List of MERRA-2 met fields

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MERRA2 is a new NASA/GMAO reanalysis product. It has a horizontal resolution of 0.5° lat x 0.625° lon x 72 vertical levels. The horizontal resolution is 2x coarser than the GMAO "forward processing" product (which we refer to as GEOS-FP). But MERRA2 uses the identical vertical grid as the GEOS_5, MERRA, and the "GEOS-FP" data products.

NOTE: GEOS-Chem only uses a subset of the entire MERRA2 data archive. On this page we list the MERRA2 met fields that we archive for use with GEOS-Chem.

As of August 2015, we have not finalized this list of MERRA2 met fields that we will archive for GEOS-Chem. If your research requires additional fields not listed below, please contact the GEOS-Chem Support Team.