Emissions Working Group: Difference between revisions

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(31 intermediate revisions by 9 users not shown)
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!width="300px" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"|Emissions and Deposition<br>Working Group Co-Chairs
!width="300px" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"|Emissions and Deposition<br>Working Group Co-Chairs
*[http://www.atmos.colostate.edu/faculty/fischer.php Emily Fischer]
*[https://sites.uw.edu/jaegle/ Lyatt Jaegl&eacute;] (Github: [https://github.com/jaegle @jaegle])
*[http://www.atmos.pku.edu.cn/acm/contact.html Jintai Lin]
*[http://faculty.pku.edu.cn/linjintai/en/index.htm Jintai Lin]
*[http://maraisresearchgroup.co.uk/ Elo&iuml;se Marais]
*[http://maraisresearchgroup.co.uk/ Eloise Marais] (GitHub: [https://github.com/eamarais @eamarais])
*[http://www.atmoschem.umn.edu Dylan Millet]

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*Click on '''Leave this group'''
*Click on '''Leave this group'''
--[[User:Bmy|Bob Y.]] ([[User talk:Bmy|talk]]) 18:35, 21 August 2015 (UTC)

== Current Projects (please add yours!) ==
== Current Projects (please add yours!) ==
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!width="100px"|Date Added
!width="100px"|Date Added
|GEOS-Chem Support Team
|Ongoing development of the [http://hemco.readthedocs.io Harmonized Emissions Component (HEMCO)]
|[mailto:geos-chem-support@g.harvard.edu GCST]
|June 2022
|Georgia Tech (USA)
|Implementation of the 2016 U.S. EPA modeling emissions platform and implications for air quality forecasting
|Global anthropogenic emissions of HCl and particulate chloride (1960-2014)  
|[mailto:patrick.c.campbell@noaa.gov Patrick C. Campbell]
|[mailto:pengfei.liu@eas.gatech.edu Pengfei Liu]
|July 2019
|January 2021
|U. York (UK)
|Latitudinally and temporally resolved fixed-surface concentrations from CMIP6 as "emissions" for greenhouse gases
|[mailto:tomas.sherwen@york.ac.uk Tomas Sherwen]
|May 2019
|Historical biomass burning emissions (1750-2014, BB4CMIP and LPJ-LMfire)
|[mailto:pengfeiliu@fas.harvard.edu Pengfei Liu]
|April 2019
|U Montana
|Validation of biomass burning emission inventories in the U.S.
|[mailto:lu.hu@mso.umt.edu Lu Hu]
|April 2019
|U. Leicester
|Update Europe emissions to EMEP 2016 and, for the UK, the NAEI 2016
|[mailto:eloise.marais@le.ac.uk Eloise Marais]
|February 2019
|U. Leicester
|Air pollutant emissions from the charcoal supply chain in Africa
|[mailto:eloise.marais@le.ac.uk Eloise Marais]
|April 2019
|Peking U
|Agricultural ammonia emissions in China
|[mailto:zhanglg@pku.edu.cn Lin Zhang]
|Nov 2017
|University of Minnesota
|VOC emissions in India
|[mailto:chali011@umn.edu Sree Chaliyakunnel]
|31 August 2017
|Investigating ozone dry deposition to vegetation
|[mailto:samsilva@mit.edu Sam Silva]
|08 May 2017
|CUHK / Boston U
|Linking stomatal resistance to photosynthesis calculation in dry deposition
|[mailto:amostai@cuhk.edu.hk Amos Tai] [mailto:jgeddes@bu.edu Jeffrey Geddes]
|08 May 2017
|U. Wollongong (Aus)
|Top-down constraints on Isoprene emissions in Australia using OMI
|[mailto:jwg366@uowmail.edu.au Jesse Greenslade]
|28 Sep 2017
|U. York (UK)
|Improving the parameterization of oceanic dry deposition of ozone
|[mailto:rp819@york.ac.uk Ryan Pound]
|1 Nov 2017
|U. York (UK)
|Oceanic emissions of VOCs and oVOCs
|[mailto:rp819@york.ac.uk Ryan Pound]
|12 Apr 2019
|Colorado State University (USA)
|Implementation of a newer version of the 2011 U.S. National Emission Inventory and the atmospheric implications of the light alkanes emitted from the U.S. oil and gas industry
|[mailto:zitely@colostate.edu Zitely Tzompa-Sosa]
|21 Feb 2018
|Harvard (USA)
|Offline grid-independent MEGANv3 biogenic emissions
|[mailto:jkaiser@seas.harvard.edu Jen Kaiser]
|5 June 2018
|University of York
|Updated oceanic emissions of HOI and I2
|[mailto:ryan.pound@york.ac.uk Ryan Pound]
|August 2023

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Science findings from top-down studies that have implications for inventories used in GEOS-Chem (e.g., an inferred high or low bias or other such issue) can be compiled in [[Inventory Findings|this table]]. Please add any findings, either from your group or from other groups, that you feel the GEOS-Chem community should be aware of in using these inventories.
Science findings from top-down studies that have implications for inventories used in GEOS-Chem (e.g., an inferred high or low bias or other such issue) can be compiled in [[Inventory Findings|this table]]. Please add any findings, either from your group or from other groups, that you feel the GEOS-Chem community should be aware of in using these inventories.

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[https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/2016JD025852 Qu et al., 2017]
[https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/2016JD025852 Qu et al., 2017]
--[[User:Dbm|Dbm]] ([[User talk:Dbm|talk]]) 00:57, 1 September 2017 (UTC)
== Ongoing Developments (please add yours!) ==
Here is the list of updates that are slated to be added to GEOS-Chem in the next few releases:
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
|- bgcolor="#cccccc"
!width="400"|Planned release
|[[HEMCO|HEMCO emissions component]]
|Christoph Keller (Harvard)
*Implemented into [[GEOS-Chem v10-01]], updated as needed
|[[MEGAN biogenic emissions]]
|Michael Barkley (Leicester)
*Updates ongoing
|Australian anthropogenic emissions
|Jenny Fisher (Wollongong)
*Updates ongoing
|Updated EMEP anthropogenic emissions over Europe
|Eloise Marais (Leicester)
*Updates ongoing

|[http://wiki.seas.harvard.edu/geos-chem/images/a/a6/Ammonia_Emissions_Summary_Document.pdf Resolution fix for GEIA ammonia emissions]
|High-resolution (5 km or finer) NOx emissions for China and surrounding areas (2004-present)
|Eleanor Morris & Matt Evans (York)
*Slated for inclusion in 11-02f
[http://www.pku-atmos-acm.org/ Jintai Lin (Peking University)]
*Updates ongoing
|[http://views.cira.colostate.edu/wiki/wiki/10197 2016 U.S. EPA Modeling Emissions Platform]
|Patrick C. Campbell (NOAA/ARL)
*Currently in beta stage
[https://acp.copernicus.org/articles/19/12835/2019/ Kong et al., ACP, 2019]
*Updates ongoing
[https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.est.1c07723 Kong et al., EST, 2022]
--[[User:Bmy|Bob Y.]] 18:55, 14 January 2015 (EST)
== Progression of Updates ==
We have added the following updates pertaining to emissions and deposition to past GEOS-Chem versions:
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
|-bgcolor="#CCCCCC" valign="top"
|[[GEOS-Chem v11-01|v11-01]]
|Jan 2017
|[[Implementation_of_HEMCO_in_GEOS-Chem#Features_added_in_v11-01j|Update HEMCO to version 2.0.003]]
|Christoph Keller (NASA GSFC)
|[[GEOS-Chem v11-01|v11-01]]
|Jan 2017
|[[CAC_anthropogenic_emissions#High_resolution_emissions|0.1&deg; x 0.1&deg; CAC emissions]]
|Aaron van Donkelaar (Dalhousie)
|[[GEOS-Chem v11-01|v11-01]]
|Jan 2017
|[[Implementation_of_RETRO_Anthropogenic_Emissions#RETRO_anthropogenic_propane_emissions_are_too_low|Replace RETRO C3H8 emissions with emissions from Xiao et al. (2008)]]
|Emily Fischer (CSU)<br>Zitely Tzompa (CSU)
|[[GEOS-Chem v11-01|v11-01]]
|Jan 2017
|[[Mercury#Add_option_for_QFED_.26_FINN_biomass_burning_emissions|Add option for QFED & FINN emissions in the Hg simulations]]
|Jenny Fisher (Wollongong)
|[[GEOS-Chem v11-01|v11-01]]
|Jan 2017
|[[MEGAN_v2.1_plus_Guenther_2012_biogenic_emissions#CO2_direct_effect_on_isoprene_emissions|CO2 direct effect on isoprene emissions]]
|Amos Tai (CUHK)
|[[GEOS-Chem v11-01|v11-01]]
|Jan 2017
|[[GFED4_biomass_burning_emissions#Update_to_GFED_4.1|Update biomass burning emissions to GFED4.1]], includes:
*Daily and diurnal factors
|Prasad Kasibhatla (Duke)<br>Christoph Keller (Harvard)
|[[GEOS-Chem v10-01|v10-01]]
|Jun 2015
|The [[HEMCO|HEMCO emissions component]] now handles all GEOS-Chem emissions.
|Christoph Keller (Harvard)<br>[[GCST]]
|[[GEOS-Chem v10-01|v10-01]]
|Jun 2015
|Daily anthropogenic emissions broken down by sector from the EPA NEI2008 inventory (via [[HEMCO]])
|Katie Travis (Harvard)
|[[GEOS-Chem v10-01|v10-01]]
|Jun 2015
|[[Biomass_burning_emissions#FINNv1|FINNv1 biomass burning emissions]] (via [[HEMCO]])
|Jenny Fisher (Wollongong)<br>Min Huang (JPL)
|[[GEOS-Chem v10-01|v10-01]]
|Jun 2015
|[[MEGAN_v2.1_plus_Guenther_2012_biogenic_emissions|MEGAN v2.1 plus Guenther 2012 biogenic emissions]] (via [[HEMCO]])
|Dylan Millet (Minnesota)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-02|v9-02]]
|Mar 2014
|[[Soil NOx emissions#Updated soil NOx emissions algorithm|New soil NOx emission module]]
|Rynda Hudman Kay (EPA)<br>Neil Moore (formerly of Dalhousie)<br>Bram Maasakkers (Harvard)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-02|v9-02]]
|Mar 2014
|[[Mercury#Nested-grid Hg simulation over North America|EPA/NEI05 North American Hg emissions]]
|Yanxu Zhang (U. Washington)<br>Lyatt Jaegl&eacute; (U. Washington)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-02|v9-02]]
|Mar 2014
|[[Mercury#Streets future Hg emissions|Hg anthropogenic emissions options for the year 2006 or 2050 following SRES scenarios A1B, A2, B1, and B2 from Streets et al. 2009.]]
|Bess Corbitt (Harvard)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-02|v9-02]]
|Mar 2014
|[[EPA/NEI05 North American emissions#Updated NH3 seasonal scaling factors in_v9-02|Updated NH3 seasonal scaling factors over the US]]
|Lin Zhang (PKU)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-02|v9-02]]
|Mar 2014
|[[Anthropogenic emissions#CAC|Updated Canadian NH3 inventory]]
|Wai-Ho Lo (Dalhousie)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-02|v9-02]]
|Mar 2014
|[[Wet_deposition#Bug_in_Henry.27s_constant|Bug in wet deposition Henry's constant]]
|Fabien Paulot (Harvard)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-02|v9-02]]
|Mar 2014
|[[GEOS-Chem_v9-02#Bug fixes in_biofuel_mod.F and emfossil.F|Fix diurnal NOx scale factors and fix double counting of biofuels over Mexico, Canada, and Europe]]
|Christoph Keller (Harvard)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-02|v9-02]]
|Mar 2014
|[[Ship emissions#Bugs in ship emissions and non-local PBL mixing|Correct bugs in ship emissions w/ non-local PBL mixing]]
|Chris Holmes (UC Irvine)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-02|v9-02]]
|Mar 2014
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-02#Bug fixes in day-of-week computation|Bug fixes in day-of-week computation]]
|[[GEOS-Chem Support Team]]
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-02|v9-02]]
|Mar 2014
|[[Historical and Future Emissions#RCP future emission scenarios|RCP future emission scenarios]]
|Chris Holmes (UC Irvine)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-02|v9-02]]
|Mar 2014
|[[CH4 simulation#Update CH4 emissions to EDGAR v4.2|EDGAR v4.2 emissions for CH4 simulation]]
|Kevin Wecht (Harvard)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-02|v9-02]]
|Mar 2014
|[[Scale factors for anthropogenic emissions|Update anthropogenic scale factors through 2010]]
|Aaron van Donkelaar (Dalhoisie)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-02|v9-02]]
|Mar 2014
|[[Biomass burning emissions#Update GFED3 emissions to 2011|Update GFED3 emissions to 2011]]
|Prasad Kasibhatla (Duke)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-02|v9-02]]
|Mar 2014
|[[Aircraft emissions#MIT aviation emissions inventory|AEIC aircraft emissions inventory]]
|Sebastian Eastham (MIT)<br>Steven Barrett (MIT)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-02|v9-02]]
|Mar 2014
|[[Dry deposition#Error in definition of RIP and IEPOX drydep species|Fix molecular weights of RIP and IEPOX used in drydep_mod.F]]
|[[GEOS-Chem Support Team]]
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-02|v9-02]]
|Mar 2014
|[[EPA/NEI05 North American emissions#Bug fix for NEI2005 SO4 emissions in sulfate_mod.F|Bug fix for NEI2005 SO4 emissions in sulfate_mod.F]]
|Jenny Fisher (U. Wollongong)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-01-03|v9-01-03]]
|Sep 2012
|[[Acetone|Improved acetone simulation]]
|Emily Fischer (Harvard)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-01-03|v9-01-03]]
|Sep 2012
|[[Biogenic emissions#Retirement of obsolete GEIA biogenic emissions|Complete shift of biogenic VOC emissions from GEIA to MEGAN; retire GEIA]]
|Dylan Millet
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-01-03|v9-01-03]]
|Sep 2012
|[[Dry deposition#OVOCs dry deposition|OVOC's dry deposition]]
|Jingqiu Mao (NOAA/GFDL)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-01-03|v9-01-03]]
|Sep 2012
|[[#Available Historical and Future Emissions|Historical emission inventories of SO2, NOx, BC, and POA]]
|Eric Leibensperger (MIT)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-01-03|v9-01-03]]
|Sep 2012
|[[Ship emissions#PARANOX_ship_plume_model|PARANOX model for evolution of ship exhaust plumes]]
|Geert Vinken (Eindhoven)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-01-03|v9-01-03]]
|Sep 2012
|Improved [[Wet deposition#Add scavenging by snow|snow scavenging]] and [[Wet deposition#Updates for aerosol scavenging efficiency|washout parameterization]]
|Qiaoqiao Wang (Harvard)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-01-03|v9-01-03]]
|Sep 2012
|[[Lightning NOx emissions|Constraining the lightning NOx source with satellite data]]
|Lee  Murray (Harvard)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-01-03|v9-01-03]]
|Sep 2012
|[[Regridding in GEOS-Chem#Modification of MAP_A2A for use within GEOS-Chem|MAP_A2A algorithm to regrid emissions on the fly]]
|Prasad Kasibhatla (Duke)<br>Matt Cooper (Dalhousie)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-01-03|v9-01-03]]
|Sep 2012
|[[Scale factors for anthropogenic emissions#Anthropogenic NOx scaling factors from OMI|Anthropogenic NOx scaling factors from OMI]]
|Lok Lamsal (NASA)<br>Matt Cooper (Dalhousie)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-01-02|v9-01-02]]
|Nov 2011
|[[Mercury#Anthropogenic Emissions|GEIA 2005 Hg emissions]]
|Bess Corbitt (Harvard)<br>Noelle Selin (MIT)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-01-02|v9-01-02]]
|Nov 2011
|[[EPA/NEI05_North_American_emissions#Biofuel_emissions|Bug fix for biofuel emissions when using EPA/NEI05]]
|[[GEOS-Chem Support Team]]
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-01-02|v9-01-02]]
|Nov 2011
|[[Biomass burning emissions#GFED3|Update to GFED3 biomass burning]]
|[mailto:psk9@duke.edu Prasad Kasibhatla] (Duke)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-01-02|v9-01-02]]
|Nov 2011
|[[Implementation of RETRO Anthropogenic Emissions|Anthropogenic VOCs]]
|[mailto:dbm@umn.edu Dylan Millet] (UMN)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-01-02|v9-01-02]]
|Nov 2011
|[[Anthropogenic_emissions#Streets_2000|Added seasonality to Streets NH3 emissions over Asia]]
|[mailto:jafisher@fas.harvard.edu Jenny Fisher] (Harvard)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-01-01|v9-01-01]]
|May 2011
|Updated Hg simulation
||Bess Corbitt (Harvard)<br>Jenny Fisher (Harvard)<br>Helen Amos (Harvard)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-01-01|v9-01-01]]
|May 2011
|[[EPA/NEI05_North_American_emissions#Biofuel_emissions|Bug fix for biofuel emissions when using EPA/NEI05]]
|[[GEOS-Chem Support Team]]
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-01-01|v9-01-01]]
|May 2011
|Bug fixes for [[Ship emissions#Bug for ship emissions in emfossil.f|ship emissions]] and [[Ship emissions#Inconsistent mask file for EMEP ship emissions|EMEP ship emissions mask file]]
|[[GEOS-Chem Support Team]]
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-01-01|v9-01-01]]
|May 2011
|[http://seas.harvard.edu/~ltmurray/LNOx.v9-01-01.Release.Notes.pdf Updated lightning parameterization and fix for cloud-top-height algorithm]
|L. Murray, Harvard
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-01-01|v9-01-01]]
|May 2011
|[[Volcanic SO2 emissions from Aerocom#Data for v9-01-01 and newer versions|Updated volcanic SO2 emissions from Aerocom]]
| J. Fisher (Harvard)
|[[GEOS-Chem v9-01-01|v9-01-01]]
|May 2011
|[http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/geos/wiki_docs/deposition/v9-01-01_wetdep.pdf Updated wet scavenging and convective updraft scavenging algorithms] and<br>[[Wet deposition#Allow both washout and rainout when precipitation forms|Allow both washout and rainout when precipitation forms]]
|H. Amos (Harvard)<br>Bess Corbitt (Harvard)<br>Q. Wang (Harvard)
|[[GEOS-Chem v8-03-02|v8-03-02]]
|Sep 2010
|[[CO2_simulation| Updated CO2 Emissions]]
|R. Nassar, Environment Canada
|[[GEOS-Chem v8-03-01|v8-03-01]]
|May 2010
|[[Scale factors for anthropogenic emissions| Extension of annual anthropogenic scale factors to 2006]]
|A. van Donkelaar, Dalhousie
|[[GEOS-Chem v8-03-01|v8-03-01]]
|May 2010
|EMEP emissions extended to 2007 and seasonality extended to SOx, CO, and NH3
|A. van Donkelaar, Dalhousie
|[[GEOS-Chem v8-03-01|v8-03-01]]
|May 2010
|Emissions for Nested NA/EU Simulations [[GEOS-Chem nested grid simulations|Nested Grid]]
|A. van Donkelaar, Dalhousie
|[[GEOS-Chem v8-03-01|v8-03-01]]
|May 2010
|Emissions for Global 1 x 1.25 simulation capability
|L. Lamsal, Dalhousie
|[[GEOS-Chem v8-03-01|v8-03-01]]
|May 2010
|[[Secondary organic aerosols#Speciated biogenic emissions from MEGAN|Speciated biogenic emissions from MEGAN v2.1 now used in SOA code]]
|H. Pye, Caltech
|[[GEOS-Chem v8-02-04|v8-02-04]]
|Feb 2010
|[[EPA/NEI05 North American emissions|EPA/NEI2005 regional emissions inventory for North America]]
|P. Le Sager (formerly Harvard),<br>A. van Donkelaar (Dalhousie)
|[[GEOS-Chem v8-02-04|v8-02-04]]
|Feb 2010
|[[MEGAN biogenic emissions#MEGAN in GEOS-Chem v8-02-04 and later versions|MEGAN v2.1 biogenic emissions]]
|Mike Barkley, Edinburgh
|[[GEOS-Chem v8-02-04|v8-02-04]]
|Feb 2010
|[[Volcanic SO2 emissions from Aerocom|Updated inventory of volcanic SO2 emissions from AeroCom]]
|Jenny Fisher, Harvard
|[[GEOS-Chem v8-02-03|v8-02-03]]
|Oct 2009
|[[Ship emissions#ICOADS|ICOADS ship emissions]]
|Chulkyu Lee, Dalhousie
|[[GEOS-Chem v8-02-03|v8-02-03]]
|Oct 2009
|[[Lightning NOx emissions#Updated OTD.2FLIS local redistribution for GEOS-5|Updated OTD/LIS redistribution factors for GEOS-5]]
|Lee Murray, Harvard
|[[GEOS-Chem v8-02-02|v8-02-02]]
|Jun 2009
|[[#Error in the Bond BC/OC emissons|BOND inventory for BC and OC with monthly variations]]
|Eric Leibensperger, Harvard
--[[User:Melissa Payer|Melissa Sulprizio]] 10:43, 17 January 2014 (EST)
== Recommended Default Emission Inventories ==
Emission inventories for standard full chemistry runs. Entries in '''BLACK are the recommended default emission inventories''', <span style="color:red">entries in RED are alternate options</span>, and <span style="color:green">entries in GREEN are inventories slated for inclusion in GEOS-Chem in the future</span>. Regional inventories overwrite global inventories for particular locations (indicated in the table). Offline emissions of dust, biogenic VOCs, sea salt and soil NOx are the default in GEOS-Chem as of version 12.5.0. Options to switch from offline to online emissions are provided in the HEMCO configuration file (HEMCO_Config.rc).

Year(s) show years for which the inventory is provided. This is of particular importance for the offline emissions, as biogenic VOC emissions, for example, do not yet cover the full record of MERRA-2 and GEOS-FP meteorology. In many anthropogenic emissions annual scale factors are applied to extend the inventory to the past or present.
Please see our [[HEMCO data directories]] wiki page for information about how to download data files for each of the currently-available inventories.
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
|-bgcolor="#CCCCCC" valign="top"
!width="120px"|HEMCO ExtName
!width="280px"|References & Notes
|-bgcolor="#CCFFFF" valign="top" align="left"
!colspan="7"|Anthropogenic (Fossil, Biofuel and Process) Emission Inventories
|CEDS anthropogenic + biofuel + ship
|0.5&deg; x 0.5&deg;, monthly
|NO<sub>x</sub>, SO<sub>2</sub>, CO, NMVOCs, NH<sub>3</sub>, BC, OC
|Fossil fuel + biofuel C<sub>3</sub>H<sub>8</sub>
|1&deg; x 1&deg;, annual
|Xiao et al. (2008)
Recommend using C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>6</sub> from TZOMPA
|Fossil fuel + biofuel C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>6</sub>
|2&deg; x 2.5&deg;, annual
|Tzompa-Sosa et al. (2017)
|Aircraft emissions
|1&deg; x 1&deg;, annual
|NO<sub>x</sub>, SO<sub>2</sub>, CO, NMVOCs, BC, OC
|Stettler et al. (2011)
|Ship plume O<sub>3</sub> and HNO<sub>3</sub> formation
|O<sub>3</sub>, HNO<sub>3</sub>
|Vinken et al. (2011) with updates from Holmes et al. (2014)
|<span style="color:red">Global</span>
|<span style="color:red">RCP_3PD, RCP_45, RCP_60, RCP_85</span>
|<span style="color:red">RCP scenarios 3PD, 4.5, 6.0, 8.5</span>
|<span style="color:red">0.5&deg; x 0.5&deg;, annual</span>
|<span style="color:red">2005, 2010-2100 in 10 year increments</span>
|<span style="color:red">NO<sub>x</sub>, SO<sub>2</sub>, CO, NMVOCs, BC, OC, NH3</span>
|<span style="color:red">Global</span>
|<span style="color:red">EDGAR</span>
|<span style="color:red">EDGAR v4.2 anthropogenic + biofuel</span>
|<span style="color:red">0.1&deg; x 0.1&deg;, monthly</span>
|<span style="color:red">1970-2008</span>
|<span style="color:red">NO<sub>x</sub>, SO<sub>2</sub>, SO<sub>4</sub>, CO, NH<sub>3</sub></span>
|<span style="color:red">http://edgar.jrc.ec.europa.eu/overview.php?v=42
The following are also recommended when selecting EDGAR (added by default starting in [[GEOS-Chem 12#12.5.0|GEOS-Chem 12.5.0):
*Trash burning emissions of NOx, SOx, CO, NH3, BC and OC from Wiedinmyer et al. (2014) (0.1&deg; x 0.1&deg;, annual, 2010)
*NMVOC emissions from CEDS</span>
|<span style="color:red">Global</span>
|<span style="color:red">HTAP</span>
|<span style="color:red">HTAP v2 inventory</span>
|<span style="color:red">0.1&deg; x 0.1&deg;, annual</span>
|<span style="color:red">2008, 2010</span>
|<span style="color:red">NO<sub>x</sub>, SO<sub>2</sub>, CO, NMVOCs, BC, OC, NH<sub>3</sub></span>
|MIX v1.1 emission inventory for Asia
|0.25&deg; x 0.25&deg;, monthly
|2008, 2010
|NO<sub>x</sub>, SO<sub>2</sub>, CO, BC, OC, NMVOCs, NH<sub>3</sub>
|Li et al. (2017)
|<span style="color:green">China</span>
|<span style="color:green">MEIC</span>
|<span style="color:green">MEIC inventory for China</span>
|<span style="color:green">0.25&deg; x 0.25&deg;, monthly</span>
|<span style="color:green">2008, 2010</span>
|<span style="color:green">NO<sub>x</sub>, SO<sub>2</sub>, CO, NMVOCs, NH<sub>3</sub></span>
|<span style="color:green">http://www.meicmodel.org/</span>.
|Non-industrial anthropogenic emissions for Africa
|0.1&deg; x 0.1&deg;, annual
|2006, 2013
|NO<sub>x</sub>, SO<sub>2</sub>, CO, NMVOCs, NH<sub>3</sub>, BC, OC
|Marais and Wiedinmyer (2016)
|US EPA NEI-2011 emission inventory
|0.1&deg; x 0.1&deg;, monthly & hourly
|NO<sub>x</sub>, SO<sub>2</sub>, CO, NMVOCs, NH<sub>3</sub>, BC, OC
|CAC inventory for Canada
|0.1&deg; x 0.1&deg;, annual
|NO<sub>x</sub>, SO<sub>2</sub>, CO, NH<sub>3</sub>
|-bgcolor="#CCFFFF" valign="top" align="left"
!colspan="7"|Biomass Burning (Open Fires) Emission Inventories
|GFED4 biomass burning inventory
|0.25&deg; x 0.25&deg;, monthly, daily, every 3 hours
|NO<sub>x</sub>, SO<sub>2</sub>, CO, NMVOCs, NH<sub>3</sub>, BC, OC
|http://www.globalfiredata.org, Giglio et al. (2013)
|<span style="color:red">Global</span>
|<span style="color:red">QFED2</span>
|<span style="color:red">QFED2 biomass burning emissions</span>
|<span style="color:red">0.1&deg; x 0.1&deg;, daily</span>
|<span style="color:red">2000-2014</span>
|<span style="color:red">NO<sub>x</sub>, SO<sub>2</sub>, CO, NMVOCs, NH<sub>3</sub>, BC, OC</span>
|<span style="color:red">Darmenov and da Silva (2015)</span>
|<span style="color:red">Global</span>
|<span style="color:red">FINN</span>
|<span style="color:red">FINN v1.5 biomass burning emissions</span>
|<span style="color:red">0.25&deg; x 0.25&deg;, monthly, daily</span>
|<span style="color:red">2002-2014</span>
|<span style="color:red">NO<sub>x</sub>, SO<sub>2</sub>, CO, NMVOCs, NH<sub>3</sub>, BC, OC</span>
|<span style="color:red">Wiedinmyer et al. (2016)</span>
|<span style="color:red">Global</span>
|<span style="color:red">GFAS</span>
|<span style="color:red">GFAS biomass burning emissions</span>
|<span style="color:red">0.1&deg; x 0.1deg;, monthly, daily</span>
|<span style="color:red">2003-present</span>
|<span style="color:red">NO<sub>x</sub>, SO<sub>2</sub>, CO, NMVOCs, NH<sub>3</sub>, BC, OC</span>
|<span style="color:red">[https://confluence.ecmwf.int/display/CKB/CAMS++Global+Fire+Assimilation+System+%28GFAS%29+data+documentation GFAS website]</span>
|-bgcolor="#CCFFFF" valign="top" align="left"
!colspan="7"|Grid-independent offline emissions
|Offline dust emissions
|0.25&deg;x0.3125&deg;, 0.5&deg; x 0.625&deg;, hourly
|2014-2019, 1980-2019
|Zender et al. (2003)<br>Offline emissions developed by David Ridley (CARB)<br>Offline emissions generated by Jun Meng (Dalhoisie)
|Offline biogenic VOC emissions
|0.25&deg;x0.3125&deg;, 0.5&deg; x 0.625&deg; hourly
|2014-2017, 2001-2017
|ACET, ALD2, C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>4</sub>, EOH, Isoprene, PRPE, SOAP, SOAS, CO, monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes
|Guenther et al. (2012)<br>Offline emissions developed by Jintai Lin (linjt@pku.edy.cn)<br>Offline emissions processed by Hongjian Weng (PKU)
|Offline sea salt emissions
|0.25&deg;x0.3125&deg;, 0.5&deg; x 0.625&deg; hourly
|2014-2017, 2001-2017
|Jaegl&eacute; et al. (2011)<br>Offline emissions developed by Jintai Lin (linjt@pku.edy.cn)<br>Offline emissions processed by Hongjian Weng (PKU)
|Offline emission of NO<sub>x</sub> from soils and fertiliser use
|0.25&deg;x0.3125&deg;, 0.5&deg; x 0.625&deg; hourly
|2014-2017, 2001-2017
|Hudman et al. (2012)<br>Offline emissions developed by Jintai Lin (linjt@pku.edy.cn)<br>Offline emissions processed by Hongjian Weng (PKU)
|-bgcolor="#CCFFFF" valign="top" align="left"
!colspan="7"|Terrestrial Biogenic Emission Inventories (online calculation)
|<span style="color:red">Global</span>
|<span style="color:red">MEGAN</span>
|<span style="color:red">MEGAN v2.1 biogenic emissions</span>
|<span style="color:red">Horizontal and temporal resolution of the model</span>
|<span style="color:red">Year of model</span>
|<span style="color:red">ISOP, monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, MOH, ACET, ETOH, CH<sub>2</sub>O, ALD2, HCOOH, C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>4</sub>, TOLU, PRPE </span>
|<span style="color:red">Guenther et al. (2012)</span>
|Air-sea exchange fluxes
|Horizontal and temporal resolution of the model
|Year of model
|Lana et al. (2011)
|<span style="color:red">Global</span>
|<span style="color:red">SeaSalt</span>
|<span style="color:red">Sea salt emissions</span>
|<span style="color:red">Horizontal and emission resolution of the model</span>
|<span style="color:red">Year of model</span>
|<span style="color:red">SALA, SALC</span>
|<span style="color:red">Jaegl&eacute; et al. (2011)</span>
|-bgcolor="#CCFFFF" valign="top" align="left"
!colspan="7"|Other Natural/Semi-Natural Emission Inventories (online calculation)
|<span style="color:red">Global</span>
|<span style="color:red">SoilNOx</span>
|<span style="color:red">Emission of NO<sub>x</sub> from soils and fertiliser use</span>
|<span style="color:red">Horizontal and temporal resolution of the model</span>
|<span style="color:red">Year of model</span>
|<span style="color:red">NO</span>
|<span style="color:red">Hudman et al. (2012)</span>
|NO<sub>x</sub> from lightning
|Horizontal and temporal resolution of the model
|Year of model
|Murray et al. (2012)
Uses 0.25&deg; x 0.3125&deg; (GEOS-FP) or 0.5&deg; x 0.625&deg; (MERRA-2) lightning flash rates and convective cloud depth as input starting in [[GEOS-Chem 12#12.5.0|GEOS-Chem 12.5.0]]
|AeroCom Volcanic SO<sub>2</sub> emissions
|Horizontal and temporal resolution of the model
|Carn et al. (2017)
|Very short-lived bromocarbon emissions
|2&deg; x 2.5&deg;, annual
|CHBr<sub>3</sub>, CH<sub>2</sub>Br<sub>2</sub>
|Liang et al. (2010)
|<span style="color:red">Global</span>
|<span style="color:red">DustDead</span>
|<span style="color:red">DEAD Dust emissions scheme</span>
|<span style="color:red">2&deg; x 2.5&deg;, 4&deg; x 5&deg;, model time resolution</span>
|<span style="color:red">Year of model</span>
|<span style="color:red">DST1-4</span>
|<span style="color:red">Zender et al. (2003)</span>
|<span style="color:red">Global</span>
|<span style="color:red">DustGinoux</span>
|<span style="color:red">Ginoux dust emissions scheme</span>
|<span style="color:red">4&deg; x 5&deg;, model time resolution</span>
|<span style="color:red">Year of model</span>
|<span style="color:red">DST1-4</span>
|<span style="color:red">Ginoux et al. (2001)</span>
|<span style="color:green">Global</span>
|<span style="color:green">MASAGE</span>
|<span style="color:green">MASAGE non-agricultural NH<sub>3</sub> emissions</span>
|<span style="color:green">0.5&deg; x 0.5&deg;, monthly?</span>
|<span style="color:green">2005-2008</span>
|<span style="color:green">NH<sub>3</sub></span>
|<span style="color:green">Paulot et al. (2013)</span>
|<span style="color:green">Arctic</span>
|<span style="color:green">none yet</span>
|<span style="color:green">Arctic seabird emissions of NH<sub>3</sub></span>
|<span style="color:green">0.1&deg; x 0.1&deg;, monthly?</span>
|<span style="color:green">2011</span>
|<span style="color:green">NH<sub>3</sub></span>
|<span style="color:green">Croft et al. (2016)</span>

--[[User:Emarais|Emarais]] ([[User talk:Emarais|talk]]) 22:36, 7 September 2017 (UTC)<br>--[[User:Melissa Payer|Melissa Sulprizio]] ([[User talk:Melissa Payer|talk]]) 13:35, 14 June 2019 (UTC)
== Available Emission Inventories ==

=== References ===
Archive of default and optional inventories for each model version: http://wiki.seas.harvard.edu/geos-chem/index.php/HEMCO_data_directories

*Auvray and Bey, Long-range transport to Europe: Seasonal variations and implications for the European ozone budget, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2004JD005503, 2005.
Narrative description of the latest version of the model with relevant emission inventory references: https://geos-chem.seas.harvard.edu/geos-chem-narrative#emis
*Bond et al., Historical emissions of black and organic carbon aerosol from energy-related combustion, 1850–2000, Global Biogeochem. Cy., doi:10.1029/2006GB002840, 2007.
*Carn et al., Extending the long-term record of volcanic SO2 emissions with the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) Nadir Mapper, Geophysical Research Letters, 42. doi:10.1002/2014GL062437, 2015.
*Croft et al., Contribution of Arctic seabird-colony ammonia to atmospheric particles and cloud-albedo radiative effect, Nature Communications, doi:10.1038/ncomms13444, 2016.
*Darmenov and da Silva, The Quick Fire Emissions Dataset (QFED): Documentation of versions 2.1, 2.2 and 2.4, R. D. Koster (Ed.), Vol. 38, USA, 2015.
*Fisher et al., Sources, distribution, and acidity of sulfate–ammonium aerosol in the Arctic in winter–spring, Atmos. Environ., doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.08.030, 2011.
*Giglio et al., Analysis of daily, monthly, and annual burned area using the fourth-generation global fire emissions database (GFED4), J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1002/jgrg.20042, 2013.
*Ginoux et al., Sources and distributions of dust aerosols simulated with the GOCART model, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2000JD000053, 2001.
*Guenther et al., The Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature version 2.1 (MEGAN2.1): an extended and updated framework for modeling biogenic emissions, Geosci. Model Dev., doi:10.5194/gmd-5-1471-2012, 2012.
*Holmes et al., The climate  impact of ship NO<sub>x</sub> emissions: an improved estimate accounting for plume chemistry, Atmos. Chem. Phys., doi:10.5194/acp-14-6801-2014, 2014.
*Hudman et al., Steps towards a mechanistic model of global soil nitric oxide emissions: implementation and space based-constraints, Atmos. Chem. Phys., doi:10.5194/acp-12-7779-2012, 2012.
*Jaegl&eacute; et al., Global distribution of sea salt aerosols: new constraints from in situ and remote sensing observations, Atmos. Chem. Phys., doi:10.5194/acp-11-3137-2011, 2011.
*Kuhns et al., Big Bend Regional Aerosol and Visibility Observational (BRAVO) Study Emissions Inventory, DRI, Las Vegas, NV, 2003.
*Lana et al., An updated climatology of surface dimethlysulfide concentrations and emission fluxes in the global ocean, Global Biogeochem. Cy., doi:10.1029/2010GB003850, 2011.
*Li et al., MIX: a mosaic Asian anthropogenic emission inventory under the international collaboration framework of the MICS-Asia and HTAP, Atmos. Chem. Phys., doi:10.5194/acp-17-935-2017, 2017.
*Liang et al., Finding the missing stratospheric Br<sub>y</sub>: a global modeling study of CHBr<sub>3</sub> and CH<sub>2</sub>Br<sub>2</sub>, Atmos. Chem. Phys., doi:10.5194/acp-10-2269-2010, 2010.
*Marais and Wiedinmyer, Air Quality Impact of Diffuse and Inefficient Combustion Emissions in Africa (DICE-Africa), Environ. Sci. Technol., doi:10.1021/acs.est.6b02602, 2016.
*Murray et al., Optimized regional and interannual variability of lightning in a global chemical transport model constrained by LIS/OTD satellite data, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2012JD017934, 2012.
*Paulot et al., Ammonia emissions in the United States, European Union, and China derived by high-resolution inversion of ammonium wet deposition data: Interpretation with a new agricultural emissions inventory (MASAGE_NH3), J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1002/2013JD021130, 2014.
*Stettler et al., Air quality and public health impacts of UK airports. Part I: Emissions, Atmos. Environ., doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.07.012, 2011.
*Tzompa-Sosa et al., in prep, 2017.
*Vinken et al., Accounting for non-linear chemistry of ship plumes in the GEOS-Chem global chemistry transport model, Atmos. Chem. Phys., doi:10.5194/acp-11-11707-2011, 2011.
*Wang et al., Improving Spatial Representation of Global Ship Emissions Inventories, doi:10.1021/es0700799, 2008.
*Wiedinmyer et al., The Fire INventory from NCAR (FINN): a high resolution global model to estimate the emissions from open burning, Geosci. Model Dev., doi:10.5194/gmd-4-625-2011, 2011.
*Wiedinmyer et al., Global Emissions of Trace Gases, Particulate Matter, and Hazardous Air Pollutants from Open Burning of Domestic Waste, Environ. Sci. Technol., doi:10.1021/es502250z, 2014.
*Xiao et al., Global budget of ethane and regional constraints on U.S. sources, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2007JD009415, 2008.
*Zhang et al., Asian emissions in 2006 for the NASA INTEX-B mission, Atmos. Chem. Phys., doi:10.5194/acp-9-5131-2009, 2009.

== Discussions ==
== Discussions ==

#[[Scale factors for anthropogenic emissions]]
#[[Scale factors for anthropogenic emissions]]
#[[Carbon_Gases_and_Organics_Working_Group#GEIA_anthropogenic_scaling_factors | GEIA Anthropogenic Scaling Factors]]
#[[MEGAN_v2.1_biogenic_emissions|Biogenic Parameter Input Sources]]
#[[Historical and Future Emissions|Historical and Future Emissions wiki page]]

Latest revision as of 18:20, 24 October 2023

The purpose of this Working Group is to provide a forum to discuss current and new developments in GEOS-Chem associated with land-atmosphere and ocean-atmosphere sources, sinks, and fluxes of trace gases and aerosols.

All users interested in adding/updating the GEOS-Chem emissions inventories are encouraged to subscribe to the emissions email list (click on the link in the contact information section below).

Contact Information

Emissions and Deposition
Working Group Co-Chairs
Emissions and Deposition
Working Group email list
geos-chem-emissions [at] g.harvard.edu
To subscribe to email list Either
  • Send an email to geos-chem-emissions+subscribe [at] g.harvard.edu


To unsubscribe from email list Either
  • Send an email to geos-chem-emissions+unsubscribe [at] g.harvard.edu


Current Projects (please add yours!)

User Group Description Contact Person Date Added
GEOS-Chem Support Team Ongoing development of the Harmonized Emissions Component (HEMCO) GCST June 2022
Georgia Tech (USA) Global anthropogenic emissions of HCl and particulate chloride (1960-2014) Pengfei Liu January 2021
University of York Updated oceanic emissions of HOI and I2 Ryan Pound August 2023

Top-down Findings Germane to GEOS-Chem Inventories (please add yours!)

Science findings from top-down studies that have implications for inventories used in GEOS-Chem (e.g., an inferred high or low bias or other such issue) can be compiled in this table. Please add any findings, either from your group or from other groups, that you feel the GEOS-Chem community should be aware of in using these inventories.

Species Authors Reference
Monthly NOx emissions for East Asia (2005-2012) Zhen Qu (CU Boulder)

Qu et al., 2017

High-resolution (5 km or finer) NOx emissions for China and surrounding areas (2004-present)

Jintai Lin (Peking University)

Kong et al., ACP, 2019 Kong et al., EST, 2022

Available Emission Inventories

Archive of default and optional inventories for each model version: http://wiki.seas.harvard.edu/geos-chem/index.php/HEMCO_data_directories

Narrative description of the latest version of the model with relevant emission inventory references: https://geos-chem.seas.harvard.edu/geos-chem-narrative#emis


  1. Scale factors for anthropogenic emissions