Common GEOS-Chem error messages

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Here is a list of some commonly-encountered GEOS-Chem error messages. Also be sure to visit our Machine issues & portability wiki page for a list of compiler-specific issues.

File I/O errors

A3 met fields not found

If routine OPEN_A3_FIELDS (in a3_read_mod.f) returns a "file not found" error shortly after the start of your GEOS-Chem simulation, i.e.:

 $$ Finished Reading Linoz Data $$
GEOS-CHEM I/O ERROR    29 in file unit    73
Encountered at routine:location open_a3_fields:1

Error   29: File not found
     - CLEANUP: deallocating arrays now...

then this could indicate one of the following conditions:

Error caused by MEGAN biogenic emissions

MEGAN keeps a 10-day running average of temperature, and therefore requires that the the met field files for the 10 days prior to the start of the GEOS-Chem simulation be present on disk.

You can solve this error in one of two ways:

  1. Make sure you have the previous 10 days (or better yet, the entire previous month!) of data prior to your GEOS-Chem simulation's starting date
  2. Start your GEOS-Chem simulation at a later date

Error caused by not recompiling cleanly

This error may also indicate that you have attempted to change the resolution of GEOS-Chem without recompiling cleanly. Some parts of the GEOS-Chem code (object files, module files) may still be compiled for a different grid resolution.

You can usually fix this doing a

make realclean

command before recompiling the code.

--Bob Y. 10:47, 15 November 2010 (EST)

I/O Error #29

This error indicates that GEOS-Chem cannot find the proper A3 met field file.

NOTE: Error #29 is specific to the IFORT compiler. If you are using a different compiler, then the I/O error number may differ.

--Bob Y. 15:30, 3 November 2010 (EDT)

Problem reading binary punch file

If you are having problems reading a binary punch file into GEOS-Chem, make sure that you have the correct endian setting in your makefile. These are:

  • Intel Fortran compiler (IFORT): -convert big_endian
  • PGI compiler: -byteswapio
  • Sun Studio compiler: -xfilebyteorder=big16:%all

Most machines that use an Intel or AMD chipset are little-endian machines. A few of the older architectures (e.g. Cray, SGI Origin) are big-endian. Binary punch files are always big-endian (due to historical reasons), so you will need to tell your compiler to do the byte swapping manually.

The symptoms of such an error can be as follows:

Daewon Byun wrote:

In the SUBROUTINE READ_BPCH2, It reads the FTI = CTM bin 02 fine, but then fails to read anything after. I dumped the IOUNIT and IO error code -- as you see TMP_TITLE is empty....
   IUNIT, IOS, TMP_TITLE =            98           -1
Then the program stops at the
   IF ( IOS /= 0 ) THEN
      PRINT*, 'open_bpch2_for_read:2'
If I force to read further removing the "STOP", then I get (again, I tried to dump..)
   MODELNAME, LONRES, LATRES, HALFPOLAR, CENTER180 =  0.000000    0.000000       0         0

--Bob Y. 09:57, 24 July 2008 (EDT)

Module file cannot be read

If you should encounter this type of error:

ifort -cpp -w -O2 -auto -noalign -convert big_endian -openmp -Dmultitask -c time_mod.f
fortcom: Error: time_mod.f, line 259: This module file was generated for a different 
platform or by an incompatible compiler or compiler release. It cannot be read.   [JULDAY_MOD]

Then this means that you are trying to link to previously-created *.mod files that were generated by a different compiler. Making clean and re-compiling from scratch should solve this problem.

--Bob Y. 13:39, 1 July 2008 (EDT)

Error when reading the "restart_gprod_aprod" file

Eric Leibensperger wrote:

I am trying to run GEOS-Chem and have encountered and error. The log file gives me this:
  GEOS-CHEM ERROR: No matches found for file restart_gprod_aprod.2001070100!
  STOP at READ_BPCH2 (bpch2_mod.f)!
I have the aerosol restart file (with the same name) in my ~/testrun/runs/run.v7-04-12/ folder. Is it looking for it elsewhere? I get an additional message in the log.error file, but I think that it is possibily the result of not being able to find the file above:
  ******  FORTRAN RUN-TIME SYSTEM  ******
  Error 1183:  deallocating an unallocated allocatable array
  Location:  the DEALLOCATE statement at line 4933 of "carbon_mod.f"
Any thoughts would be appreciated. Sorry to bother you with this!

Philippe Le Sager replied:

You must rewrite your restart_gprod_aprod.YYYYMMDDHH so that the date in the filename is the same as the one in the datablock header.
I wrote a routine to do that: ~phs/IDL/dvpt/various_rewrite/

NOTE: The file will be released in the next GAMAP version.

--Bmy 15:59, 9 May 2008 (EDT)

For GEOS-Chem v8-03-01 and higher

In GEOS-Chem v8-03-01 and higher, the restart_gprod_aprod.YYYYMMDDhh file has been renamed to soaprod.YYYYMMDDhh. The above-described error can occur with the soaprod.YYYYMMDDhh file if the date in the file does not match the starting date of your simulation.

--Bob Y. 13:10, 4 November 2010 (EDT)

File ann_mean_trop.geos5.* not found

If you are running a GEOS-5 simulation and get an error that says that GEOS-Chem cannot locate the ann_mean_trop.geos5.2x25 or ann_mean_trop.geos5.4x5 file, then make sure that the following option is set in your input.geos file.

Use variable tropopause?: T

Starting in version GEOS-Chem v7-04-12, GEOS-Chem can now use a variable tropopause (i.e. chemistry is done up to the location of the actual tropopause as diagnosed from the met fields at any given timestep). You cannot use the annual mean tropopause for GEOS-5.

--Bob Y. 15:18, 7 July 2008 (EDT)

Problem reading GEOS-4 TROPP files

Please see this wiki post for more information about a common problem that can occur if you using GEOS-4 meteorology with the dynamic tropopause.

OPEN failure

If you are reading data from a binary punch file, and encounter this type of error:

  - ANTHRO_CARB_TBOND: Reading /as/group/geos/data/GEOS_1x1/historical_emissions_201203/BCOC/BCOC_anthsrce.2000.geos.1x1
 Error opening filename=
GEOS-CHEM I/O ERROR    30 in file unit    65
Encountered at routine:location open_bpch2_for_read:1

Error   30: OPEN failure

Then recompile your code with the BOUNDS=yes option. Chances are this is the side-effect of an array out-of-bounds error caused by your array being too small to hold the data that is being read in from disk. Compiling with BOUNDS=yes and re-running should help you locate the problem, and you should get an error message such as:

forrtl: severe (408): fort: (2): Subscript #1 of the array ARRAY has value 73 which is greater than the upper bound of 72  

which will point you to the specific array where the problem is occurring.

--Bob Y. 11:00, 8 March 2012 (EST)

Crashes or abnormal exits

In this section, we provide information about some commonly-reported errors that cause GEOS-Chem to halt executing.

SMVGEAR "Too many decreases of YFAC" error

If you are performing a full-chemistry simulation with the SMVGEAR solver, you may experience this error. This will cause error output (similar to what is listed below) to your log file.

      - PHYSPROC: Trop chemistry at 2006/01/01 00:00
   422   24    1  1.800E+03 5.422E+02 1.000E+00 1.000E-01
   428   24    1  1.800E+03 1.069E+03 1.000E+00 1.000E-01
   434   24    1  1.800E+03 1.214E+03 1.000E+00 1.000E-01
   422   24    1  1.800E+03 6.323E+02 1.000E-02 1.000E-01
   ... etc ...
 M1,M2,K,ERR =   72  25   1  4.3954E-04
 M1,M2,K,ERR =   72  26   1  4.6620E-04
 M1,M2,K,ERR =   72  27   1  1.3593E-04
 M1,M2,K,ERR =   72  28   1  1.0686E-04
 M1,M2,K,ERR =   72  29   1  1.6856E-04
   ... etc ...
 CONC WHEN STOP =    1    1 DRYCH2O          0.00E+00   0.00E+00
 CONC WHEN STOP =    2    1 DRYH2O2          0.00E+00   0.00E+00
 CONC WHEN STOP =    3    1 DRYHNO3          0.00E+00   0.00E+00
 CONC WHEN STOP =    4    1 DRYN2O5          0.00E+00   0.00E+00
   ... etc ...

Each of the lines starting with


is a warning that the SMVGEAR gear solver could not converge to a solution in a particular grid box. In this case, SMVGEAR does not stop with an error, but instead reduces the internal solver timestep and tries to solve the chemistry in that grid box once again.

But if SMVGEAR cannot converge to a solution in the grid box after reducing the internal timestep a certain number of times, it will give up on solving the chemistry and halt the run with an error. This is indicated by the lines:

 M1,M2,K,ERR =   72  25   1  4.3954E-04
 ... etc ...

SMVGEAR will then proceed to print out the concentration of each chemical species in the matrix, which is indicated by lines such as these:

 CONC WHEN STOP =    1    1 DRYCH2O          0.00E+00   0.00E+00

There can be several causes for this error:

  1. If you are splitting up your simulation into separate stages (i.e. so that you can fit each year’s run into your queue’s time limits), then it is important to turn on the chemical species restart file in the input.geos options file. This ensures that the concentrations of the chemical species will be preserved from one GEOS-Chem run stage to the next. Otherwise, SMVGEAR will re-initialize the chemical species to zero at the start of the next GEOS-Chem run stage. This may cause the SMVGEAR solver not to be able to converge to a solution.
  2. An error may occur in a different area of GEOS-Chem (such as wet deposition) that causes bad values (e.g NaN, negative numbers, Infinity) to be written to array of tracer concentrations or chemical species concentrations. These bad values can then cause the SMVGEAR solver to halt.

If you should encounter this error, here are a few things that you can try:

  1. Check your restart files for bad values.
  2. If you are not using an "out-of-the-box" version of GEOS-Chem, then check the areas of the code that you have modified for potential errors.
  3. Recompile GEOS-Chem from scratch with the BOUNDS=yes option turned on. This will flag any array-out-of-bounds errors.
  4. Run a series of short (1-2 day simulations) in which you successively turn off one other operation (i.e. transport, convection, wetdep, PBL, etc) at a time. This may help you to localize the source of the error.
  5. Run a short GEOS-Chem simulation with OpenMP parallelization turned off (i.e. use the OMP=no option). A parallelization error may be corrupting values in arrays that are needed by SMVGEAR.
  6. If you have access to a debugger like IDB or TotalView, recompile GEOS-Chem with DEBUG=yes and then run GEOS-Chem in the debugger.

--Bob Y. 10:39, 26 July 2013 (EDT)

KPP "Step size too small" error

The following abnormal exit from the KPP chemical solver:

    - PHYSPROC: Trop chemistry at 2006/07/01 00:00
Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error:
--> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff
T=   3044.21151383269      and H=  1.281206877135470E-012


JLOOP, I, J, L         7231          31          51           1
Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error:
--> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff
T=   3044.21151383269      and H=  1.281206877135470E-012
failed twice !!!

indicates that the chemistry could not converge to a solution in the given grid box. Possible reasons for this could be:

  1. A particular tracer has numerically underflowed or overflowed. This can happen especially in the aerosol chemistry and equilibrium routines, where many exponentials and logarithms are used in the algorithms.
  2. The restart file is not appropriate for the given simulation. For example, if the restart file was created using the Synoz O3 flux boundary condtion, but you have turned on the Linoz stratospheric O3 chemistry, then this mismatch can cause the solver not to converge. You can try switching to a restart file generated from a simulation with the same input options as the simulation that you wish to perform.

You may have to manually adjust the convergence criteria in the GEOS-Chem code to fix this condition.

--Bob Y. 11:30, 9 November 2010 (EST)

Permission denied error

If you receive this error:

Thu Nov  4 11:03:57 EDT 2010
run.geos: Permission denied. 

after having submitted a run script to a queue system (such as SGE), then doublecheck the Unix permissions of your script. If the script does not have the Unix "execute" permission then the queue system will not be able to run it.

Use the Unix chmod command to make your script executable

chmod 755 run.geos

and then re-submit the script to the queue system.

--Bob Y. 10:26, 9 November 2010 (EST)

Error computing F_OF_PBL

NOTE: The same error described below can cause GEOS-Chem to die elsewhere, and not just in the F_OF_PBL computation.

If you should encounter this error (which occurs in routine COMPUTE_PBL_HEIGHT from pbl_mix_mod.f)

 bad sum at:            1          70  -1.00000000000000     
 bad sum at:            1          81  -1.00000000000000     
GEOS-CHEM ERROR: Error in computing F_OF_PBL!
STOP at COMPUTE_PBL_HEIGHT ("pbl_mix_mod.f")
GEOS-CHEM ERROR: Error in computing F_OF_PBL!
STOP at COMPUTE_PBL_HEIGHT ("pbl_mix_mod.f")
     - CLEANUP: deallocating arrays now...
 bad sum at:            1          48  -1.00000000000000     
 bad sum at:            1          59  -1.00000000000000     
 bad sum at:           73          46  -1.00000000000000     

you should check to see if your code was not recompiled cleanly. Often this is a result of not doing a

make realclean

before trying to switch from 2° x 2.5° to 4° x 5° or vice versa in the define.h header file. Often this type of error can be deduced by looking at the GEOS-Chem log file. When this error occurs the resolution indicated at the top of the GEOS-Chem log file, e.g.:

*************   S T A R T I N G   2 x 2.5   G E O S--C H E M   *************

will not match the longitudes and latitudes as reported a little further down in the log file:

Grid box longitude centers [degrees]: 
-180.000 -175.000 -170.000 -165.000 -160.000 -155.000 -150.000 -145.000

Grid box latitude centers [degrees]:
 -89.000  -86.000  -82.000  -78.000  -74.000  -70.000  -66.000  -62.000 

--Bob Y. 12:13, 25 October 2010 (EDT)

Negative tracer found in WETDEP

If your simulation encounters negative (or NaN) tracer concentrations in the WETDEP routine, then this can be an indication of a problem further upsteam, perhaps in the aerosol routines (highly probable if the tracer is SO4, SO4s, HNO3, SO2, or NH3). We have fixed some of these bugs by making the code more robust. If you are using a GEOS-Chem version prior to v8-01-01, then you should get these patches. (These patches have been added to the standard GEOS-Chem code in versions higher than v8-01-01.) Please see the following links for more information:

If the fixes above do not solve your problem, you will need to debug. The first step is to use few calls to CHECK_STT (from tracer_mod.f) to isolate the part of the code where negative tracers are created. This can be done quite fast if the code dies early enough in the run.

--Bob Y. 12:50, 15 July 2011 (EDT)


If you are running the SOA simulation and encounter this error:

GEOS-CHEM ERROR: LISOPOH needs to be defined for SOA!
STOP at chemdr.f

Then this means that the species LISOPOH is not set to an active species in the chemical mechanism. LISOPOH needs to be a turned off for the standard 43-tracer simulation, but turned on the SOA simulation.

To fix the error, change this line in your globchem.dat file from:

D LISOPOH            1.00 1.000E-20 1.000E-20 1.000E-20 1.000E-20


A LISOPOH            1.00 1.000E-20 1.000E-20 1.000E-20 1.000E-20

and then re-run GEOS-Chem.

--Bob Y. 10:09, 26 August 2011 (EDT)

Fatal error in IFORT

The following error, which resulted on the Altix platform using Intel "ifort" v9.1 compiler:

 ifort: error: /opt/intel/fc/9.0/bin/fpp: core dumped
 ifort: error: Fatal error in /opt/intel/fc/9.0/bin/fpp, 
 terminated by unknown signal(139)
 make: *** [transport_mod.o] Error 1

was caused by an omitted " in an #include declaration, i.e.

 #     include "CMN_DIAG

Adding the closing " fixed the problem.

Too many levels in photolysis code

Please see this discussion about the "Too many levels in photolysis code" error that can sometimes happen in the FAST-J photolysis code.

--Bob Y. 11:09, 12 January 2010 (EST)

No output scheduled on last day of run

If you encounter this error at the start of your GEOS-Chem simulation:

GEOS-CHEM ERROR: No output scheduled on last day of run!
STOP at IS_LAST_DAY_GOOD ("input_mod.f")

This means that you have not told GEOS-Chem to save out diagnostic data on the day that your simulation ends. GEOS-Chem adds this error check in order to prevent you from running a long simulation only to have no diagnostics printed out at the end of the run.

For more information on how to schedule diagnostic output in GEOS-Chem, please see the section entitled ""the OUTPUT MENU section of the input.geos file" in our GEOS-Chem Online Users' Guide.

--Bob Y. 12:56, 15 July 2011 (EDT)

Bus Error

A bus error means that you are trying to reference memory that cannot possibly be there. The website has a definition of bus error and how it differs from a segmentation fault.

One cause of a bus error can be if you are trying to call a subroutine with the wrong number of arguments (i.e. usually too many arguments).

--Bob Y. 12:27, 19 October 2012 (EDT)

Segmentation faults

If your simulation dies with a segmentation fault error, this means that GEOS-Chem tried to access an invalid memory location. We list several instances of segmentation faults below.

Severe(174) SIGSEGV error

NOTE: In this section, we shall use the IFORT compiler error messages. You may get a slightly different error message if you are using a different compiler (such as PGI).

If you compiled GEOS-Chem with the IFORT compiler, you may encounter the following error message:

forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred

This means that a segmentation fault (i.e. memory error) has occurred during your GEOS-Chem simulation. This can be caused by:

Array-out-of-bounds error

Most often, a segmentation fault indicates an array out-of-bounds condition. To find out more information about where this error is occurring, recompile GEOS-Chem with the following Makefile options:

make realclean

The BOUNDS=yes option will turn on Array Out-of-Bounds error checking. The TRACEBACK=yes option will print out the Error Stack, or a list of routines that were called, and the line at which the error occurred. These options will provide more detailed error output.

After recompiling, you should receive an error message such as:

forrtl: severe (408): fort: (3): Subscript #1 of the array PBL_THICK has value -1000000 which is less than the lower bound of 1

This tells you that there is a problem with a certain array. Use the Unix grep command to search for all instances of this array in the GEOS-Chem source code:

grep -i PBL_THICK *.f*

and search for the problem.

NOTE: In the above example, we manually forced an out-of-bounds error with this line of code:

        !### FORCE OOB error for testing
        PBL_THICK(-1000000,J)   = BLTHIK

Removing this line will fix the error.

--Bob Y. 15:57, 22 June 2012 (EDT)

Invalid memory access

A segmentation fault can also happen if GEOS-Chem makes an reference to a memory location that is invalid. You may see an error message such as this:

severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
This message indicates that the program attempted an invalid memory reference.
Check the program for possible errors.

This can happen if you are trying to read data from a file into an array, but the array is too small to hold all of the data. You can use a debugger (such as Totalview or IDB) to try to diagnose the situation. You may receive an error message from the debugger similar to this one:

 Thread received signal SEGV
 stopped at [<opaque> for_read_seq_xmit(...) 0x40000000006b6500] 
 Information:  An <opaque> type was presented during execution of 
 the previous command.  For complete type information on this symbol,
 recompilation of the program will be necessary.  Consult the compiler
 man pages for details on producing full symbol table information using   
 the '-g' (and '-gall' for cxx) flags.

Usually, increasing the size of the array (i.e. until it is large enough to contain all of the data) will fix this problem.

--Bob Y. 15:57, 22 June 2012 (EDT)

Stack overflow

Finally, a segmentation fault can happen if GEOS-Chem uses up all of the available stack memory on your system. The stack memory is a special part of the memory where short-term variables get stored.

The compiler will typically place into the stack memory all local temporary variables, such as:

  • variables that are local to a given subroutine
  • variables that are NOT located within a COMMON block
  • variables that are NOT declared with the SAVE attribute
  • variables that are NOT declared as an ALLOCATABLE array
  • variables that are NOT declared as a POINTER variable or array

Therefore, it is important to make sure that your computational environment is set up to use the maximum amount of stack memory. You can do this by placing the following line in your .cshrc or .bashrc file:

limit stacksize unlimited

If you encounter a SIGSEGV(174) message due to a stacksize memory error, you may see the following error text:

severe (174): SIGSEGV, possible program stack overflow occurred
Program requirements exceed current stacksize resource limit.

--Bob Y. 15:57, 22 June 2012 (EDT)

forrtl: error (76): IOT trap signal

Xun Jiang wrote:

We met the following error message
   forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred

   Stack trace terminated abnormally.
   forrtl: error (76): IOT trap signal

   Note: The error appears after
   - RDSOIL: Reading
I have the following lines in .cshrc
   setenv KMP_STACKSIZE 329033024
   limit cputime     unlimited
   limit datasize    unlimited
   limit stacksize   unlimited
   limit filesize    unlimited
   limit memoryuse   unlimited
   limit descriptors unlimited
However, it still doesn't work. Any suggestion is really appreciated.

Bob Yantosca replied:

I found this internet post which has an explanation:
   The stack size for child threads are overflowing.  The main stack size for the program 
   is changed by the ulimit command (in Bash shell) or limit command (in C shell). 
   However this environment variable does not set the size for the child thread stack size. 
   Thus the child thread stack overflow.

   Set the environment variables to increase the child thread stack size.

   #for intel, using bash shell
   export KMP_STACKSIZE=500000000

   # for intel, using csh or tcsh shell
   setenv KMP_STACKSIZE 500000000
For more information, please see our wiki post on Resetting the stack size for Linux.

--Bob Y. 11:20, 26 June 2012 (EDT)

Segmentation fault encountered after TPCORE initialization

You may encounter a segmentation fault right after the following text is printed.

NASA-GSFC Tracer Transport Module successfully initialized

This error usually occurs when:

  1. You are running GEOS-Chem at sufficiently fine resolution, such as 2° x 2.5° or finer. (Many users have reported that this error does not occur at 4° x 5° resolution.)
  2. You are using a large number of advected tracers.
  3. Both #1 and #2

If you are using the Intel Fortran Compiler, the cause of this error can likely be traced to a known issue with the the glibc library. This will cause GEOS-Chem to think that it has used up all of the available memory, when in fact there is plenty of memory still available. However, you may also encounter this same error even if you have compiled GEOS-Chem with a different compiler.

You can usually correct this error by manually telling your system to use the maximum amount of stack memory when running GEOS-Chem. For detailed instructions, please see the following links:

  1. Setting stacksize for the Intel Fortran Compiler (aka "IFORT")
  2. Setting stacksize for the PGI Compiler
  3. Setting stacksize for the Sun Studio compiler

--Bob Y. 16:07, 14 December 2010 (EST)

Bad GEOS-4 A6 met data causing segmentation fault

Please see this post about bad GEOS-4 A6 met data causing a segmentation fault in GEOS-Chem simulations.

--Bob Y. 15:19, 16 February 2010 (EST)

IFORT error: Relocation truncated to fit

Please see this wiki post on our Intel Fortran Compiler page which describes how to work around an Relocation truncated to fit error message.

--Bob Y. 10:46, 24 February 2012 (EST)

IFORT error: Out of memory asking for NNNNN

This is not a common error message, but it may occur if you are compiling a version of GEOS-Chem for a high-resolution horizontal grid, or with one of the available microphysics packages (i,e. APM or TOMAS). Please see this wiki post on our Intel Fortran Compiler page which describes this error in detail.

--Bob Y. 10:42, 26 July 2013 (EDT)

Compilation warnings

In this section we discuss some compilation warnings that you may encounter. Warnings are not generally fatal—GEOS-Chem will usually continue to compile while an informational message is displayed.

Internal threshold was exceeded

This warning is specific to the Intel Fortran Compiler. It usually happens when you try to optimize a complex module or subroutine. Please see this post on the site for a full explanation.

--Bob Y. 15:32, 22 August 2012 (EDT)