GEOS-Chem 13.3.0

From Geos-chem
Revision as of 21:47, 28 September 2021 by Melissa Payer (Talk | contribs) (Version overview)

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GEOS-Chem Versions Page

This page includes information about GEOS-Chem 13.3.0 which is currently in development.

Version overview

The items listed below have been added to GEOS-Chem 13.3.0 since GEOS-Chem 13.2.0. See also the following Github pages:

Feature Contributor(s) Model scope Notes
Avoid double counting of acetone source from monoterpenes when using online MEGAN Dylan Millet (UMN) Emissions
HMS chemistry Jonathan Moch (Harvard)
Mike Long (GCST)
C2H4 and C2H2 chemistry Kelvin Bates (Harvard)
Ke Li (Harvard)
Mike Long (GCST)
CH3O2 + OH reaction Kelvin Bates (Harvard) Chemistry
Cleaning up heterogeneous chemistry reaction rate computations Bob Yantosca (GCST) Chemistry &
Revise gamma(N2O5) computation; cap Alpha at 3.2e-8 Viral Shah (Harvard) Chemistry
Bug fixes in heterogeneous chemistry: Viral Shah (Harvard)
Chris Holmes(FSU)
Chemistry &
Bug fix
The ObsPack diagnostic can now use the ?ADV? wildcard Jessica Haskins (MIT) Diagnostics
Updates to IONO2 hydrolysis from Wang et al. (2021) Tomas Sherwen (York) Chemistry

New data directories

The following data directories have been added or updated in this version. You will have to download the directories relevant to your simulation.

Inventory Type What was added? Directory
GEOSCHEM_RESTARTS/v2021-09/ Restart files Updated full-chemistry and TOMAS restart files with new species added: C2H2, C2H4, HMS, ETHN, ETHP, ETO, ETOO. ExtData/GEOSCHEM_RESTARTS/v2021-09/
SAMPLE_BCs/v2021-09/ Boundary conditions Updated sample nested-grid boundary conditions with new species added: C2H2, C2H4, HMS, ETHN, ETHP, ETO, ETOO. ExtData/HEMCO/SAMPLE_BCs/v2021-09/

1-month benchmarks


1-year benchmarks