Difference between revisions of "MERRA-2 implementation details"

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(NcdfUtil directory)
(NcdfUtil/perl subdirectory)
Line 266: Line 266:
--[[User:Bmy|Bob Y.]] ([[User talk:Bmy|talk]]) 22:13, 11 August 2015 (UTC)
--[[User:Bmy|Bob Y.]] ([[User talk:Bmy|talk]]) 22:13, 11 August 2015 (UTC)
=== NcdfUtil/perl subdirectory ===
In this directory, we have added scripts for automatically generating Fortran code with the proper calls from the NcdfUtilities package.  We anticipate that this will be a convenience for GEOS-Chem users, as it will relieve some of the drudgery of writing these calls by hand.
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
|- bgcolor="#CCCCCC"
|Perl module used by the <tt>ncCode*</tt> scripts.  Contains routines for stripping withe space from strings.
|Perl script that generates Fortran code to open a netCDF file and define the various dimensions, variables, and attributes.
|Perl script that will generate Fortran code to write data to a netCDF file.
|Perl script that will generate Fortran code to read data from a netCDF file.
|Generic input file used by the <tt>ncCode*</tt> scripts.  You can edit this.
|Customized version of <tt>nc_definitions.rc</tt> that will generate Fortran code for reading [[List of GEOS-FP met fields#Constant_fields|GEOS-FP CN data]].
|Customized version of <tt>nc_definitions.rc</tt> that will generate Fortran code for reading [[List of GEOS-FP met fields#A1 fields|GEOS-FP A1 data]].
|Customized version of <tt>nc_definitions.rc</tt> that will generate Fortran code for reading [[List of GEOS-FP met fields#A3cld fields|GEOS-FP A3cld data]].
|Customized version of <tt>nc_definitions.rc</tt> that will generate Fortran code for reading [[List of GEOS-FP met fields#A3dyn fields|GEOS-FP A3dyn data]].
|Customized version of <tt>nc_definitions.rc</tt> that will generate Fortran code for reading [[List of GEOS-FP met fields#A3mstC fields|GEOS-FP A3mstC data]].
|Customized version of <tt>nc_definitions.rc</tt> that will generate Fortran code for reading [[List of GEOS-FP met fields#A3mstE fields|GEOS-FP A3mstE data]].
|Customized version of <tt>nc_definitions.rc</tt> that will generate Fortran code for reading [[List of GEOS-FP met fields#I3 fields|GEOS-FP I3 data]].
--[[User:Bmy|Bob Y.]] 15:49, 12 May 2014 (EDT)

Revision as of 15:04, 12 August 2015

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Required coding changes in GEOS-Chem

As noted in the section above, the similarities between MERRA and GEOS-FP (especially of the vertical grids) means that in most cases we can just treat MERRA in the same way as for GEOS-5. In many areas of the code, the coding changes are straightforward and simply involve an extension of C-preprocessor statements such as:

#if defined( GEOS_5 ) || defined( MERRA )


#if defined( GEOS_5 ) || defined( MERRA ) || defined( GEOS_FP ) || defined( MERRA2 )

In other areas of GEOS-Chem the changes are more involved. Below we provide a description of the areas of GEOS-Chem that were modified for MERRA:

Top-level directory

File Modifications made
  • If MET=merra2 or MET=merra-2 (case-insensitive), then activate the MERRA2 C-preprocessor switch
    • i.e. Add -DMERRA2 to the Makefile variable USER_DEFS.
  • If GRID=05x0625 is added, then activate the GRID05x0625 C-preprocessor switch
    • i.e. Add -DGRID05x0625 to the Makefile variable USER_DEFS.

--Bob Y. (talk) 21:25, 11 August 2015 (UTC)

Headers directory

The following modifications for MERRA2 were made in the Headers/ directory:

File Modifications made
  • Added size parameters for GEOS-FP grids at 4° x 5° 2° x 2.5° and 0.25° x 0.3125° resolution
  • Add MERRA2_DIR to the OptInput derived type
  • Set Input_Opt%MERRA2_DIR = './' in routine Init_GIGC_Input_Opt
gigc_state_met_mod.F90 Multiple instances:
  • Now use: #if defined( GEOS_FP ) || defined( MERRA ) || defined( MERRA2 )

--Bob Y. (talk) 21:26, 11 August 2015 (UTC)

GeosUtil directory

The following modifications for GEOS-FP were made in the GeosUtil/ directory:

File Modifications made
bpch2_mod.F In routine GET_MODELNAME:
  • Add MERRA2_47L and MERRA2 modelnames to the #if block

In routine GET_NAME_EXT:

  • Return grid name merra2 for MERRA2 fields

In routine GET_NAME_EXT_2D:

  • Now use #if defined( MERRA ) || defined( MERRA2 )

In routine GET_RES_EXT:

  • Return resolution string <tt>05x0625 for 0.5° x 0.625° grids
pressure_mod.F In routines GET_PEDGE and GET_PEDGE_FULLGRID:
  • Compute PEDGE for MERRA2 in the same way as for GEOS-5, MERRA, and GEOS-FP


  • Initialize Ap and Bp for MERRA2 in the same way as for GEOS-5, MERRA, and GEOS-FP
time_mod.F In routine GET_A1_TIME:
  • Compute the DATE array for MERRA2 the same way as is done for MERRA and GEOS-FP
transfer_mod.F In several routines:
  • Changed code to #if defined( GEOS_5 ) || defined( MERRA ) || defined( GEOS_FP ) || defined( MERRA2 )

--Bob Y. (talk) 21:40, 11 August 2015 (UTC)

GeosCore directory

The following modifications for GEOS-FP were made in the GeosCore/ directory:

File Modifications made
calcrate.F Multiple instances:
  • Now use: #if defined( GEOS_5 ) || defined( MERRA ) || defined( GEOS_FP ) || defined( MERRA2 )
carbon_mod.F Multiple instances:
  • Now use: #if defined( GEOS_5 ) || defined( MERRA ) || defined( GEOS_FP ) || defined( MERRA2 )
cldice_HbrHOBr_mod.F Multiple instances:
  • Now use: #if defined( GEOS_5 ) || defined( MERRA ) || defined( GEOS_FP ) || defined( MERRA2 )


  • Changed code to: #if defined( MERRA ) || defined( GEOS_FP ) || defined( MERRA2 )

In routine COPY_I6_FIELDS:

  • Changed code to: #if defined( GEOS_FP ) || defined( MERRA2 )

In routine INTERP:

  • Changed code to: #if defined( GEOS_FP ) || defined( MERRA2 )

In routine ADD_Hg2_SNOWPACK

  • Changed code to: #if defined( MERRA ) || defined( GEOS_FP ) || defined( MERRA2 )

In routine DST_MBL:

  • For GEOS-FP, add a new value for parameter FLX_MSS_FDG_FCT. The scale factor ensures that we get the same dust totals (w/in roundoff error) as for GEOS-5.
fast_jx_mod.F In routine FAST_JX:
  • Do cloud overlapping for GEOS-FP in the same way as for GEOS-5 and MERRA.
  • Now use: #if defined( GEOS_5 ) || defined( MERRA ) || defined( GEOS_FP ) || defined( MERRA2 )


  • Changed code to: #elif defined( GEOS_5 ) || defined( MERRA ) || defined( GEOS_FP )
  • Added this module w/ routines to read GEOS-FP met data (in netCDF format)


  • Now use: #if defined( GEOS_5 ) || defined( MERRA ) || defined( GEOS_FP )


  • Read value for GEOS_FP_DIR from input.geos file and save into Input_Opt
  • Set LUNZIP=.FALSE. for GEOS-FP met


  • Change #if statement to allow non-local PBL mixing for GEOS-FP met data


  • Turn off LMEGANMONO when LMEGAN is turned off


  • Error check GEOS_FP_DIR for start & end date


  • Changed code to: #if defined( MERRA ) || defined( GEOS_FP )

In routines SOILEMIS:

  • Changed code to: #if defined( MERRA ) || defined( GEOS_FP )
  • Extend #if statement for variable SOIL_EMIS_FAC to get the code to compile w/o error.
    (NOTE: Team Hg: you will have to submit a proper value for this later.

In routine LIGHTNING:

  • Eliminate the shallow-cloud inhibititon trap for GEOS-FP, as we already do for GEOS-5 and MERRA


  • Now use updated values for ANN_AVG_FLASHRATE computed by Lee Murray (2013-11-07).
  • Rewrote USE statements for clarity
  • Added calls to routines from geosfp_read_mod.F
  • Split off the code that reads met fields into internal subroutines READ_INITIAL_MET_FIELDS and READ_MET_FIELDS, for clarity.
  • Renamed NN to NNN to avoid name confusion

In routine CHEM_Hg0_Hg2:

  • In the block that computes LWC, changed code to: #if defined( GEOS_5 ) || defined( MERRA ) || defined( GEOS_FP )
  • In the block that computes Hg0 exchange, changed code to: #if defined( MERRA ) || defined( GEOS_FP )

Multiple instances:

  • Now use: #if defined( MERRA ) || defined( GEOS_FP )


  • Now use: #if defined( MERRA ) || defined( GEOS_FP )

Multiple instances:

  • Now use: #if defined( GEOS_5 ) || defined( MERRA ) || defined( GEOS_FP )

Multiple instances:

  • Now use: #if defined( GEOS_5 ) || defined( MERRA ) || defined( GEOS_FP )
tagged_ox_mod.F In routine GET_REGIONAL_POX:
  • Now use: #if defined( GEOS_5 ) || defined( MERRA ) || defined( GEOS_FP ) || defined( MERRA2 )
tpcore_bc_mod.F: Multiple instances:
  • Now use: #if defined( GEOS_5 ) || defined( MERRA ) || defined( GEOS_FP )
vdiff_mod.F90 In routine VDIFFDR:
  • Changed code to: #if defined( MERRA ) || defined( GEOS_FP )
wetscav_mod.F In routines DO_WETDEP, DO_WASHOUT_ONLY
  • Changed code to: #if defined( MERRA ) || defined( GEOS_FP )

In routine MAKE_QQ:

  • Add #if block for GEOS-FP met
  • Refer to PFILSAN(I,J,L+1) and PFLLSAN(I,J,L+1), since these fields are defined on level edges

In routine RAINOUT:

  • Changed code to: #if defined( GEOS_5 ) || defined( MERRA ) || defined( GEOS_FP )

--Bob Y. (talk) 22:13, 11 August 2015 (UTC)