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File list
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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
15:01, 21 June 2019 GitPullStep5.png (file) 320 KB Bmy Git pull demo step 5 1
14:54, 21 June 2019 GitPullStep4.png (file) 183 KB Bmy Git pull demo step 4 1
14:38, 21 June 2019 GitPullStep3.png (file) 356 KB Bmy Git pull demo step 3 1
14:16, 21 June 2019 GitPullStep2.png (file) 354 KB Bmy Git pull demo step 2 1
14:15, 21 June 2019 GitPullStep1.png (file) 187 KB Bmy Git pull demo step 1 1
17:17, 20 June 2019 GitGuiMergeBox.png (file) 63 KB Bmy Git Gui demo -- merge dialog box 1
17:02, 20 June 2019 GitGuiCheckOutBox.png (file) 68 KB Bmy Git Gui demo -- checkout dialog box 1
17:02, 20 June 2019 GitGuiCheckOut.png (file) 53 KB Bmy Git Gui demo -- check out 1
16:56, 20 June 2019 GitKCheckOut.png (file) 190 KB Bmy GitK demo - check out branch 1
16:28, 20 June 2019 GitKTagMenu.png (file) 192 KB Bmy GitK demo -- tag context menu 1
16:27, 20 June 2019 GitKCreateTag.png (file) 157 KB Bmy GitK demo -- create tag 1
16:05, 20 June 2019 GitKDeleteBranch.png (file) 191 KB Bmy GitK demo -- delete branch 1
16:02, 20 June 2019 GitGuiDeleteBranch.png (file) 53 KB Bmy Git GUI demo -- delete branch 1
15:07, 20 June 2019 GitkNewBranch.png (file) 196 KB Bmy GitK demo -- new branch 1
15:07, 20 June 2019 GitKCreateBranch.png (file) 169 KB Bmy GitK demo -- create branch box 1
14:59, 20 June 2019 GitGuiNewBranch.png (file) 80 KB Bmy Git Gui demo -- new branch menu 1
21:21, 19 June 2019 GitGuiCommitMenu.png (file) 77 KB Bmy Git Gui demo -- commit menu 1
21:18, 19 June 2019 GitGuiRepoMenu.png (file) 64 KB Bmy Git Gui demo -- Repo menu 1
21:18, 19 June 2019 GitGuiEditMenu.png (file) 66 KB Bmy Git Gui menu -- Edit menu 1
21:17, 19 June 2019 GitGuiBranchMenu.png (file) 57 KB Bmy Git Gui demo -- Branch menu 1
21:16, 19 June 2019 GitGuiMergeMenu.png (file) 53 KB Bmy Git Gui demo --merge menu 1
21:16, 19 June 2019 GitGuiRemoteMenu.png (file) 59 KB Bmy Git Gui demo -- remote menu 1
15:52, 19 June 2019 GitGui.png (file) 50 KB Bmy Example of Git Gui 1
15:52, 19 June 2019 Gitk.png (file) 281 KB Bmy Gitk example 1
18:34, 16 April 2019 H2402 issue resolved.png (file) 275 KB Bmy Plot of H2402 using a new input file that resolves a prior issue. 1
19:57, 7 December 2018 H2402 issue.png (file) 80 KB Bmy Shows issue with H2402 1
16:29, 27 August 2018 Travis ci.png (file) 12 KB Bmy Sample of Github commit with green checkmark 1
20:30, 16 August 2018 GEOS-Chem 12.0.0 timing results.pdf (file) 1.69 MB Bmy PDF with a complete description of the 12.0.0 timing results 1
20:47, 31 May 2018 MEGAN input file bug.png (file) 36 KB Lizzie Lundgren Submitted by Jenny Fisher on 5/31/2018 1
20:16, 29 April 2018 DU Figure6.jpg (file) 532 KB David Ridley   1
20:16, 29 April 2018 DU Figure5b.jpg (file) 611 KB David Ridley   1
20:16, 29 April 2018 DU Figure5a.jpg (file) 666 KB David Ridley   1
20:16, 29 April 2018 DU Figure4.jpg (file) 134 KB David Ridley   1
20:15, 29 April 2018 DU Figure3.jpg (file) 701 KB David Ridley   1
20:15, 29 April 2018 DU Figure2.jpg (file) 212 KB David Ridley   1
20:15, 29 April 2018 DU Figure1.jpg (file) 21 KB David Ridley   1
17:19, 1 February 2018 Map ph global.png (file) 353 KB Melissa Payer Figure from Shaojie Song showing impacts of fix for ISORROPIA aerosol water pH calculations when the stable state for aerosol phase is applied. 1
10:51, 20 March 2017 JPL201510andGCv10 MO2plClO eq ClOOplHO2plCH2O.png (file) 30 KB Tomas Sherwen Updated rate to assumed JPL15-10 rate. The A-factor has been assumed to be 1.8e-11 (not 1.8e-12 as JPL15-10). This assumption has been made as the provided rate in the JPL15-10 compilation for the rate at 298 is inconsistent with the statement in the... 3
18:21, 8 March 2017 JPL201510andGCv10 OHplCH3Br eq Brplproducts.png (file) 37 KB Tomas Sherwen   2
12:57, 6 March 2017 JPL201510andGCv10 ClplC3H8 eq HClplB3O2.png (file) 27 KB Tomas Sherwen   2
12:56, 6 March 2017 JPL201510andGCv10 IOplNO eq IplNO2.png (file) 37 KB Tomas Sherwen   2
12:55, 6 March 2017 JPL201510andGCv10 IOplHO2 eq HOIplO2.png (file) 30 KB Tomas Sherwen   4
12:51, 6 March 2017 JPL201510andGCv10 OHplCHBr3 eq 3Brplproducts.png (file) 33 KB Tomas Sherwen   1
12:47, 6 March 2017 JPL201510andGCv10 ClplCH4 eq products.png (file) 34 KB Tomas Sherwen   2
15:07, 24 February 2017 Mass cons prec8 1yr vdiff.png (file) 45 KB Bmy Evolution of tracer mass vs. time for a geosfp_2x25_masscons simulation (year 2013) with PRECISION=8 and VDIFF PBL mixing. 1
15:07, 24 February 2017 Mass cons prec4 1yr vdiff.png (file) 43 KB Bmy Evolution of tracer mass vs. time for a geosfp_2x25_masscons simulation (year 2013) with PRECISION=4 and VDIFF PBL mixing. 1
20:53, 23 February 2017 Mass cons prec4 1yr.png (file) 43 KB Bmy Evolution of tracer mass with time from a geosfp_2x25_masscons simulation for 2013. 1
19:33, 23 February 2017 Transport error v3 gchp.png (file) 50 KB Bmy Shows transport error using various combinations of flexible precision in GCHP. 1
21:54, 22 February 2017 Mass cons prec8 1yr.png (file) 46 KB Bmy Evolution of tracer mass with time from a geosfp_2x25_masscons simulation using PRECISION=8 and TURBDAY PBL mixing for 2013. 1
18:18, 17 February 2017 Depvel figure 3.png (file) 39 KB Bmy Figure #3 from Brian Boys 1
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