Stratospheric Working Group

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All users interested in the GEOS-Chem stratosphere are encouraged to subscribe to the stratosphere email list (click on the link in the contact information section section below).

Contact information

Stratospheric Working Group Co-Chairs
Stratospheric Working Group email list geos-chem-stratosphere[at]
To subscribe to email list Either
  • Send an email to geos-chem-stratosphere+subscribe [at]


To unsubscribe from email list Either
  • Send an email to geos-chem-stratosphere+unsubscribe [at]


Current GEOS-Chem Stratosphere Projects (please add yours!)

User Group Description Contact Person
UCL (Marais Group) Stratospheric ozone depletion due to rocket launches and burn-up of returning rocket parts and space junk in 2019 Rob Ryan
Harvard (Keith Group) Size-resolved stratospheric aerosols for evaluation of volcanic eruption impacts Sebastian Eastham
Harvard (Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling Group) Effects of stratospheric aerosol injection on tropospheric chemistry; addition of output at all levels from RRTMG for offline calculation of radiative forcing at the tropopause Jonathan Moch
NIA / NASA Langley Transport and evolution of the Hunga Tonga eruption plume in the stratosphere Hongyu Liu
Add yours here!