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Line 65: Line 65:
|<tt><span style="color:red">SpeciesConc</span>.<span style="color:darkorange">frequency</span></tt>
|<tt><span style="color:red">SpeciesConc</span>.<span style="color:darkorange">frequency</span></tt>
|Indicates how often the <tt><span style="color:red">SpeciesConc</span></tt> collection will be archived to disk.  The frequency setting may be specified as either <tt>hhmmss</tt> or <tt>YYMMDD hhmmss</tt>.  In this example, a new <tt><span style="color:red">SpeciesConc</span></tt> file will be saved to disk <span style="color:darkorange">every 6 hours</span>.
|For instantaneous collections (such as <tt><span style="color:red">SpeciesConc</span></tt>), <span style="color:darkorange">frequency</span> determines the interval at which data will be saved to disk.  In this example, advected species concentration values will be written to the file
<span style="color:darkorange">every 6 hours</span>.

|<tt><span style="color:red">SpeciesConc</span>.format</tt>
|<tt><span style="color:red">SpeciesConc</span>.format</tt>
|For GCHP simulations only: indicates the I/O library that will be used.  This can be omitted for GEOS-Chem "Classic" simualations.
|<tt><span style="color:red">SpeciesConc</span>.<span style="color:purple">duration</span>,</tt>
|For GCHP simulations only: indicates the I/O library that will be used.  This can be ignored for GEOS-Chem "Classic" simualations.
|For GCHP simulations only: indicates the I/O library that will be used.  This can be ignored for GEOS-Chem "Classic" simualations.

Revision as of 20:53, 8 February 2018

feel free to experiment here


An introduction to netCDF diagnostics

Bob Yantosca has created an overview presentation about the new netCDF diagnostics for v11-02.

Sample HISTORY.rc diagnostic input file

Here is a sample HISTORY.rc file that is used to request netCDF diagnostic output from a GEOS-Chem “Classic” simulation. The names for netCDF diagnostic quantities follow the naming convention listed above.

# Declare collection names.  Disable collections by commenting
# each collection name out with a "#" character.
COLLECTIONS: 'SpeciesConc',
# Collection to save out GEOS-Chem species concentrations
SpeciesConc.template:     '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4',
SpeciesConc.frequency:    060000,
SpeciesConc.format:       'CFIO',
SpeciesConc.duration:     240000,
SpeciesConc.mode:         'instantaneous',
SpeciesConc.fields:       'SpeciesConc_?ADV?',  'GIGCchem',
# Collection to save out concentrations after chemistry
# (from the FlexChem/KPP solver)
ConcAfterChem.template:   '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4',
ConcAfterChem.frequency:  000100 000000,
ConcAfterChem.format:     'CFIO',
ConcAfterChem.duration:   000100 000000,
ConcAfterChem.mode:       'time-averaged',
ConcAfterChem.fields:     'OHconcAfterChem',     'GIGCchem',
                          'HO2concAfterChem',    'GIGCchem',
                          'O1DconcAfterChem',    ‘GIGCchem’,
                          'O3PconcAfterChem',    ‘GIGCchem’,

In this HISTORY.rc file, we are requesting two collections, or types of netCDF file output.

Term Explanation
SpeciesConc Name of the first collection. A collection is a series of files that will be produced containing the same diagnostic quantities.
SpeciesConc.template Determines the date and time format for each filename in the in the SpeciesConc collection.
  • The string %y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4 will print YYYYMMDD_hhmmz.nc4 to the end of each netCDF filename
    • YYYYMMDD is the date in year/month/day format
    • hhmm is the time in hour:minutes format.
    • z denotes "Zulu", which is an abbreviation for UTC time.
    • .nc4 denotes that the data file is in the netCDF-4 format.
SpeciesConc.frequency For instantaneous collections (such as SpeciesConc), frequency determines the interval at which data will be saved to disk. In this example, advected species concentration values will be written to the file

every 6 hours.

SpeciesConc.format For GCHP simulations only: indicates the I/O library that will be used. This can be omitted for GEOS-Chem "Classic" simualations.
SpeciesConc.duration, For GCHP simulations only: indicates the I/O library that will be used. This can be ignored for GEOS-Chem "Classic" simualations.
:: Signifies the end of the list of collections, as well as the end of each defined collection. "::" may be placed at any column in the file.
  1. The first collection is instantaneous (aka timeseries) output with a 6-hour frequency. A new file will be created every 24 hours.
  2. The second collection (ConcAfterChem) is time-averaged output. Data will be updated at the dynamic timestep (= 10 minutes for most GEOS-Chem simulations) by default and averaged into monthly-mean output. A new file will be created at the start of each new month.
  3. The diagnostic quantities (aka "fields") that will be archived in each collection are listed after the “fields” tag. These diagnostic quantities follow the naming convention described in the previous section.
    • For GEOS-Chem “Classic” simulations, you may use wildcards to request a multiple quantities. For example, instead of listing SpeciesConc_NO, SpeciesConc_O3, SpeciesConc_PAN, SpeciesConc_CO, etc. individually, you can use SpeciesConc_?ADV? to request all of the advected GEOS_Chem species.
    • The "GIGCchem" text is only relevant for GCHP and will be ignored for GEOS-Chem “Classic” simulations.
  4. The template setting sets the date and time format for each output file in the collection.
    • The string %y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4 will print YYYYMMDD_hhmmz.nc4 to the end of each netCDF filename, where YYYYMMDD is the date in year/month/day format and hhmm is the time in hour:minutes format.
    • The z character denotes "Zulu", which is an abbreviation for UTC time.
  5. The :: signifies the end of the list of collections, as well as the end of each defined collection. The :: may be placed at any column in the HISTORY.rc file.
  6. The format setting only applies to GCHP simulations.

For more examples, please see Bob Yantosca’s netCDF diagnostics overview presentation. We will also add more documentation to the GEOS-Chem wiki in the coming weeks.

--Bob Yantosca (talk) 20:14, 8 February 2018 (UTC)


The following terms are used in the tables below.

Term Explanation Example
<spcname> Short name of a GEOS-Chem species, used in several diagnostics listed below.


  1. The single-underscore (_) preceding the species name indicates that use of a species wildcard (e.g SpeciesConc_?ADV?, which only selects advected species) is possible.
  2. Allowable wild card values (case-insensitive) for species name are:
    • ?ADV?: Only the advected species
    • ?AER?: Only the aerosol species
    • ?ALL?: All GEOS-Chem species
    • ?DRY?: Only the dry-deposited species
    • ?FIX?: Only the inactive (aka "fixed") species in the KPP chemical mechanism
    • ?GAS?: Only the gas-phase species
    • ?KPP?: Only the KPP species
    • ?PHO: Only the photolyzed species
    • ?VAR?: Only the active (aka "variable") species in the KPP chemical mechanism
    • ?WET?: Only the wet-deposited species
    • ?PRODLOSS?: Only prod/loss diagnostic species
    • ?DUSTBIN: Only the dust bin number
  3. <spcname> should be case-insensitive. In most places where species names are compared, species names are first converted to uppercase and then a string match test is done. But because most species names represent a chemical formula (e.g. NO, CO),they will be mostly all uppercase. Some species names would have mixed-case, e.g. BrCl, Rn, Pb, Be7, etc.
<metname> Denotes a met field (or derived quantity such as total optical depth).


  1. MET_, Met_ or met_ (case-insensitive) must precede <metname>. This tells the diagnostic code to look for the corresponding field of the State_Met object.
<photobin> Number of a given wavelength bin for FAST-JX photolysis 1-18 (with UCX on);
1-12 (with UCX off)
<aername> Aerosol quanatities included in the following array fields:
  1. State_Chm%AeroArea
  2. State_Chm%AeroRadi
  3. State_Chm%WetAeroArea
  4. State_Chm%WetAeroRadi

These do not always conform to GEOS-Chem species (for example, the mineral dust bins are the bins that are used as input for photolysis).

  1. MDUST1: Mineral dust (0.15μm)
  2. MDUST2: Mineral dust (0.25μm)
  3. MDUST3: Mineral dust (0.40μm)
  4. MDUST4: Mineral dust (0.80μm)
  5. MDUST5: Mineral dust (1.50μm)
  6. MDUST6: Mineral dust (2.50μm)
  7. MDUST7: Mineral dust (4.00μm)
  8. SULF: Sulfate
  9. BC: Black Carbon
  10. OC: Organic Carbon
  11. SSA: Sea salt aerosol, accumulation mode
  12. SSC: Sea salt aerosol, coarse mode
  13. BGSULF: Background stratospheric sulfate
  14. ICEI: Irregular ice cloud (Mischenko)
nAdvect Number of advected GEOS-Chem species
nDryDep Number of dry-depositing GEOS-Chem species
nKppSpc Number of species in the KPP chemistry mechanism
nPhoto Number of photolyzing GEOS-Chem species
nTomas Number of size-resolved TOMAS species IBINS*(ICOMP-IDIAG+1)
nWetDep Number of soluble, wet-depositing GEOS-Chem species

--Bob Yantosca (talk) 20:32, 14 November 2017 (UTC)

Collection list

EXPID:  OutputDir/GCHP
EXPDSC: GEOS-Chem_devel
CoresPerNode: 6
# Declare collection names and toggle on/off
# by commenting out with a #
COLLECTIONS: 'SpeciesConc',

Species concentrations

  1. Species concentrations (per advected species)
 SpeciesConc.template:       '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4',
 SpeciesConc.format:         'CFIO',
 SpeciesConc.frequency:      010000
 SpeciesConc.duration:       010000
 SpeciesConc.mode:           'time-averaged'
 SpeciesConc.fields:         'SpeciesConc_?ADV?             ', 'GIGCchem',

Aerosol diagnostics

# Aerosol optical depth, surface area, number density, and hygroscopic growth
 Aerosols.template:          '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4',
 Aerosols.format:            'CFIO',
 Aerosols.frequency:         010000
 Aerosols.duration:          010000
 Aerosols.mode:              'time-averaged'
 Aerosols.fields:            'AODDust                       ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'AODDustWL1_?DUSTBIN?          ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'AODHygWL1_?HYG?               ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'AODSOAfromAqIsopreneWL1       ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'AODStratLiquidAerWL1          ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'AODPolarStratCloudWL1         ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'AerHygroscopicGrowth_?HYG?    ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'AerNumDensityStratLiquid      ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'AerNumDensityStratParticulate ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'AerAqueousVolume              ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'AerSurfAreaDust               ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'AerSurfAreaHyg_?HYG?          ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'AerSurfAreaStratLiquid        ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'AerSurfAreaPolarStratCloud    ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_AeroAreaMDUST1           ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_AeroAreaMDUST2           ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_AeroAreaMDUST3'          ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_AeroAreaMDUST4           ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_AeroAreaMDUST5           ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_AeroAreaMDUST6           ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_AeroAreaMDUST7           ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_AeroAreaSULF             ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_AeroAreaBC               ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_AeroAreaOC               ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_AeroAreaSSA              ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_AeroAreaSSC              ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_AeroAreaBGSULF           ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_AeroAreaICEI             ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_AeroRadiMDUST1           ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_AeroRadiMDUST2           ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_AeroRadiMDUST3           ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_AeroRadiMDUST4           ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_AeroRadiMDUST5           ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_AeroRadiMDUST6           ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_AeroRadiMDUST7           ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_AeroRadiSULF             ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_AeroRadiBC               ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_AeroRadiOC               ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_AeroRadiSSA              ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_AeroRadiSSC              ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_AeroRadiBGSULF           ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_AeroRadiICEI             ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST1        ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST2        ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST3        ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST4        ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST5        ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST6        ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST7        ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_WetAeroAreaSULF          ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_WetAeroAreaBC            ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_WetAeroAreaOC            ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_WetAeroAreaSSA           ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_WetAeroAreaSSC           ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_WetAeroAreaBGSULF        ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_WetAeroAreaICEI          ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST1        ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST2        ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST3        ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST4        ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST5        ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST6        ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST7        ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_WetAeroRadiSULF          ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_WetAeroRadiBC            ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_WetAeroRadiOC            ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_WetAeroRadiSSA           ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_WetAeroRadiSSC           ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_WetAeroRadiBGSULF        ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_WetAeroRadiICEI          ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_StatePSC                 ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_KhetiSLAN2O5H2O          ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_KhetiSLAN2O5HCl          ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_KhetiSLAClNO3H2O         ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_KhetiSLAClNO3HCl         ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_KhetiSLAClNO3HBr         ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_KhetiSLABrNO3H2O         ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_KhetiSLABrNO3HCl         ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_KhetiSLAHOClHCl          ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_KhetiSLAHOClHBr          ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_KhetiSLAHOBrHCl          ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_KhetiSLAHOBrHBr          ', 'GIGCchem',

Cloud convective flux

  1. Cloud convective flux (per advected species)
 CloudConvFlux.template:     '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4',
 CloudConvFlux.format:       'CFIO',
 CloudConvFlux.frequency:    010000
 CloudConvFlux.duration:     010000
 CloudConvFlux.mode:         'time-averaged'
 CloudConvFlux.fields:       'CloudConvFlux_?ADV?           ', 'GIGCchem',

Concentrations after chemistry

 # Concentrations after chemistry
 ConcAfterChem.template:     '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4',
 ConcAfterChem.format:       'CFIO',
 ConcAfterChem.frequency:    010000
 ConcAfterChem.duration:     010000
 ConcAfterChem.mode:         'time-averaged'
 ConcAfterChem.fields:       'OHconcAfterChem               ', 'GIGCchem',  
                             'HO2concAfterChem              ', 'GIGCchem',  
                             'O1DconcAfterChem              ', 'GIGCchem',  
                             'O3PconcAfterChem              ', 'GIGCchem',  

Dry deposition diagnostics

  1. Dry deposition flux velocity (per dry deposited species)
 DryDep.template:            '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4',
 DryDep.format:              'CFIO',
 DryDep.frequency:           010000
 DryDep.duration:            010000
 DryDep.mode:                'time-averaged'
 DryDep.fields:              'DryDepVel_?DRY?               ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'DryDepMix_?DRY?               ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'DryDepChm_?DRY?               ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'DryDep_?DRY?                  ', 'GIGCchem',

Photolysis diagnostics

  1. Photolysis rates (J-values)
 JValues.template:           '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4',
 JValues.format:             'CFIO',
 JValues.frequency:          010000
 JValues.duration:           010000
 JValues.mode:               'time-averaged'
 JValues.fields:             'Jval_?PHO?                    ', 'GIGCchem',
  1. Photolysis rates at local noon (J-values)
 JValuesLocalNoon.template:  '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4',
 JValuesLocalNoon.format:    'CFIO',
 JValuesLocalNoon.frequency: 010000
 JValuesLocalNoon.duration:  010000
 JValuesLocalNoon.mode:      'instantaneous'
 JValuesLocalNoon.fields:    'JNoon_?PHO?                   ', 'GIGCchem',

Diagnostics on level edges

  1. Level edge diagnostics (73-level only)
 LevelEdgeDiags.template:    '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4',
 LevelEdgeDiags.format:      'CFIO',
 LevelEdgeDiags.frequency:   010000
 LevelEdgeDiags.duration:    010000
 LevelEdgeDiags.mode:        'time-averaged'
 LevelEdgeDiags.fields:      'Met_CMFMC                     ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_PEDGE                      ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_PEDGEDRY                   ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_PFICU                      ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_PFILSAN                    ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_PFLCU                      ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_PFLLSAN                    ', 'GIGCchem',

Production and loss rates

 # Prod/loss rates
 ProdLoss.template:          '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4',
 ProdLoss.format:            'CFIO',
 ProdLoss.frequency:         010000
 ProdLoss.duration:          010000
 ProdLoss.mode:              'time-averaged'
 ProdLoss.fields:            'PROD_?PRD?                    ', 'GIGCchem', 
                             'ProdBCPIfromBCPO              ', 'GIGCchem', 
                             'ProdOCPIfromOCPO              ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'ProdSO4fromH2O2inCloud        ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'ProdSO4fromO3inCloud          ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'ProdSO4fromO3inSeaSalt        ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'ProdSO4fromHOBrInCloud        ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'ProdSO4fromSRO3               ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'ProdSO4fromSRHObr             ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'ProdSO4fromO3s                ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'LOSS_?LOS?                    ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'LossHNO3onSeaSalt             ', 'GIGCchem',

Fields of the State_Chm object

  1. State_Chm array diagnostics (see also Aerosols collection
 StateChm.template:          '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4',
 StateChm.format:            'CFIO',
 StateChm.frequency:         010000
 StateChm.duration:          010000
 StateChm.mode:              'time-averaged'
 StateChm.fields:            'Chem_phSav                    ', 'GIGCchem',  
                             'Chem_HplusSav                 ', 'GIGCchem',  
                             'Chem_WaterSav                 ', 'GIGCchem',  
                             'Chem_SulRatSav                ', 'GIGCchem',  
                             'Chem_NaRatSav                 ', 'GIGCchem',  
                             'Chem_AcidPurSav               ', 'GIGCchem',  
                             'Chem_BiSulSav                 ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_pHCloud                  ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_SSAlk',                  ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_HSO3AQ                   ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_SO3AQ                    ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Chem_fupdateHOBr              ', 'GIGCchem',

Fields of the State_Met object

# State_Met array diagnostics
 StateMet.template:          '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4',
 StateMet.format:            'CFIO',
 StateMet.frequency:         010000
 StateMet.duration:          010000
 StateMet.mode:              'time-averaged'
 StateMet.fields:            'Met_AD                         ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_AIRDEN                     ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_AIRVOL                     ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_ALBD                       ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_AREAM2                     ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_AVGW                       ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_BXHEIGHT                   ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_ChemGridLev                ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_CLDF                       ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_CLDFRC                     ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_CLDTOPS                    ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_DELP                       ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_DQRCU                      ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_DQRLSAN                    ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_DTRAIN                     ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_EFLUX                      ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_FRCLND                     ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_FRLAKE                     ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_FRLAND                     ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_FRLANDIC                   ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_FROCEAN                    ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_FRSEAICE                   ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_FRSNO                      ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_GWETROOT                   ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_GWETTOP                    ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_HFLUX                      ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_LAI                        ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_LWI                        ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_PARDR                      ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_PARDF                      ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_PBLTOPL                    ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_PBLH                       ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_PHIS                       ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_PMID                       ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_PMIDDRY                    ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_PRECANV                    ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_PRECCON                    ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_PRECLSC                    ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_PRECTOT                    ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_PS1DRY                     ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_PS1WET                     ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_PS2DRY                     ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_PS2WET                     ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_PSC2WET                    ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_PSC2DRY                    ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_QI                         ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_QL                         ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_OMEGA                      ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_OPTD                       ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_REEVAPCN                   ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_REEVAPLS                   ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_SLP                        ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_SNODP                      ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_SNOMAS                     ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_SPHU                       ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_SPHU1                      ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_SPHU2                      ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_SUNCOS                     ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_SUNCOSmid                  ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_SWGDN                      ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_T                          ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_TAUCLI                     ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_TAUCLW                     ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_THETA                      ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_TMPU1                      ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_TMPU2                      ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_TO3                        ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_TropHt                     ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_TropLev                    ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_TropP                      ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_TS                         ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_TSKIN                      ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_TV                         ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_U                          ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_U10M                       ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_USTAR                      ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_UVALBEDO                   ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_V                          ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_V10M                       ', 'GIGCchem',
                             'Met_Z0                         ', 'GIGCchem',

Loss of soluble species in cloud updrafts

  1. Loss due to convection (per wet deposited species)
 WetLossConv.template:       '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4',
 WetLossConv.format:         'CFIO',
 WetLossConv.frequency:      010000
 WetLossConv.duration:       010000
 WetLossConv.mode:           'time-averaged'
 WetLossConv.fields:         'WetLossConv_?WET?             ', 'GIGCchem',

Loss of soluble species in large-scale wet deposition

  1. Loss due to rainout and washout (per deposited species)
 WetLossLS.template:         '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4',
 WetLossLS.format:           'CFIO',
 WetLossLS.frequency:        010000
 WetLossLS.duration:         010000
 WetLossLS.mode:             'time-averaged'
 WetLossLS.fields:           'WetLossLS_?WET?              ', 'GIGCchem',