Software maintained by GEOS-Chem community members

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On this page we list software packages that are maintained by members of the International GEOS-Chem User Community.

NOTE: The GEOS-Chem Support Team takes no responsibility for these tools (other than maintaining this list). If you should encounter problems with the tools and/or related documentation, please contact the maintainer(s).

Software package Contributor(s) Scope Notes and references
Integrated Methane Inversion (IMI) Daniel Varon (Harvard)
Melissa Sulprizio (Harvard)
Lucas Estrada (Harvard)
Daniel Jacob (Harvard)
Analytical inversions

GEOS-Chem CHEmistry and Emissions REanalysis Interface with Observations (CHEEREIO) Drew Pendergrass (Harvard) Data assimilation
Quick GEOS-Chem Conservation Check Barron Henderson (EPA)
Katie Travis (NASA)
  • Checks for Carbon, Nitrogen and Sulfur based on Formula field from the species_database.yml
  • Contact @barronh

Python scripts for benchmarking the Hg simulation Ari Feinberg (MIT) Hg simulation
Tool for for generating input files for Fast-JX/Cloud-J Jared Brewer (Minnesota) Pre-processing
Tool for for generating input files for the Planeflight diagnostic Jared Brewer (Minnesota) Pre-processing
General Observation Operator for Python (GOOPy) Hannah Nesser (Harvard)
Elise Penn (Harvard)
Derived products from a shapefile database for oil and gas infrastructure in North America Lee Murray (Rochester) Post-processing
Automated GEOS-Chem mechanism emulator for F0AM box model Jessica Haskins (Utah) Box model