Coupling GEOS-Chem with NCAR models

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On this page, we provide information about ongoing efforts to interface GEOS-Chem with Earth System Models maintained by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).

Please see our Coupling GEOS-Chem with other models wiki page for information about projects to interface GEOS-Chem with other Earth System Models.


NCAR-GEOS-Chem meeting

Daniel Jacob wrote:

Several of us were at a NCAR-GEOS-Chem meeting (July 30-31, 2018) to resolve issues in the on-line coupling of GEOS-Chem with CESM2 and WRF, and to lay the basis for integrating GEOS-Chem into the next generation of NCAR models (SingleTrack). The meeting was very productive, with a lot of interest from NCAR scientists, and laid the basis for strong collaboration in the future. You can access the meeting presentations here:
If you are interested in contributing to development and testing of the CESM-GC and WRF-GC models I encourage you to contact the lead developers, Seb Eastham (for CESM-GC) and Tzung-May Fu (for WRF-GC).

--Melissa Sulprizio (talk) 16:21, 2 August 2018 (UTC)


Lead Developer:



Known issues




Lead Developers:

  • Tzung-May Fu (SUSTech) (GitHub @tmayfu)
  • Xu Feng (PKU) (GitHub @fengx7)
  • Haipeng Lin (Harvard; formerly PKU) (GitHub @jimmielin)


Known issues

  • A regional refinement nested-Grid version of WRF-GC is in technical validation and nearing final stages of development. Please contact us to express interest. A release is anticipated for Late 2020.