CH4 simulation

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Revision as of 18:07, 30 March 2012 by Bmy (Talk | contribs) (Known issues)

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NOTE: Page under construction

This page contains information about the methane (CH4) simulation in GEOS-Chem.


The CH4 simulation in GEOS-Chem ...

Authors and collaborators

CH4 simulation user groups

User Group Personnel Projects
Harvard University Christopher Pickett-Heaps
Kevin Wecht
Methane sources in the Arctic
U. Wollongong Chris Chan Miller Methane sources in tropical Australia


Planned updates

Update methane emissions and add capability for North America nested grid

This update was tested in the 1-month benchmark simulation v9-01-03h and approved on 09 Mar 2012.

Kevin Wecht wrote:

I have some GEOS-Chem methane updates that I'd like to add to the standard code.
  1. GFED emissions - I've updated GFED-2 and GFED-3 biomass burning to include methane emissions.
  2. Methane simulation - I've updated emissions and error catches to make the simulation compatible with the nested simulation over North America. I added linearized CH4 chemistry from GMI output (CH4 loss frequencies generated by Lee Murray). These changes should be made to the data directory:
a. Replace Carbon_soil, Carbon_litter, and Wetfrac files in data directory (for all horizontal resolutions)
b. Add 2010-2011 TSKIN and GWETTOP files to data directory (for all horizontal resolutions)
c. Add nested north american OH files to OH directory
d. Add biofuel emissions to data directory (for all horizontal resolutions)
e. Add all emission files to data directory for nested North America simulation

The error in reading GWETTOP fields is also fixed in this update.

--Melissa Payer 17:35, 2 February 2012 (EST)


Previous issues that are now resolved

Error reading GWETTOP fields

This update was tested in the 1-month benchmark simulation v9-01-03h and approved on 09 Mar 2012.

There is a file read error in the current CH4 simulation. We will fix this issue in GEOS-Chem v9-01-03.

In RICE_EMIS (global_ch4_mod.F), XTAU is reset to the wrong value when GEWTTOP is read. Kevin Wecht provided a fix that accounts for different availabilities of GEOS-4 and GEOS-5 met fields. Prior to setting FILENAME for GWETTOP , add the following:

      YEAR = GET_YEAR()
#if   defined( GEOS_5 )
      IF ( YEAR .LT. 2004 ) YEAR  = 2004
      IF ( YEAR .GT. 2009 ) YEAR  = 2009
#elif defined( GEOS_4 )
      IF ( YEAR .LT. 2000 ) YEAR  = 2000
      IF ( YEAR .GT. 2006 ) YEAR  = 2006
      WRITE( CYEAR, '(i4)' ) YEAR
Also change:
     XTAU = GET_TAU0( 1, 1, GET_YEAR() )
     XTAU = GET_TAU0( GET_MONTH(), 1, GET_YEAR() )
     XTAU = GET_TAU0( 1, 1, YEAR )
     XTAU = GET_TAU0( GET_MONTH(), 1, YEAR )

--Melissa Payer 18:06, 2 February 2012 (EST)

Outstanding Issues

None reported so far.

--Bob Y. 14:07, 30 March 2012 (EDT)