
|Improved operator splitting
|Mauricio Santillana (Harvard)
|Development is ongoing
|3-D VOC source for [[Tagged_CO_simulation|tagged CO simulations]]
|Dylan Jones (U. Toronto)
|Move to 2&deg; x 2.5&deg; versions of GISS GCM ModelE and Model3
|Loretta Mickley (Harvard)
|For more information, please see the [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/geos/word_pdf_docs/steering_cmte/stercomm.telecon.ltmurray.GISS.pdf GISS Model E Memo]<br>by (Lee Murray and Loretta Mickley).
|Implement IPCC AR5 scenarios
|Loretta Mickley (Harvard)
|Improved dust simulation in nested-grid model
|Rokjin Park (Seoul Nat'l Univ.)
|Geologic emission of ethane and propane
|Matthew Rowlinson and Mat Evans(York)
|Delivered<br>Jan 2023
*Global source from https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-018-0073-0 with spatial distribution from https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-11-1-2019
|Isoprene chemistry
|Mat Evans (Leeds)<br>Jingqiu Mao (NOAA/GFDL)
|Paper is in progress
|Unified emissions pre-processor
|Qiang Zhang (Tsinghua)
|Update Asian emissions
|Qiang Zhang (Tsinghua)
|CESM/CAM5 interface for chemistry-climate
|Rokjin Park (Seoul Nat'l Univ.)<br>Joshua Fu (U. Tennessee)
--[[User:Melissa Payer|Melissa Payer]] 15:17, 6 October 2011 (EDT)
|[https://github.com/geoschem/geos-chem/pull/629 Ecophysiology module in GEOS-Chem for biosphere-atmosphere exchange]
|Joey Lam(CUHK)<br>Amos Tai (CUHK)
|Delivered<br>Feb 2021
*[https://github.com/geoschem/geos-chem/pull/629 geos-chem PR #629]
=== Longer term (> 12 months)===
|LPJ land cover (global), fire (W US), dust emissions (SW N America), 1700-2100
|Yang Li (Baylor University)<br>Loretta Mickley (Harvard)
|Delivered<br>Jul 2021
*Data involves many files- need to think about temporal frequency
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
|- bgcolor="#cccccc"
|[https://github.com/geoschem/geos-chem/issues/1867 Online H2 chemistry]
|Maria Paula Pérez-Peña (UNSW)<br>Jenny Fisher (UOW)<br>Dylan Millet (UMN)
|Delivered<br>June 2023
|[[Grid-independent GEOS-Chem]]
*[https://acp.copernicus.org/articles/22/12367/2022/acp-22-12367-2022.html Pérez-Peña, M.P. et al., ACP, 2022.]
|[[GEOS-Chem Support Team]]
*Implemented in v12.5, needs to be brought up to current version
|Development is ongoing
|Improved atmospheric-ocean-land coupling of Hg simulation
|[[Hg and POPs Working Group]]
|Primary biological aerosol particles (PBAP's)
|Colette Heald (Colo. State)
|Only to be implemented if users identified
|Unified radiative forcing module for GEOS-Chem
|[[Aerosols_overview:_projects_and_developments|Aerosols Working Group]]
|Under discussion/investigation
|Effective meteorolgical fields for dust and sea-salt emissions
|[[GEOS-Chem Support Team]]
|Dust simulation expansion; tagged simulation, oxalate, Fe, P
|Matthew Johnson (NCSU)
|Benchmark for aerosol deposition
|Colette Heald (Colo. State)
|Read emission data at native resolution and regrid on the fly
|[[GEOS-Chem Support Team]]
|Improve ocean CO2 flux and resolution of anthropogenic sources
|Ray Nassar (Environment Canada)
|Link column version of GEOS-Chem with GEOS-GCM for chemistry-climate
|[[GEOS-Chem Support Team]]
|CO2 inhibition effect for isoprene emission
|Loretta Mickley (Harvard)
|Replace CASA CO2 biosphere climatology with year-specific fluxes
|Ray Nassar (Environment Canada)<br>Dylan Jones (U. Toronto)
--[[User:Melissa Payer|Melissa Payer]] 15:17, 6 October 2011 (EDT)
|DMS Chemistry
|Linia Tashmim (UC Riverside)<br>William Porter (UC Riverside)
|Not delivered
=== Items no longer being worked on===
|Organic acids (RCOOH)
|Katie Travis (NASA)
|Not delivered
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
|- bgcolor="#cccccc"
|Improve carbon & nitrogen conservation in reactions
|Kelvin Bates (Harvard)
|Not delivered
|Fix of global OH diagnostic
|Mat Evans (Leeds)<br>Jingqiu Mao (NOAA/GFDL)
|This is no longer an issue after the [[Restart_files#Potential_issue_with_reading_restart.cspec_file|CSPEC restart bug fix]] in v9-01-02 (awaiting release).
|Updated diurnal variation of US NEI emissions
|Rynda Hudman (UC Berkeley)
--[[User:Melissa Payer|Melissa Payer]] 15:17, 6 October 2011 (EDT)
|Blowing snow sea salt in TOMAS
|Betty Croft (Dalhousie)
|Not delivered
== List of priorities identified at IGC5 ==
|[https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2022/EM/D2EM00019A Australian anthropogenic Hg emissions]
|Stephen MacFarlane (UOW)<br>Jenny Fisher (UOW)<br> Hannah Horowitz (U. Illinois)<br>Viral Shah (Harvard)
|Hg simulation
|Not delivered
This is a list of planned GEOS-Chem model development items, based on discussions and Working Group reports from the  and [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/geos/geos_meeting_2011.html 5th International GEOS-Chem Meeting] (aka '''IGC5'''). The key model developer or model contact is identified for each item. 
|WRF-GC Hg simulation
|Xiaotian Xu (Nanjing U.)<br>Yanxu Zhang (Nanjing U.)
|Hg simulation<br>WRF-GC
|Not delivered
We count on user input to augment and prioritize this list, please contact your [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/geos/geos_working_groups.html Working Group Chair] or model scientist [mailto:djacob@fas.harvard.edu Daniel Jacob].
|Updated HgII gas-partical partitioning
|Kaiyun Liu (Tsinghua U.)<br>Qingru Wu (Tsinghua U.)<br>Shuxiao Wang (Tsinghua U.)
|Hg simulation
|Not delivered
*Should be option, not default
=== For immediate implementation (awaiting release) ===
|Dry deposition to F90 (readability)
|Chris Holmes (FSU)
|Dry deposition
|Not delivered
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
|- bgcolor="#cccccc"
|[[APM aerosol microphysics]]
|Fangqun Yu (SUNY Albany)
|Added to [[GEOS-Chem v9-01-02|v9-01-02]]; awaiting release
|[[Biomass_burning_emissions#GFED3|GFED3 biomass burning]]
|Prasad Kasibhatla (Duke)
|Added to v9-01-02; awaiting release
|[[Aircraft_emissions#FAA_aircraft_emissions_inventory|FAA/AEDT aircraft emissions inventory]]
|Steven Barrett et al (MIT)
|[[Dry_deposition#Aerosol_dry_deposition_velocities_over_snow_and_ice_surfaces|Aerosol deposition over snow/ice]]
|Jenny Fisher (Harvard)
|Added to v9-01-02; awaiting release
|[[Anthropogenic_emissions#Streets_2000|Seasonal variation of Asian NH3 emissions]]
|Jenny Fisher (Harvard)
|Added to v9-01-02; awaiting release
|[[GEOS-Chem_v9-01-02#Aerosol_optical_depth|Cleanup of AOD diagnostics]]
|Sungshik Patrick Kim (Harvard)
|Added to v9-01-02; awaiting release
|[[Implementation_of_RETRO_Anthropogenic_Emissions|RETRO anthropogenic VOC emissions]]
|Dylan Millet (U. Minnesota)
|Added to v9-01-02; awaiting release
--[[User:Bmy|Bob Y.]] 15:56, 23 August 2011 (EDT)
== Almost there (< 6 months) ==
=== Ready to go in ===
Features listed in this table are in development and will likely be delivered to the GEOS-Chem Support Team within the next 6 months.
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
{|border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
|- bgcolor="#cccccc"
|- bgcolor="#cccccc"
!width="100px"|Model scope
!width="420px"|Notes and References
|Nested-grid Hg simulation
|Lyatt Jaegl&eacute; (U. Washington)
|Nested-grid CO2 simulation
|Yuxuan Wang (Tsinghua U.)
|Stratospheric P and k (monthly climatological)
|Lee Murray (Harvard)
|Inorganic chemistry updates
|Mat Evans (Leeds)
|GEIA 2005 Hg emissions
|Bess Corbitt (Harvard)
|Delivered to GCST
|[[Secondary_organic_aerosols#SOA_simulation_with_semi-volatile_POA|Expanded SOA]]
|Havala Pye (EPA/ORD)
|Delivered to [[GEOS-Chem Support Team|GCST]], undergoing final testing
|Dust submicron size distribution for optics
|David Ridley (Colo. State)
|[[Carbon Gases and Organics Working Group#GEIA anthropogenic scaling factors|GEIA emissions scale factor fix]]
|Dylan Millet (U. Minnesota)
|Added to [[GEOS-Chem v9-01-02|v9-01-02]]; awaiting release
|Longwave & shortwave RF codes for chemistry-climate
|Fangqun Yu (SUNY Albany)
|Improved sea salt [[Sea salt aerosols#SST dependent sea salt emissions|emission]] & [[Sea salt aerosols#Updates to sea salt dry deposition|deposition]]
|Lyatt Jaegl&eacute; (U. Washington)
|Code delivered to [[GEOS-Chem Support Team|GCST]], awaiting implementation
|Improved snow scavenging and washout parameterization
|Qiaoqiao Wang (Harvard)
--[[User:Bmy|Bob Y.]] 11:04, 30 August 2011 (EDT)
|Robert Ryan (UCL)
=== Almost there (< 6 months) ===
|Michael Vermeuel (UMN)
|Initial conditions for CH4 correcting background and stratospheric biases
|Todd Mooring (Harvard)
|Methane simulation
|Migrating simple SOA formation from carbon_mod.F90 into the KPP "full-chemistry" mechanism
|Bob Yantosca (Harvard)
|Re-binning of off-line sea salt and dust for use in TOMAS
|Betty Croft (Dalhousie)
|Adaption of TOMAS' in-cloud aqueous sulfate production for KPP versus sulfate_mod.F90
|Betty Croft (Dalhousie)
|ML algorithms for bulk aerosols
|Arshad Nair (SUNY Albany)<br>Fangqun Yu (SUNY Albany)
|PM2.5 and PM10 calculations: aerodynamic vs geometric diameters
|Shixian Zhai (Harvard)
|Updates to Hodzic SOA scheme
|Jared Brewer (Harvard)
|Automated reduction in isoprene scheme
|Dan Westervelt (Lamont-Doherty)
|Brown carbon chemsitry
|Jingqiu Mao (U. Alaska)<br>Xuan Wang (CUHK)
|GEOS resolution and subgrid convection - Part 2 RAS parameter tuning
|Tailong He (Toronto)<br>Dylan Jones (Toronto)<br>Andrea Molod (NASA GMAO)
|High-res top-down TROPOMI-derived seasonal mean NOx emissions for China
|Jintai Lin (PKU)
*Horizontal resolution: 5km, temporal resolution: JJA mean
*monthly data will be available at a later stage; please contact us
|Updated biomass burning emission factors and species
|Tess Carter (MIT)
|Updated offline sea salt emissions
|Hongjian Weng (PKU) <br> Jintai Lin (PKU)
|[https://gmd.copernicus.org/articles/13/2569/2020/ Canopy Physics Model]
|Sam Silva (MIT)
|Emissions &<br>Science
*DOI: [https://zenodo.org/record/3614062#.XzvrH5NKjOR 10.5281/zenodo.3614062]
*Needs to be updated to a more recent GEOS-Chem version
|Assessment/improvement of OpenMP performance in GC-Classic and HEMCO standalone
|Bob Yantosca (Harvard)
|Model performance
*Ongoing (will be done as time allows)
|Assess memory leak in GCHP
|Killian Murphy (York)
|Model performance
*NOTE: Most memory leaks in GCHP have been fixed by [https://github.com/geoschem/geos-chem/pull/1353 geoschem/geos-chem PR #1353]. Will wait until MAPL3 to further assess.
|Hybrid MPI-OpenMP in GCHP
|Seb Eastham (MIT)<br>Killian Murphy (York)
|Model performance
|Improve pressure handling in GCHP advection
|Seb Eastham (MIT)<br>Yuanjian Zhang (WashU)
|Use ExtData2G as default GCHP input module
|Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard)
|Will replace ExtData.rc with yaml file
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
|- bgcolor="#cccccc"
|[[Soil_NOx_emissions#Updated_soil_NOx_emissions_algorithm|New soil NOx emission module]]
|Rynda Hudman (UC Berkeley)
|Code delivered to [[GEOS-Chem Support Team|GCST]], awaiting implementation
|[[APM aerosol microphysics|APM]] capability for nested grid
|Fangqun Yu (SUNY Albany)
|[[TOMAS aerosol microphysics|TOMAS]] capability for nested grid
|Jeff Pierce (Dalhousie)
|Fix of global OH diagnostic
|Mat Evans (Leeds)<br>Jingqiu Mao (NOAA/GFDL)
|Chemical updates for atmospheric Hg
|Bess Corbitt (Harvard)<br>Jenny Fisher (Harvard)
|Streets future Hg emissions
|Bess Corbitt (Harvard)
|[[EPA/NEI05_North_American_emissions|EPA/NEI2005 Hg emissions for US]]
|Lyatt Jaegl&eacute; (U. Washington)
|Hg(II) gas-aerosol partitioning
|Helen Amos (Harvard)
|Update to EDGAR 4 anthropogenic emissions
|Qiang Zhang (Tsinghua)
|Updated diurnal variation of US NEI emissions
|Rynda Hudman (UC Berkeley)
|Satellite-based NOx emission trends
|Lok Lamsal (NASA GSFC)
|PARANOX ship plume emissions
|Geert Vinken (Eindhoven)
|Interannual lightning
|Lee Murray (Harvard)
|Primary marine OA emissions
|Kateryna Lapina (CSU)
|Complete shift of biogenic VOC emissions from GEIA to MEGAN; retire GEIA
|Dylan Millet (U. Minnesota)
|Slated for [[GEOS-Chem v9-01-03|v9-01-03]]
|Update HCN simulation
|Qian Li (U. Edinburgh)<br>Dylan Jones (U. Toronto)
|Implement GISS advection scheme for GISS-driven applications
|[[GEOS-Chem Support Team]]
--[[User:Bmy|Bob Y.]] 11:10, 6 June 2011 (EDT)
== Over the horizon (6-12 months) ==
=== Over the horizon (6-12 months) ===
Features listed in this table are in development and will likely be delivered to the GEOS-Chem Support Team in the 6-12 months timeframe.
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
|- bgcolor="#cccccc"
|- bgcolor="#cccccc"
!width="100px"|Model scope
!width="420px"|Notes and References
|Working with [[GEOS-5.7.2|GEOS-5.7.2]]
|[[GEOS-Chem Support Team]]
|Snow / Icy Bromine
|Becky Alexander (UW)<br>William Swanson (U. Alaska)<br>Shuting Zhai (UW)
|Nested-grid model at 0.25&deg; x 0.3125&deg; resolution
|Yuxuan Wang (Tsinghua)
|High-resolution emissions for above nested-grid model
|Yuxuan Wang (Tsinghua)
|[[Acetone|Improved acetone simulation]]
|Emily Fischer (Harvard)
|Slated for inclusion in [[GEOS-Chem v9-01-03|v9-01-03]]
|[[Bromine chemistry mechanism|Tropospheric bromine chemistry]]
|Justin Parrella (Harvard)
|OVOC's dry deposition
|Jingqiu Mao (NOAA/GFDL)
|Improved planeflight diagnostic
|Mat Evans (Leeds)
|Chemistry diagnostics
|Mat Evans (Leeds)
|Documentation of chemical mechanism
|Jingqiu Mao (NOAA/GFDL)
|[[DSMACC_chemical_box_model|Box model]] version of GEOS-Chem chemical mechanism
|Jingqiu Mao (NOAA/GFDL)
|Improved operator splitting
|Mauricio Santillana (Harvard)
|Updated [[Dicarbonyls simulation|dicarbonyl simulation]]
|May Fu (Peking U.)
|3-D VOC source for [[Tagged_CO_simulation|tagged CO simulations]]
|Dylan Jones (U. Toronto)
|Replace CASA CO2 biosphere climatology with year-specific fluxes
|Ray Nassar (Environment Canada)<br>Dylan Jones (U. Toronto)
|Satellite diagnostic for XCO2
|Liang Feng (U. Edinburgh)
|Move to 2&deg; x 2.5&deg; versions of GISS GCM ModelE and Model3
|Loretta Mickley (Harvard)
|For more information, please see the [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/geos/word_pdf_docs/steering_cmte/stercomm.telecon.ltmurray.GISS.pdf GISS Model E Memo]<br>by (Lee Murray and Loretta Mickley).
|Implement IPCC AR5 scenarios
|Loretta Mickley (Harvard)
|CO2 inhibition effect for isoprene emission
|Loretta Mickley (Harvard)
|Monoterpene oxidation scheme
|Jessica Haskins (MIT)
|Fire related VOCs including furans
|Lu Hu (UMT)<br>Lixu Jin (UMT)
|Extension of UCX into the mesosphere
|Seb Eastham (MIT)<br>Eric Fleming (NASA)
|Methane flux ingestion
|Eloise Marais (UCL)
|Dust non-sphericity impacts on surface chem and optical properties
|Inderjeet Singh (WashU)
|Size-resolved stratospheric aerosol
|Seb Eastham (MIT)
|Extend aerosol settling
|Eloise Marais (UCL)
|Stratospheric aerosol APM
|Fangqun Yu (SUNY)
|Plume-in-grid model
|Hongwei Sun (Harvard)
|Updated lightning NOx: Prescribe from ground and geostationary lightning flashes
|Lee Murray (Rochester)
|Seb aircraft emissions beyond recent 2019 update
|Seb Eastham (MIT)
|FRP-based fire emsisions for eastern US at 0.2 deg
|Charlie Fite (FSU)
|Hg iodine chemistry
|Yiming Fu<br>Yanxu Zhang (Nanjing U.)
|Hg simulation
|Hg simulation in GCHP
|Ari Feinberg (MIT)<br>Lyssa Freese (MIT)
|Hg simulation
|Update Hg ocean and soil boundary conditions for consistency with new chemistry
|Yanxu Zhang (Nanjing U.)
|Hg simulation
|Dry deposition diagnostics by land cover
|Holly Nowell (FSU)
|Dry deposition process diagnostics
|Holly Nowell (FSU)
|Isotope simulation for CO and CH4 in GCHP
|Lee Murray (Rochester)
|Carbon simulation
|Updated bottom-up global CH4 oil, gas, and coal emissions (GFEI v3)
|Melissa Sulprizio (Harvard)<br>Tia Scarpelli (U. Edinburgh)<br>Zichong Chen (Harvard)
|Emissions<br>CH4 simulation
|Modularization of aerosols code for interface with GOCART in GEOS
|Christoph Keller (GMAO)
|Improve load balancing in GCHP
|Seb Eastham (MIT)
|Model performance
|Testing the use of monthly mean MERRA-2 CWC with Pb-210 aerosol tracer
|Bo Zhang (NIA)<br>Hongyu Liu (NIA / NASA Langley)
|Testing the use of a new scavenging parameterization developed by Luo and Yu for cold cloud with Pb-210 aerosol tracer
|Gan Luo (SUNY Albany)<br>Fangqun Yu (SUNY-Albany)
|Evaluate vertical mixing in GEOS-Chem with model-model and model-observation comparisons
|Seb Eastham (MIT)<br>Clara Orbe (NASA GISS)<br>Andrew Schuh (CSU)
|MAPL version 3
|Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard)
|Will include History wildcard handling in GCHP
|Migrate benchmark meteorology from MERRA2 to GEOS-IT
--[[User:Bmy|Bob Y.]] 11:25, 30 August 2011 (EDT)
== Longer term (12-24 months)==
=== Longer term (> 12 months)===
Features listed in this table are in development and will likely be delivered to the GEOS-Chem Support Team in the 12-24 months timeframe.
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
|- bgcolor="#cccccc"
|- bgcolor="#cccccc"
!width="100px"|Model scope
!width="420px"|Notes and References
|[[Grid-independent GEOS-Chem]]
|[[GEOS-Chem Support Team]]
|Development is ongoing
|Updates to Aromatic chemistry
|Stephen MacFarlane (UOW)<br>Jenny Fisher (UOW)
|Improved dust simulation in nested-grid model
|Rokjin Park (Seoul Nat'l Univ.)
|Isoprene chemistry
|Mat Evans (Leeds)<br>Jingqiu Mao (NOAA/GFDL)
|Improved atmospheric-ocean-land coupling of Hg simulation
|[[Hg and POPs Working Group]]
|Unified emissions pre-processor
|Qiang Zhang (Tsinghua)
|Update Asian emissions
|Qiang Zhang (Tsinghua)
|Primary biological aerosol particles (PBAP's)
|Colette Heald (Colo. State)
|Unified radiative forcing module for GEOS-Chem
|[[Aerosols_overview:_projects_and_developments|Aerosols Working Group]]
|Nitrate photolysis
|Mat Evans (York)<br>Thomas Sherwen (York)<br>Matthew Rowlinson (York)
|Effective meteorolgical fields for dust and sea-salt emissions
|[[GEOS-Chem Support Team]]
|In aerosol chemistry Halogens
|Mat Evans (York)<br>Hansen Cao (CU Boulder)
|Dust simulation expansion; tagged simulation, oxalate, Fe, P
|Matthew Johnson (NCSU)
|Cloudwater pH for sulfate formation
|Becky Alexander (U. Washington)
|Benchmark for aerosol deposition
|Colette Heald (Colo. State)
|Tagged sulfate and nitrate simulation
|Becky Alexander (U. Washington)
|Read emission data at native resolution and regrid on the fly
|[[GEOS-Chem Support Team]]
|Improve ocean CO2 flux and resolution of anthropogenic sources
|Ray Nassar (Environment Canada)
|CESM/CAM5 interface for chemistry-climate
|Rokjin Park (Seoul Nat'l Univ.)<br>Joshua Fu (U. Tennessee)
|Link column version of GEOS-Chem with GEOS-GCM for chemistry-climate
|[[GEOS-Chem Support Team]]
--[[User:Bmy|Bob Y.]] 11:33, 6 June 2011 (EDT)
|Benchmark box model of GC Chemistry
|Katie Travis (NASA)
== Items that are now included in GEOS-Chem ==  
|Alkyl nitrates Alk7, PHAN
|Katie Travis (NASA)
Here we list new features that have since been brought into the standard mainline GEOS-Chem code.  Each of these was identified as a priority at the [[http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/geos/geos_meeting_2011.html 5th International GEOS-Chem Meeting] in 2011 (aka '''IGC5''').
|Add stratospheric ozone species to full-chemistry simulations
|Lee Murray (Rochester)
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
|- bgcolor="#cccccc"
|Perchlorate chemistry
|Yuk Chun Chan (UWAB)
!Completion Date
|[http://pumpkin.aquila.infn.it/flexaod/ FlexAOD postprocessor]<br>''NOTE: This is a separate standalone [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/geos/geos_software_tools.html software tool].''
|Gabriele Curci (U. L'Aquila)
|26 May 2011
|[[DSMACC chemical box model]]<br>''NOTE: This is a separate standalone [http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/geos/geos_software_tools.html software tool].''
|Mat Evans (York U.)<br>Jingqiu Mao (Harvard)<br>Eloise Marais (Harvard)
|Summer 2011
|Explicit heterogeneous sulfate chemistry
|Katie Travis (NASA)<br>Becky Alexander (UT)
--[[User:Bmy|Bob Y.]] 11:43, 20 October 2011 (EDT)
|HOx and ozone "emissions" from lightning as option in model to play with
|Jingqiu (Alaska)<br>Lee Murray (Rochester)
|Sea salt aerosol from sea ice leads
|Hannah Horowitz (U. Illinois)
|Drought-stress algorithm
|Wei Li (U. Houston)
|Biomass burning injection height profiles
|Inderjeet Singh (WashU)
|OCIM integration
|Chris Holmes (FSU)<br>Lee Murray (Rochester)
|Updating landcover products in GEOS-Chem
|Chris Holmes (FSU)<br>Jeff Geddes (BU)
|Input data
|Dry deposition physical improvement
|Chris Holmes (FSU)
|Dry deposition
|TOMAS WRF-GC in regional Thailand simulation
|Win Trivitayanurak (Chulalongkorn U)

Revision as of 17:46, 31 May 2024

On this page we list the current priorities for GEOS-Chem development. This list is continuously updated based on code readiness and input from the Working Groups and the Steering Committee. For history of past releases see the GEOS-Chem Versions wiki page.

Merged and awaiting release

See the links below for items merged and awaiting release.

Mergeable at any time Version in development
GEOS-Chem no-diff-to-benchmark GEOS-Chem 14.5.0

Feature integration in progress

Features listed in this table are actively being integrated into GEOS-Chem by the GEOS-Chem Support Team. In addition, we continuously implement structural updates in the model to maintain and develop coupling with other models including GEOS, CESM, and the model adjoint.

Feature Contributor(s) Model scope Ease of implementation Notes and References
New soil NOx parameterization Yi Wang (U. Iowa)
Jun Wang (U. Iowa)
Emissions Medium

Prioritized and in the queue

Features listed in this table are prioritized for integration into GEOS-Chem in the near future.

Feature Contributor(s) Model scope Ease of implementation Delivery status Notes and References
ALK4 & R4N2 chemistry Jared Brewer (UMN) Chemistry TBD Not delivered
Mass flux regridding fix in MAPL Tom Clune (GMAO)
Seb Eastham (MIT)
GCHP input regridding Medium
  • GCHP Issue #377
  • Currently on hold, as the submitted update results in zero diff
New version of CEDS at 0.1 deg Dandan Zhang (WashU) Emissions Simple Delivered
  • geos-chem issue #1745
  • Currently on hold while an issue with seasonality in the new CEDS data is being investigated by the authors.
Remove differences in GC-Classic due to HEMCO reading REAL8 restart as REAL4 Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard) GC-Classic Medium
Capture all trop and PBL height changes in budget diagnostics Chris Holmes (FSU)
Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard)
Diagnostics Medium Delivered

Ready to go in

Features listed in this table are ready to go in but have either not been delivered or are not yet prioritized for integration into GEOS-Chem.

Feature Contributor(s) Model scope Delivery status Notes and References
KORUS-AQ emissions for East Asia (as an option) Katie Travis (NASA) Emissions Simple
Geologic emission of ethane and propane Matthew Rowlinson and Mat Evans(York) Emissions Delivered
Jan 2023
Ecophysiology module in GEOS-Chem for biosphere-atmosphere exchange Joey Lam(CUHK)
Amos Tai (CUHK)
Science Delivered
Feb 2021
LPJ land cover (global), fire (W US), dust emissions (SW N America), 1700-2100 Yang Li (Baylor University)
Loretta Mickley (Harvard)
Emissions Delivered
Jul 2021
  • Data involves many files- need to think about temporal frequency
Online H2 chemistry Maria Paula Pérez-Peña (UNSW)
Jenny Fisher (UOW)
Dylan Millet (UMN)
Chemistry Delivered
June 2023
DMS Chemistry Linia Tashmim (UC Riverside)
William Porter (UC Riverside)
Chemistry Not delivered
Organic acids (RCOOH) Katie Travis (NASA) Chemistry Not delivered
Improve carbon & nitrogen conservation in reactions Kelvin Bates (Harvard) Chemistry Not delivered
Blowing snow sea salt in TOMAS Betty Croft (Dalhousie) Aerosols Not delivered
Australian anthropogenic Hg emissions Stephen MacFarlane (UOW)
Jenny Fisher (UOW)
Hannah Horowitz (U. Illinois)
Viral Shah (Harvard)
Hg simulation Not delivered
WRF-GC Hg simulation Xiaotian Xu (Nanjing U.)
Yanxu Zhang (Nanjing U.)
Hg simulation
Not delivered
Updated HgII gas-partical partitioning Kaiyun Liu (Tsinghua U.)
Qingru Wu (Tsinghua U.)
Shuxiao Wang (Tsinghua U.)
Hg simulation Not delivered
  • Should be option, not default
Dry deposition to F90 (readability) Chris Holmes (FSU) Dry deposition Not delivered

Almost there (< 6 months)

Features listed in this table are in development and will likely be delivered to the GEOS-Chem Support Team within the next 6 months.

Feature Contributor(s) Model scope Notes and References
PPN+hv, PPN+OH Robert Ryan (UCL) Chemistry
MBO Michael Vermeuel (UMN) Chemistry
Initial conditions for CH4 correcting background and stratospheric biases Todd Mooring (Harvard) Methane simulation
Migrating simple SOA formation from carbon_mod.F90 into the KPP "full-chemistry" mechanism Bob Yantosca (Harvard) Aerosols
  • Ongoing
Re-binning of off-line sea salt and dust for use in TOMAS Betty Croft (Dalhousie) Aerosols
Adaption of TOMAS' in-cloud aqueous sulfate production for KPP versus sulfate_mod.F90 Betty Croft (Dalhousie) Aerosols
ML algorithms for bulk aerosols Arshad Nair (SUNY Albany)
Fangqun Yu (SUNY Albany)
PM2.5 and PM10 calculations: aerodynamic vs geometric diameters Shixian Zhai (Harvard) Aerosols
Updates to Hodzic SOA scheme Jared Brewer (Harvard) Aerosols
Automated reduction in isoprene scheme Dan Westervelt (Lamont-Doherty) Aerosols
Brown carbon chemsitry Jingqiu Mao (U. Alaska)
Xuan Wang (CUHK)
GEOS resolution and subgrid convection - Part 2 RAS parameter tuning Tailong He (Toronto)
Dylan Jones (Toronto)
Andrea Molod (NASA GMAO)
High-res top-down TROPOMI-derived seasonal mean NOx emissions for China Jintai Lin (PKU) Emissions
  • Horizontal resolution: 5km, temporal resolution: JJA mean
  • monthly data will be available at a later stage; please contact us
Updated biomass burning emission factors and species Tess Carter (MIT) Emissions
Updated offline sea salt emissions Hongjian Weng (PKU)
Jintai Lin (PKU)
Canopy Physics Model Sam Silva (MIT) Emissions &
Assessment/improvement of OpenMP performance in GC-Classic and HEMCO standalone Bob Yantosca (Harvard) Model performance
  • Ongoing (will be done as time allows)
Assess memory leak in GCHP Killian Murphy (York) Model performance
Hybrid MPI-OpenMP in GCHP Seb Eastham (MIT)
Killian Murphy (York)
Model performance
Improve pressure handling in GCHP advection Seb Eastham (MIT)
Yuanjian Zhang (WashU)
Use ExtData2G as default GCHP input module Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard) GCHP Will replace ExtData.rc with yaml file

Over the horizon (6-12 months)

Features listed in this table are in development and will likely be delivered to the GEOS-Chem Support Team in the 6-12 months timeframe.

Feature Contributor(s) Model scope Notes and References
Snow / Icy Bromine Becky Alexander (UW)
William Swanson (U. Alaska)
Shuting Zhai (UW)
Monoterpene oxidation scheme Jessica Haskins (MIT) Chemistry
Fire related VOCs including furans Lu Hu (UMT)
Lixu Jin (UMT)
Extension of UCX into the mesosphere Seb Eastham (MIT)
Eric Fleming (NASA)
Methane flux ingestion Eloise Marais (UCL) Chemistry
Dust non-sphericity impacts on surface chem and optical properties Inderjeet Singh (WashU) Aerosols
Size-resolved stratospheric aerosol Seb Eastham (MIT) Aerosols
Extend aerosol settling Eloise Marais (UCL) Aerosols
Stratospheric aerosol APM Fangqun Yu (SUNY) Aerosols
Plume-in-grid model Hongwei Sun (Harvard) Chemistry
Updated lightning NOx: Prescribe from ground and geostationary lightning flashes Lee Murray (Rochester) Emissions
Seb aircraft emissions beyond recent 2019 update Seb Eastham (MIT) Emissions
FRP-based fire emsisions for eastern US at 0.2 deg Charlie Fite (FSU) Emissions
Hg iodine chemistry Yiming Fu
Yanxu Zhang (Nanjing U.)
Hg simulation
Hg simulation in GCHP Ari Feinberg (MIT)
Lyssa Freese (MIT)
Hg simulation
Update Hg ocean and soil boundary conditions for consistency with new chemistry Yanxu Zhang (Nanjing U.) Hg simulation
Dry deposition diagnostics by land cover Holly Nowell (FSU) Diagnostics
Dry deposition process diagnostics Holly Nowell (FSU) Diagnostics
Isotope simulation for CO and CH4 in GCHP Lee Murray (Rochester) Carbon simulation
Updated bottom-up global CH4 oil, gas, and coal emissions (GFEI v3) Melissa Sulprizio (Harvard)
Tia Scarpelli (U. Edinburgh)
Zichong Chen (Harvard)
CH4 simulation
Modularization of aerosols code for interface with GOCART in GEOS Christoph Keller (GMAO) Structural
Improve load balancing in GCHP Seb Eastham (MIT) Model performance
Testing the use of monthly mean MERRA-2 CWC with Pb-210 aerosol tracer Bo Zhang (NIA)
Hongyu Liu (NIA / NASA Langley)
Testing the use of a new scavenging parameterization developed by Luo and Yu for cold cloud with Pb-210 aerosol tracer Gan Luo (SUNY Albany)
Fangqun Yu (SUNY-Albany)
Evaluate vertical mixing in GEOS-Chem with model-model and model-observation comparisons Seb Eastham (MIT)
Clara Orbe (NASA GISS)
Andrew Schuh (CSU)
MAPL version 3 Lizzie Lundgren (Harvard) GCHP Will include History wildcard handling in GCHP

Migrate benchmark meteorology from MERRA2 to GEOS-IT GCST Benchmarking

Longer term (12-24 months)

Features listed in this table are in development and will likely be delivered to the GEOS-Chem Support Team in the 12-24 months timeframe.

Feature Contributor(s) Model scope Notes and References
Updates to Aromatic chemistry Stephen MacFarlane (UOW)
Jenny Fisher (UOW)
Nitrate photolysis Mat Evans (York)
Thomas Sherwen (York)
Matthew Rowlinson (York)
In aerosol chemistry Halogens Mat Evans (York)
Hansen Cao (CU Boulder)
Benchmark box model of GC Chemistry Katie Travis (NASA) Chemistry
Alkyl nitrates Alk7, PHAN Katie Travis (NASA) Chemistry
Add stratospheric ozone species to full-chemistry simulations Lee Murray (Rochester) Chemistry
Perchlorate chemistry Yuk Chun Chan (UWAB) Chemistry
Explicit heterogeneous sulfate chemistry Katie Travis (NASA)
Becky Alexander (UT)
HOx and ozone "emissions" from lightning as option in model to play with Jingqiu (Alaska)
Lee Murray (Rochester)
Sea salt aerosol from sea ice leads Hannah Horowitz (U. Illinois) Emissions
Drought-stress algorithm Wei Li (U. Houston)
Biomass burning injection height profiles Inderjeet Singh (WashU) Emissions
OCIM integration Chris Holmes (FSU)
Lee Murray (Rochester)
Updating landcover products in GEOS-Chem Chris Holmes (FSU)
Jeff Geddes (BU)
Input data
Dry deposition physical improvement Chris Holmes (FSU) Dry deposition
TOMAS WRF-GC in regional Thailand simulation Win Trivitayanurak (Chulalongkorn U) Aerosols