Benchmark/GEOS-Chem 12.3.2

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Revision as of 21:39, 25 April 2019 by Bmy (Talk | contribs) (Benchmark assessment form)

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1-month benchmark

Benchmark assessment form

NOTE: This plot is still being filled out.

New features added into GEOS-Chem
Feature Submitted by
Features affecting the full-chemistry simulation:
Fix inconsistency for species H2402 between GCHP and GEOS-Chem "Classic" Sebastian Eastham (MIT)
Bug fixes for the FAST-JX photolysis mechanism: Bob Yantosca (GCST)
Updates and fixes for HEMCO diagnostics, including:
  • Enable saving out fertilizer NOx emissions
  • Lightning NOx emissions are 3D not, 2D
  • HNO3 ship emissions are 2D, not 3D
  • Update and fill in missing inventory diagnostics (currently used in only in benchmark simulations)
Melissa Sulprizio (GCST)
Features NOT affecting the full-chemistry simulation:
Extending the CEDS anthropogenic emissions inventory to include 1750-1949 and additional VOC species Melissa Sulprizio (GCST)
Features only affecting GCHP:
Disable Br2 offline seasalt emissions to match GEOS-Chem Classic default Sebastian Eastham (MIT)
Assorted GCHP run directory feature updates
  • Rename Makefile clean and build options
  • Remove deprecated Makefile/ clean and build options
  • Remove aliases from sample run scripts
  • Remove output file runConfig.log; send to gchp.log instead
  • Update benchmark run directory to match GEOS-Chem Classic settings
Lizzie Lundgren (GCST)
Embed GEOS code within select GCHP files Lizzie Lundgren (GCST)
Version, resolution, met fields used: GEOS-FP (72L), 4x5, July 2016
1-month benchmark finished on:
Performance statistics:
  • Compiled with ifort 17.0.4
  • Ran on _ CPUs of _ (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v3 "Haswell" @ 2.50 GHz)
  • Wall time:
  • CPU time / wall time:
  • % of ideal performance: %
  • Memory: TBD GB
Compared to previous benchmark: 12.3.0
This update will impact:
(select all that apply with boldface)
Advection, BL Mixing, Convection, Met Fields, Dry Dep, Wet Dep, Stratosphere, Anthro Emiss, Biogenic Emiss, Biomass Emiss, Photolysis, Chemistry, Other (please specify): Volcano emissions
Unit test results may be viewed at:
Global mean OH from log file (% change): x 105 molec/cm3 (0.04%)
Methyl chloroform lifetime (% change): years (-0.05%)
Methane lifetime (% change): years (-0.05%)
At the SURFACE, list all species that changed by 10% or more:
Comments on SURFACE differences:
Comments on 500 hPa differences:
  • See comments for surface differences
In the ZONAL MEAN differences, list all species that changed by 10% or more:
Comments on ZONAL MEAN differences:
  • See comments for surface differences
In the EMISSION RATIO maps, list all species that changed by 10% or more:
Comments on EMISSION RATIO differences:
Additional or summary comments:
Comments on additional differences in GCHP: To be filled out by GCHP WG
Requires further investigation:
Approved by:
Date of approval:

--Bob Yantosca (talk) 20:19, 25 April 2019 (UTC)

GCHP 1-month benchmark

The following sections contain validation plots for GCHP 12.3.2.

Comparison of GCHP and GEOS-Chem Classic

This table contains plots comparing GEOS-Chem Classic 12.3.2 (Ref) against GCHP 12.3.2 (Dev) for a 1-month simulation.

Category1 Plots2 Additional Information
Level Map Zonal Mean Emissions
Primary sfc 500hPa full column stratosphere sfc
Aerosols sfc 500hPa full column stratosphere sfc
Bromine sfc 500hPa full column stratosphere sfc
Chlorine sfc 500hPa full column stratosphere --
Iodine sfc 500hPa full column stratosphere sfc
Nitrogen sfc 500hPa full column stratosphere sfc
Primary Organics sfc 500hPa full column stratosphere sfc
Secondary Organics sfc 500hPa full column stratosphere sfc
Sulfur sfc 500hPa full column stratosphere sfc
Emissions by HEMCO category

Aircraft, Anthro, Bioburn, Biofuel, Biogenic,
Lightning, Monoterp, Natural, Ocean, Seabirds, SenescingPlants,
Ship, Soil, Total, VolcDegas, VolcErupt,

Emission totals

1Benchmark category definitions: benchmark_categories.json
2Lumped species definitions: lumped_species.json

Comparison of GCHP versions

File:Page is under construction.jpg

NOTE: The plots are still being generated for this section. The links below point to placeholder plots from an earlier version.

This table contains plots comparing GCHP 12.2.1 (Ref) and GCHP 12.3.0 (Dev) for a 1-day simulation.

Category1 Plots2 Additional Information
Level Map Zonal Mean Emissions
Primary sfc 500hPa full column stratosphere sfc
Aerosols sfc 500hPa full column stratosphere sfc
Bromine sfc 500hPa full column stratosphere sfc
Chlorine sfc 500hPa full column stratosphere --
Iodine sfc 500hPa full column stratosphere sfc
Nitrogen sfc 500hPa full column stratosphere sfc
Primary Organics sfc 500hPa full column stratosphere sfc
Secondary Organics sfc 500hPa full column stratosphere sfc
Sulfur sfc 500hPa full column stratosphere sfc
Emissions by HEMCO category

Aircraft, Anthro, Bioburn, Biofuel, Biogenic,
Lightning, Monoterp, Natural, Ocean, Seabirds, SenescingPlants,
Ship, Soil, Total, VolcDegas, VolcErupt,

1Benchmark category definitions: benchmark_categories.json
2Lumped species definitions: lumped_species.json

--Lizzie Lundgren (talk) 17:08, 12 April 2019 (UTC)