Bromine chemistry mechanism

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Bromine chemistry has been added as an option to run with SMVGEAR or KPP in v.8-03-01 as an extension to the standard model's full chemistry simulation. Important features include:

1.) Add 10 bromine tracers: Br2, Br, BrO, HOBr, HBr, BrNO2, BrONO2, CHBr3, CH2Br2, and CH3Br
2.) 4 source gases:
     - CH3Br: concentrations are set to average CMDL measured concentrations prior to each chemistry step.
     - Very short lived (VSL) source gases:
         - CH2Br2 and CHBr3. These account for > 80% of the VSL organic bromine through the troposphere (WMO, 2007).
         - Emissions are taken from Q. Liang et al. [2010] + a seasonal scaling for CHBr3 at lat > 30N described in J. Parrella et al. [in prep.]
             - 429 Gg CHBr3 / yr; 62 Gg CH2Br2 / yr
     - Sea-salt debromination:
         - Largely follows Yang et al. [2005], treating the debromination as an emission of Br2, constrained to measured bromide depletion factors.
3.) Wet and dry deposition for HBr, HOBr, and BrONO2.

Code should be made available soon. This wiki page is under construction, but feel free to contact Justin Parrella ( with any questions about the code.

Source code and data files


Known issues