Profiling GEOS-Chem

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Profiling GEOS-Chem with gprof

The GNU profiler (gprof) is a free, open source software package that you can use to determine which subroutines of GEOS-Chem are taking the most time. If your computer system has the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)] already installed (as do most modern Unix/Linux clusters), then gprof should also be available for you to use.

GEOS-Chem v11-01 and higher versions have support for gprof. To profile GEOS-Chem, you must compile with the GPROF=y Makefile option, e.g.:

make -j4 GPROF=y ...etc. other makefile options ...

This will add the following compiler switches to the compilation sequence:

Compiler Switch to invoke gprof
Intel Fortran compiler (ifort) -p
GNU Fortran compiler (gfortran) -pg
PGI Fortran compiler (pgfortran) -pg

Profiling GEOS-Chem with TAU

Information to be added